I'm proud of my Irish heritage we have given the world many great people.
I'm proud of my Irish heritage we have given the world many great people
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lol, the most pathetic people in Europe
umm try again sweetie :^)
Paul Ryan enjoys being anally rough housed
then come back here and worship that heritage
o aye meate boot wei cannae be runnin oot o our taters meate we be starvin lie sooklin beebs in wintar
>same colors as shitskin flag
>literally the shit skin of white people
Shitskins of white people are Italians.
The Irish are literally the whitest people in Europe.
It's an undeniable and indisputable fact.
ya'll are ok with me
>given the world many great people
if your Irish ancestors were such great people how come they got shipped to Australia?
you gave the world many great drunkards
Who doesn't tbqh ymca
so white the needle went all the way around the whiteness scale and ended up on the other side
said the norwegian
How's that immigration working out for you?
The world has always looked to our tiny republic for inspiration. Such a small Island with a huge metaphorical cock.
>No end to poets and writers
>people of worth
>whitest of the white
>the first country you meet when traveling from the Islamic Uk to the fatlands of America
>our food is awesome.
I don't think people thank Ireland enough. Sure thinking about Ireland is common but how often have we been thanked for simply being around?
hmm that really makes me thi-
>mfw Scottish and Irish heritage
It's laughable. Why couldn't i have a more English heritage, the once grand powerful empire?
well keep it that way. it is sad to see you btfo out of the british, just to give Eire away to immigrants
top bants
famous JAP bants
there's the famous jap BANTZ
Japanese banter is master banter
master JAP bringing MASTER BANTZ
top Jap master banter
master banterer is OF COURSE a jap
JAP brings the bants
English teachers bringing the fucking bants
kek classic Jap bants
Japan has the best bants
based nip
goddamit, why are the japs so consistently outstanding on this board?
Quality bants like always from Nippon.
well played toshiro well played
damn you nip have a you
Damn, Japan.
10/10 based gook
top bants
famous JAP bants
there's the famous jap BANTZ
Japanese banter is master banter
master JAP bringing MASTER BANTZ
top Jap master banter
master banterer is OF COURSE a jap
JAP brings the bants
English teachers bringing the fucking bants
kek classic Jap bants
Japan has the best bants
based nip
goddamit, why are the japs so consistently outstanding on this board?
Quality bants like always from Nippon.
well played toshiro well played
damn you nip have a you
Damn, Japan.
10/10 based goo
Scotland all the way up to Stirling (i.e. the only part where people actually live) is Northumbrian English territory anyway. Enjoy your glorious Germanic heritage, son of Ida! (Unless you're some otter-fucking Sorley McDonald type from the Western Isles, in which case you're just a Viking Irishman anyway).
you are fat
top bants
famous JAP bants
there's the famous jap BANTZ
Japanese banter is master banter
master JAP bringing MASTER BANTZ
top Jap master banter
master banterer is OF COURSE a jap
JAP brings the bants
English teachers bringing the fucking bants
kek classic Jap bants
Japan has the best bants
based nip
goddamit, why are the japs so consistently outstanding on this board?
Quality bants like always from Nippon.
well played toshiro well played
damn you nip have a you
Damn, Japan.
10/10 based gook
You can't call people fat when you are a fragile skeleton, hiro
>irate irishmen
If I had to live in that godawful cluster of Islands, the Republic of Ireland would most definitely be my choice.
>being this cucked and having our military base forced into your country
>our military base
>your country
where do you think I am sitting right now
>being this cucked and footing the bill for Japan's protection
Seriously, though... I think the nips can be trusted to have their own military again.
>footing the bill for Japans protection
Except they pay for a lot of it. Most of the facilities are paid for by the Japanese.
>implying the japs even have a conventional fighting force that can take on a major occupation like China or North Korea
LUL get back to bed trudeau
>implying the japs even have a conventional fighting force
That's some fucking shitty reading comprehension you've got there, user.
>Seriously, though... I think the nips can be trusted to have their own military again
Pathetic excuses for white people. I think the only thing you've ever done in history is save some records during the Middle Ages, and then export half your population to America to slum up Boston and New York. Pathetic.
>The Nips should be able to have a conventional fighting force worth a crap
You can't really say a certain country has a variable fighting force when your president supports degenerate behavior
t. American Center for Whiteness Studies, Detroit
in association with the International Committee on Civilizational Contributions, San Francisco
He looks silly.
How this, right here, this, right here, is a quality shitposting.
I'm proud of my Irish heritage brehs.
Did you know the father of the Argentine navy was an Irishman? He was pretty based.
>More irish in the UK than in Ireland
toppest of keks
Ireland's population STILL hasn't recovered from the potato famine.
Honestly, though, things are looking up for them. They changed their fiscal strategy and they've attracted some big companies to their shores.
Ireland has never recovered from lingering in a dreamtime-like Iron Age phase while everyone else was getting into the Renaissance.
Really nice People.
mad bants
That means out of sixty five million people, fourteen million are related to Irish. The plantations were child's play compared to our colonisation of America and the UK.
>Ireland's population STILL hasn't recovered from the potato famine.
Ireland's population hasn't recovered from the fact that as soon as they got an independent country, they all fucked off to Liverpool, Glasgow or London.
I think my mick blood is the reason for my short fuse.
>Tfw potato nigger.
>Ireland's population STILL hasn't recovered from the potato famine.
nigger tier
>Trusting a leaf.
Bacteria tier.
>tfw our mass emigration to America started the decline of the Anglo-Saxon ethos and started the trend of hyphenating the demonym meaning that immigrants would never fully assimilate
feels good man