We discuss careers.
Are trades a meme?
Are electricians still needed these days? Was thinking of doing this.
We discuss careers.
Are trades a meme?
Are electricians still needed these days? Was thinking of doing this.
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if you are smart, electrical engineer, if you are above average getting some training with energy efficiency/ renewables would be a good idea. Even your average electrician makes decent money and has a union (in my country at least)
Yes; how often do you hear someone say they want to be an electrician/plumber?
It depends whether you want to work independently or not.
>he fell for the trade meme
I'm a manager at wendy's and on 120k a year.
Well, I've been to uni for chemistry so I can math and do lab practical, but I want to find a career that is economically stable for the future so i can focus on having a wife and children, rather than change to chemE (because chemistry jobs are slim) or sucking corporate cock.
Thats a hvac engineer working on an A/C unit. Lol fucking electricians are stupid.
Learn business and economics.
Don't work for others, make others work for you.
>sees flag
checks out
Tradees are needed badly in coastal USA as there are a bunch of college drop outs, and college graduates, with virtually no redeemable skill in society and a whole lot of do-nothing office "workers " who accomplish nothing but circlejerking about their artsy fartsy ideologies and chakra enchantment practices.
i dont know about britain, but here in burgerland working for UPS/Fedex is actually a decent choice. It's union which is kind of whatever, but its good benefits and you can make $40+ an hour as a driver, which is fairly decent.
doing that for a few years, saving money while writing my first book, life's going pretty well
> electricians are stupid
A joke I'm my trade school was that if you couldn't understand hvac then you should switch to the electrician's courses
Welder here. Don't do welding, machining, or carpentry. Pay is shit, generally not worth the insane hours and grueling conditions. Yes, there are exceptions, but most people aren't an exception, that's why it's called an exception.
Electrician, HVAC, and plumbers have it best. Honorable mention for mechanics but it's such a broad field I can't really generalize.
Electrician here.
Is not bad
I thinking about doing carpentry. Only problem is massive amount of mexicans and id be working every day. I was a carpenter helper for some Mexicans and it was pretty cool job. I ended up quitting cause I felt uncomfortable around Mexicans who don't speak English and the only one who did speak English didn't like me and was constantly stoned. Can't tell you how scared I was balancing myself on 2 inches of wood 10 feet in the air while some stoned dude hands you 15 foot boards. Shit always had me on edge when I was paired up with him
get a STEM degree and actually contribute to society. this is a rare opinion on Sup Forums because a vast majority of people here are literally incapable of studying
attending EE uni at moment, not gonna lie its getting pretty hard
when finish, gonna do mostly development and code/programming mainly in the web/consumer world
College is a meme in USA.
DON'T FALL FOR IT. I GOT NOTHING OUT OF IT BUT DEBT. Unless you are literally top of your discipline 100% straight A's the educational market is so over saturated you are shit out of luck. I graduated with a 3.89 GPA and got nothing out of it.
Currently a commercial painter. It was surprising to me how many other tradesmen had useless college degrees, like myself.
Mate i paint luxury yachts. The work is hard and the pay is good. And people build boats all over the world that need painting. Same with sparkies and plumbers. Can you think of a country that doesnt use wster or electricity. You want skills that are used globally. Read in the time it affords you so you can be both skilled in mind and craft.
Also no harm in giving it a go for a few months as a yardie and see what you rekon of the gig
lol ur probably a giant antisocial faggot with zero communication skills and a sociology degree
I've strongly considered studying to become a software engineer, but I'm not sure. I've heard that trade schools are a decent route though.
if you dont have a stem degree you're not worth of my respect
If you get into the right job with Welding you'll make straight bank.
I have dignity user, I studied chemistry.
>lab tech.
>$10.00 per hour to get yelled at by an asian
No thanks. Painting is much easier and I make much more doing it.
Most of those jobs are on the way out due to automation. If you don't already have a bunch of seniority, you'll get kicked to the curb.
CAD/CAM technician, here.
The problem with the current job market is that companies want to hire engineers to do drafting work at a drafter's payscale (LMAO) and most machining jobs are swallowed up by job placement agencies who eat 2-3$ per hour off your paycheque.
Depending on where you are trades are always in demand.
Here in America the best trade would be plumbing or HVAC, really easy depending on the city to get into welding or machining.
Make sure to join a union prior to doing work for a company. You'll be fucked in the long run.
Tradies are needed still in most western countries. Young people are off doing useless arts degrees, older baby boomers refuse to accept that their low skilled jobs are never coming back and blame everybody but themselves (the Trump supporters)
Just started driving for UPS back in July. Make great money and I'm able to save for the future. Peak season this year was pretty rough though.
That's what the union is for. Having done this job myself there is a lot more variables than you would think that a robot would not be able to accomplish anytime soon.
The control system our societies are under is partly based on electrical theory.
Physicist here
Learn a trade for Christ's sake
Toothpaste physicist
Any fellow burgers know a good trade school?
Waiting on the leaf who always suggests to
>Drive forklift
Okay I want to expand here. I literally know several people in their early thirties with PhDs (!) in physics. Obviously they are competent and intelligent; a PhD in physics doesn't fall from the sky.
The job market for them is horrible, because the academia have no space for the huge number of graduates and the private sector would rather have people who are less highly and specifically educated. I'm currently working to get a PhD, but I think I will become a teacher afterward. That means the PhD was pretty pointless from a career perspective, but /shithappens.
What field u into? I'd have a guess at Astronomy/Cosmology.
>are trades a meme
the exact opposite. More smart people should be studying trades. One of my good friends, smart guy, is a welder and by his late 20's he should be making about 200k a year.
If anything is a meme it's non-stem/law/med majors honestly.
how is accounting or real estate guys?
Spoiler: In the fight against automation, the unions lose.
Either they end up firing the workers with less seniority as they are no longer needed or the company ends up going bankrupt.
Drive forklift and eat potato is good living tovarisch
Roofing master race reporting in.
Yes, trades are still a fucking thing.
But a word of caution: it takes a special aptitude and passion for this kind of work.
If you find yourself to be more cerebral, don't fucking bother.
I've known a lot of smart people get high paying but miserable jobs that break them physically through this kind of work.
Skilled trades are for people who love working with their hands and minds in an applied capacity.
One of the easiest targets for automation.
>Real estate
Impending crash.
selling overpriced homes to ching chong ding dongs
Real estate is not a career path if you want to be an agent. It is becoming more and more of a thing peopke do themselves as most of the forms are available online. Also they're generally scumbags.
In Canada you also need to be Asian to succeed as one.
Drafting is a desk-job trade. You have to be REALLY detail-oriented, though. If something is off by a few thou on a drawing, you might have just cost someone their life.
NEET Master Race
Why work when you can get welfare for free?
Electrician focus on plc/automation/motors and such. Drowning in work and good pay.
>People who don't have some sort of disability being on long-term welfare
I seriously fucking hate people like that and I hope life kicks them in the fucking teeth for taking away the precious few dollars we have set aside for people who actually fucking need it.
Hell yes dude! I mostly do some super simple shit that dumbass homeowners don't understand. I take my sweet ass time and charge people for items that I need even tho I have them already and just go out to eat or nap then get back and just finish get payed and on to the next sucker.
Because those benefits won't last forever, especially in Canada. When the time comes you'll die off from lack of gibs. Enjoy it while it lasts. I do get jealous of the NEET lifestyle sometimes. If only because I'd like more time to pursue my passions, which most NEETs do not.
oh no, you are mistaken. you work here. for us. we pay the taxes, and you make sure this place stays goin.
>Are elections needed
Nice guess but no.
>optics/ultrafast laser physics
I'm a feeder driver for UPS. Where do you net $40 an hour? I'm in NorCal and our top rate right now is $35.25.
This was the easier peak season in my 10 years of working for UPS. I somehow got an awesome job where I actually worked 6 hours and did nothing for four or more hours.
I've heard several nightmare stories from young carpenters. It's a great skill to know but always sounds like a shitty job unless you've already been doing it 20 years.
Like I said, there are exceptions to the rule. Most welding jobs barely pay a living wage. I am on my way into an apprenticeship where I'll start making decent money, but there are some location and time specific circumstances helping me, and I have a very hard to get certification. This path isn't open to many people.
Yep, everyone is racing to the bottom. I have been getting really fed up with all the temp agencies.
just do an apprenticeship.
just type in 'apprenticeship in X trade in X state' in google and look for a .gov link. if you live in or near a big city you will find a free apprenticeship program in any major trade.
True enough.
>tfw you are literally incompetent at skilled trades and working with tools because you lack the mind, aptitude and passion for it
Shit sucks dude. But I can't say I regret my educational and career choices.
Mad respect for skilled trade people though. I really wish people would stop viewing it as an alternative to college.
Oh right nice, regardless, I'm sorry you feel the way you do. Sucks that society isn't advanced enough to allow people to learn for the sake of learning. Always have to "make a living".
>as an alternative to college.
Oh lawd, if people in liberal arts courses and the like saw the course load I had for drafting...
It was only 1.5 years, but it was a sprint the whole time with no fluff courses whatsoever.
Thanks for the sympathy, bro.
i'd be really reluctant to go into any kind of academics at this point. people advice engineering and natural sciences etc but the job market is thoroughly fucked and it's only gonna get worse.... im in chemistry, phd level, and the choice of chemistry as a field is probably the biggest mistake in my life. if i were to take higher education again, i'd go into computer science/programming, it's an expanding field and you can be independent. you dont need to take any education for that tho, just learn it for free online and get the certificates....
if i knew what i know now when i was 16, i would learn one of the construction trades thoroughly, in general as much about construction as possible. after working till age 20-22 i'd start my own company. but hey thats just me....
How would it become automated? How much would it cost? Once again there is too many variables. It's not going to happen. It may have worked for other industries but the job has too much thinking involved. You really do have to adapt to changing situations.
...like.. what
As a teacher, I can say that we absolutely need more people in trade positions.
Our education system provides no out for our "special friends" in the classroom who are either too stupid or too ghetto to do or care about traditional education. Trade schools are that out and need to start being forced on them.
Jamal may have slept all day in class and have only 1 credit on his record in 10th grade, but goddammit he's going to learn how to be a plumber.
Any German bros in here? I wanted to confirm something I have read about you; is it true that you have to take an exam in your version of middle school to decide whether you move up to higher education or get sent to a trade school? Because if so then America needs to follow suit very soon.
I'm a package driver in Portland. The snow and ice really kicked our ass this year. D.O.T approved our building to work more than 60 hours to get the rest of the shit delivered before christmas.
Are you living under a rock? Drone delivery already exists on a small scale and Amazon just patented a fucking dirigible warehouse for drone deployment (really).
>Trade schools are that out and need to start being forced on them.
If our "special friends" can't visualize in 3D, do math or understand and remember hundreds of pages of standards, then they won't be successful in trades.
capitalism is a bitch
>is it true that you have to take an exam in your version of middle school to decide whether you move up to higher education or get sent to a trade school?
No. That's bullshit. We have three different school forms. Only one gives you the ability to go to university afterwards.
Just don't fall for the STEM meme
It feels like a very desperate situation to me at this point. Those particular students are dragging everyone in the system down.
They'll either end up doing illegal shit to survive (theft, mugging, selling drugs, etc), die in a gutter, survive on charity (welfare and/or family) or get scooped up by the military.
>Drowning in work and good pay.
My dad and uncle are both electricians, can confirm both. It's the best (and imo most interesting) trade to learn. Make sure to start your own company in a small town and your set for live.
Electrical engineering always sounds like the best type of engineering too.
Oh, I forgot law enforcement/security jobs.
what? can't have an opinion because im from norway?
But that's the norm and it needs to be changed because our education system is barely surviving because of bullshit policies like No Child Left Behind. There are some kids who just need to be taken out of the education system period.
engineers = beta
germans = engineers
it all makes sense
Yeah, I know IT/Networking isn't technically a "skilled Trade" like drafting, HVAC, construction, welding or industrial electronics or mechanics, but after nearly 2 years of Cisco and related courses at my community college, it made me realize that I was not cut out for it.
Turns out that I was really good in writing, language, history and fields of analysis; mostly working with people and data. I have yet to find a field of business or civics that can synthesize that skill set, however.
Liberal arts have their uses, but I'm not inclined on wasting money in higher learning unless I can find a job that I'm good at and feel happy doing.
TU Delft?
Ok, fuck off.
Skilled trades need to be for people who have the skill sets, not because they need a safety net because your traditional education fails them.
Speaking of being a teacher, when was the last time you taught your students to balance a check book? Cook a meal? Educated them on their rights as citizens or the laws of the state or province they live in?
When was the last time you taught something remotely useful after graduation beyond introductory liberal arts?
Teachers like you need to be dragged out and shot, not because you're bad at your job, but because you fail to not just teach, but to instill discipline and respect.
Unfortunately, trades are not the solution you're looking for.
After a day's work drafting, your brain feels like a pile of jello. Imagine doing math from 09:00 to 17:00 as fast as you fucking can. Shit is seriously fucking taxing on your mind and mistakes are not acceptable.
I'm currently studying architecture
>I have no idea how I made that mistake
The professors and students alike are pretentious pricks, even tough everyone knows the job market is far worse than they pretend
This uni makes me sick, I just want to live a quiet normal life.
>I'm even happier during our forced internships as concrete workers
The only thing stopping me from going for a trade currently is the fear of later remorse, what to do /pol?
Is HVAC training like electrician training? i.e you pay some school x money for some classes and then do paid apprenticeship for x years?
>I'm currently studying architecture
Ugh. Are you using AutoCAD?
>when was the last time you taught your students to balance a check book?
Can't, not in the standards I'm forced to teach.
Cook a meal?
This is not Le Cordon Bleu, fuck off with that argument.
Educated them on their rights as citizens or the laws of the state or province they live in?
Trying oh, so hard sir but I'm only allowed 15 minutes for 4 days of the week for Social Studies.
>Teachers like you need to be dragged out and shot.
That's a pretty strong and psychotic reaction.
>but to instill discipline and respect.
Can't do that either because if you read the news any time a teacher steps up in that fashion they get fired.
So, going back to one of my points. Our education system is barely getting by not only because of troubled students dragging the system down but because teachers like myself are severely handicapped in our jobs and can't teach what needs to be taught.
Guys should I get an MBA? Is it even worth it these days? What do they teach you?
How could you fall for the architecture meme? I know it from my cousin so I feel bad for you, the job market is one of the worst. If you find a job it will be like 35k without a lot of improvement. Even most company owners only make 60k or something as far as I know, and that's when they're 50 something.
Of course that's enough money for living but compared to what you usually make here after university it's very low.
How deep in are you? If you don't like it, like deep down in your bones, then you should leave, doing otherwise would be a waste of time.
Yes, AutoCAD architecture is a mess though
Shit are you 6' tall?
AutoCAD in general is a fucking mess. It's a step-up from hand drafting, but the second I learned how to use SolidWorks and Inventor I never looked back.
I've literally turned down job offers in the past because they used primarily AutoCAD.
One of my classmates in my drafting course was a bricklayer. Shit is apparently fucking brutal on your body.
3d semester, so it shouldn't be too late
I'm not sure what to do afterwards though so I'm staying for the moment
Teachers, a failed other course (complete with personal crisis and subsequent bad decisions)
Plus I'm probably a idiot
>I'm currently struggling to annotate a plan for a project, it's bugged
>This should be the easiest and fastest step
I don't get how AutoCAD is still around
Should I learn PHP, Sup Forums?
I just want a comfy job tick tacking away making webpages dance and getting paid ok money for it.
Im a hvac engineer myself. I hate being mistaken for a lowly sparky! Kek.