Who else is getting into these?

Spent a half hour making this. I feel proud to be a White American. It's so cool that the things we learned about in History class like Irish immigrants and Black Regiments in World War 2 have a direct impact on your ancestry. Kinda sucks that I'm part black though.

>inb4 62% trololol America is not "white"

Fuck off niggers, I am a rare exception.

Anyways, let's get another thread going like yesterday's, I want to learn about your ancestries. Last thread had some interesting ones.

>part black

I think 7/8ths qualifies as white, btw. Seems kind of stupid to disqualify me. I'm probably purer than some Europeans.

>I feel proud to be a White American

3 white blue eyed women had to be nigger lovers to make you

The black is pretty far back in the past, I look completely white. I have considered myself white in all aspects of my life (except college apps).


Here's a real one

My dad looks entirely white too. I wouldn't consider my mom a race mixer.

You're a mulatto

It's clearly not that far back. Your entire lineage is a testament to what was done to the Germans.

I hate you.

Its okay user, its just bantz. As long as youre in support of whites and white culture and hate jews youre a okay in my book. Theres bright blue eyed blond cucks all over, race isnt as important as allegiance

>I'm probably purer than some Europeans.
That's like saying you're probably blacker than some Africans.

I have blue eyes, unlike most Europeans.

And thats why you're wrong

Only a Jew makes his own people be pure 1000 generations back. White is white. There's too many of us on earth to all be pure

>this is what amerimutts actually believe

Was more than 70 years ago. It has almost completely been bred out. Also, he was a soldier, which makes him part of the "talented tenth."

>You have to be pure ethnicity to be white

Fuck off kike


This guy gets it.
One drop rule.
It only takes accidentally knocking over a bucket of KFC to get this nig chimping out on a grand scale

So you believe you're whiter than white Europeans because you're blue-eyed, but still have a shitload of recent African admixture?
These Sup Forums memes are going too far, you're fucking retarded m8


Congratulations, you're a negro.

>race isn't as important as allegiance

t. American.

Makes sense

>1/8th nigger is white
Wew lad

You're not white

That's what my mulatto grandfather looked like. Me and my dad are white. People like to say black genes are dominant but I think in reality white genes are dominant. Even a drop of white blood makes black people way more attractive and smart.

Race =/= ethnicity, toothpaste.

Your grandfather and great grandfather is a nigger.
I'm white.

There are still more blacks than Whites on Earth. Go and help your people in Africa. They need you.

Then what ethnicity is he?

rate me

fucking nigger

70 years is literally nothing and no it hasn't been bred out.

Also no he's not part of the talented tenth because he was a soldier you fucking retard. You are a child of Kalergi now.


Proud of what? Being a mongrel? Heritage threads are crap.

9.5/10. You have a lot of similar ancestry to me (German, Swedish). What's with the green eyes though?


Until a few years ago he would have been legally black in my state.

Mexicans are not allowed to talk.

Anyone have a blank ancestry



None Hungarier.

just kill yourself. you are literally the descendant of three generation of race traitorous coal burning whores. how do you expect to produce anything different as your offspring?

the day of the rope can't come soon enough

>be 1/8th soulless chink, 3/8th Irish, 1/2 anglo
>still fucking blond somehow

I would argue that it is the duty of white people to breed with mulattoes. Either they become more black or more white, the latter is preferable. Thus, the only coal burning whore was the German whore that abandoned my grandpa.

your country is very beautiful

I think I get them from my mom's side. They're green/hazel. Driver's license says Green though.

Here is the "not fuck huge" one if you're like and don't know anything beyond 4 generations.

>7/8ths qualifies as white,
>pretty far back in the past,
>My dad looks entirely white
>Me and my dad are white

It's called the ONE DROP rule, you fucking nigger.

That's what I'm saying, 1/8 is barely anything.

No I mean the green eyeballs.

No, stop

Hungarians are not caucasian though.

>even fucking Italy understands this

This was literally the law standard for some time, I do not understand how this guy fails to see that he is black.


Better than mine. I wish I was more purebred like you. I'm a mutt.


You're a mulatto.


Alright, Borat

>tfw college crush is hungarian

You guys are pretty fantastic in my book.

>the tears of the parents

No european is 12.5% west african. Although you're probably less than that because black americans have 10-15% northwest european admixture.

>all these divide and conquer shills
best goys

And here is the fancier big one.

I was lazy and and just used paintbucket on the white spaces instead of actually coloring the irises in. I just edited it though so it doesn't so retarded next time I post it.

>those wasted germanic genes

It's true. His grandpa was a nigga. None of my ancestors were niggers. None.

And he thinks himself a white. If 1/8 of a milk carton is shit, and the 1/4 of it is half shit, and the half of it is quarter of shit then the whole carton of milk is shit. ONE DROP RULE NIGGER


no bully ok?


T...thank you...


You're white. Ignore the turkey neck uglies saying you're not. Don't try and say you're "Swedish" or "Irish" or "German" though. That's autistic.

You're American. You can be white while still being a mutt. Europoors get out.

>this is what americans actually believe
Mutt detected

Are you muslim?


Congrats on spoiling a millennia of pure Swede genes.

she is christian

>You can be white while still being a mutt

It's not oc

>autistic fatty can't help but sperg out on normal americans people because he's a loser


Fucking disgusting

What da faq with your offspring

>anerican fatty spergs out on normal european because he loves bbc

>she is christian
She gonna get Fatwad

The women in your family seems to have a predisposition to he coal burner, watch your sisters nigger.

>tfw im blonde blue eyes and undoubtedly better looking than you

So, is there a general consensus on what % a person has to be, to be considered white?
Over half, three quarters and over?

What about the slavic races? It gets a bit muddy there from what I understand.

everytime I see this I chuckle because I know people on Sup Forums are this autistic about being 100% whatever.

I know I'm not 100% white (great grandmother is 1/2 Cherokee) but I really don't care. I look into my family history for stories,history,curiostiy, and out of the great respect I have for my family.


Suuure you are john

you're 100% arab, why are you disgusted?

>Burgers ITT


pls recolonize us

>muh 1/64th cherokee
Didnt know american actually used this
And i jhst dont consider any person that is 1/8th non-white as "white", like any sane person

Oy Vey Goyim go easy on the gas

>noodlelander doesn't believe me

>mutts thinking they are white


If you qualify as being white, then I don't want any more shit for having one Native American ancestor 300 years ago.