Costa Rican National Socialism
>Hispanics thinking they're white
There's nothing more disgusting than race traitors. I think more of a black panther than I do of an hispanic neo nazi
white pride world wide
Is it really bad if other races wish to adopt the superior form of government and want to improve themselves and their people accordingly to the standards of national socialism?
Latin americans would stay in their own countries and have no reason to flee to america if they had national socialism. It would benefit america.
swastika is indian stop appropriating our culture fucking nazis
At least they are trying to get some natsoc movement going.
Here, Canada and in Europe are we fighting for negro semen.
My grandfather didn't fight in the wehrmacht for this.
They are white tho
El Diablo does not agree with your immigration policy, Presidente! How can a True-Blooded Tropican find a job and services when flocks of immigrants are constantly arriving on our island?
You should consider changing our immigration policy or face the wrath of El Diablo and the Nationalists!
>needing to be white to be a nazi
I say this every day, every night and its so true
German racialism was for the german race, not against other races
Peruvian nazis
indeed, it's like saying that Duterte despite doing everything he can for his people is subhuman and should die. that's fucking dumb
wasnt there a screenshot of a peruvian guy claiming to be ethnic aryan?
This one? It was a troll account. But many people in South America want to be regarded as white.
What's wrong with nationalists of other races who want the same principles inside their own countries for their own people?
Translation? Me no speaky burrito :(.
nothing, like the Japs in a sense. I love seeing other nations proud of their people/culture.
I am 100% peruvian, but the german bloods flows throug my veins thanks to my mother. All my family is from aryan background till death.
Spanish are white, and a few pure american spanish are.
Fucking cringe.
I hate mestizos.
No wonder Americans think everything south of the border is a brown shithole when they see shit like this.
Pic is an Argentine NatSoc of Swedish descent.
I like it.
They can't come here though.
she is not proud to be an argie. all argies talk too about italy or spain instead of your cunt. why do portenos have that inferiority complex?
But that doesn't mean our rapebabies are white
mestizos arent.
castizos almost
and criollos are.
Somalians are white, he is aryan kek
Nothing wrong about being proud of your heritage, Americans do the same.
Costa Rica is a crypto-Jewish country founded by Kikes. Almost everyone has a certain degree or Sephardic genes.
but Americans are anglo saxon, you are mestizos.
WHo the fuck cares what skin color they have. If they hate Jews and the banking media curcuit they control they can be a fucking Abo for all i care
t. Ahmed
Costa Rica are wanna be smart-ass, but they were born unlucky and dumb as other Latino Americans.
are they white?
You don't have to be white to be a National Socialist you fucking Emu.
Where in the term 'Ethno-Nationalism' does it say 'white only political ideology'? It's seen mainly as a white movement as the land of the West has been forced to accept mass immigration and Marxism.
No we aren't. Argentina had a base population of 500 thousand people at independence and received the most European immigrants in the world after the USA.
While it's getting full of mestizos here nowadays most are first or second generation immigrants from Bolivia, Paraguay, etc.
Mexicans are always triggered by our flag yet you claim we are the ones with an inferiority complex, it's pretty funny.
The Sup Forums meme was also started by Mexicans, I rememver because I used to post there. You are permabutthurt about our country existing, for some reason.
Also most Americans are Germanic, not Anglo-Saxon
Some of them are, they are definitely more white than other centroamericans, i think a good example.
Argentinos are white mongrels, an unholy mix of Mediterraneans, Slavs, Jews and Indians that pretends to be Aryan.
Everyone in Latin America hates them for being such so arrogant and deluded.
dont lie to me. Before the arrivals of Europeans, 8 M to Argentina in 1800, you had 3 generations of race mixing between indians and spanish in the viceroyalty of rio de la plata. without counting the blacks, for example tango is from black ancestry.
all latin americans hates you, not only us, stop with that meme.
El 56% de los argentinos tiene antepasados indígenas
Lo determinaron mediante análisis genéticos. El resto de la población es de origen mayoritariamente europeo. Entre las personas que poseen huellas aborígenes en su ADN, sólo el 10% es indígena puro.
one drop rule.
germany, ireland and GB.
My people doing the right thing and everyone else shits on them.
>All my family is from aryan background till death.
All of my familiy is of the arian race and nazis to death.
see? you pretend to be white, when the americans and all pol laughs at you.
you are mestizos like all latin americans, you feel special than us. its not inferiority complex.
White mestizos, about 30% American and 60% European/Mediterranean.
Now that's one underrated post!
7 million Europeans immigrate to a country with 500 thousand people, that means a majority of unmixed whites but whatever keep believing in whatever it is you believe.
You hate us because you hate yourselves. Argentina hasn't done anything to you.
You should focus on hating the drug cartels or something more productive Paco.
>when you find out the majority of hispanics have 50-65% European DNA
>when you become self-aware & realize youre a fucking idiot
>the moment never comes
If I'm white will I get stabbed visiting Argentina? Or will I be greeted on arrival by NationalSocialists and finally get to meet Hitler?
I don't pretend anything, I know I have Spanish, Italian, Jewish and Native American genes in me., who knows what else. Only insecure bastards obsess themselves with fake purity.
El 56% de los argentinos tiene antepasados indígenas
Lo determinaron mediante análisis genéticos. El resto de la población es de origen mayoritariamente europeo. Entre las personas que poseen huellas aborígenes en su ADN, sólo el 10% es indígena puro.
before the arrival of 8 M of jews, spanish, italians,germans,etc. 500,000 were a mix of conquistadors and indians from viceroyalty from rio de la plata, you are not white.
>americans and all of Sup Forums
>a single Costa Rican flag
Here is a genetic study for you but you will ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda.
>Una investigación del Centro de Genética de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires publicada en 2001 estableció ―luego de analizar 500 muestras de sangre en el Hospital Italiano, el Hospital de Clínicas y el Centro Regional de La Plata―, que un 4,3 % de las muestras analizadas correspondientes a habitantes del Gran Buenos Aires contenía marcadores genéticos africanos y un 15 % marcadores genéticos amerindios.
i was talking to the argie.
Neither, you will blend in just fine... unless you walk around with a camera hanging from your neck and a Panama hat like some ridiculous tourists do.
From the news it seems Argentina is in the middle of yet another economic and political crisis, seems like they have one of those every 5 years or something.
Their flag is wrong, the swastika is smaller and its outline is different,
A lot of potenos have german and italian ancestry, but the najority of people from your north and south are like bolivians and paraguayans. 90% of argies have dark and brown hair not blonde like your pic.
This is the original flag of Costa Rica BTW.
70% of Argentina lives in the central region, concentrated in three provinces... Cordoba, Santa Fe, and Buenos Aires.
So even if what you said was right (it's not, the South is white-majority, only the Northwest is mestizo-majority), it would still be irrelevant since most of the population is in the central region.
So you are only showing your ignorance of the country.
The one on the far right side looks kind of white but then again you really cant tell from this pic
>taking the bait
Nigga what are you doing. This is why they keep doing this, Argies are easily baited.
>inbred slavs
Now that's sad.
That's one of the things Argentinos don't mention, a huge amount of the immigrants came from East Europe.
From left to right
>Mixed Costa Rican
>Spanish guy
>Costa Rican of Polish heritage who was actually a descendant from Ashkenazi Jews
They were not really "Nazis", they were just low class punk idiots playing to be like uncle Hitler. The guy from the left was a cop and was literally bullied in to suicide, he killed himself last year. The guy from the guy was told he was literally a descendant from Polish immigrants. I don't know what happened to the other two desu, the press didnt care to much about them because there were not Costa Ricans.
There are plenty of "Nazi" groups here, the two more relevant are one in the South who only accepts "Italian" members and one made up of "Germans" here in the Central Valley. A few years ago there was a "Nazi party" which was literally founded by a 1.50 m Nicaraguan who came in to the country illegally when he was a kid and doesn't even have a primary school diploma, now, that guy was a joke.
>The guy from the guy
at the right*
>A few years ago there was a "Nazi party" which was literally founded by a 1.50 m Nicaraguan who came in to the country illegally when he was a kid and doesn't even have a primary school diploma
It's like poetry.
How I convince you? I am talking without any hate of envy. I tell this to all argies when we have this discussion. White countries are first world, you are 3rd wolrd.
Los argentinos somos mestizos, Neilson, y no colonos blancos
You are omitting the part about high-ranking Nazis who believed that Aryans descended from Hyperboreans and were destined to rule mankind as demigods.
Or the fact that they lost in an embarrassing manner against gommunists and a guy in a wheelchair.
>doing the right thing
The guy from the right was a cool meme a few years ago. Like I said he killed himself, this was his farewell leather.
Primero que nada quiero que me perdonen por lo que hice, pero ya no podía más, ya mis fuerzas estaban extintas y solo la muerte podía calmar mi dolor. Explorando mi pasado me di cuenta que nunca llegue a hacer nada en mi vida, tuve hijos los cuales perdí y nunca pude ser buen padre, nunca fui buen amigo, ni hijo, ni esposo, ni nada. Solo fui un estorbo en la vida de muchos pero quiero pedirles unos favores después de irme.
1. Que me perdonen
2. Entreguen estas cartas a las personas correspondientes
3. Que no hayan caras tristes en mi funeral
4. Cuiden de mis hijos como yo nunca pude hacerlo
5. La carta para (nombre de las hijas) quiero que sea Chaky quien se las lea. Te encomiendo ese favor
6. En mi cel hay una Lista de Reproducción llamada MURDOCK, quiero que la reproduzcan en mi último adiós
7. No culpen a nadie de mi partida, fue mi decisión
8. Publiquen mi deceso en las Redes para que mis hijos y conocidos sepan y puedan llegar a despedirse de este cobarde
9. Rapen mi cabeza, vístanme con mis botas y tirantes y envuélvanme en mi bandera de CR con mi gabardina y sin camisa, dejen mis aretes y piercing puestos
10. Si les es posible en lugar de enterrarme, quemen mi cuerpo como lo hacían los vikingos, si no es así entiérrenme con mi padre.
11. Que alguien consiga un disfraz de la muerte y solo se quede allí parado sin decir nada
Les agradezco de antemano si pudieran cumplir algo de eso. Si alguien puede ubicar a mis hijos no registrados, sus nombres son Ronald Jesus Salas Mejia y Stacy Lucia Abendaño Solis.
Me despido con dolor, pero era esto o morir de una enfermedad que me carcome poco menos que el dolor interno que siento.
El cobarde que no pudo seguir más.
Trying to cleanse blacks doesn't make you white, but it does make you smart. Blacks have pushed the 'White Hispanic' meme to cement their status as the only true minority. It's unfortunate that more Hispanics haven't caught on.
Every nation or race can do their own NatSoc movement.
why can't people do their own thing instead of being german when they aren't
The only people who go all "lol they're not white how can they be ethnonationalists" are either retarded or leftist shills
>8. Publiquen mi deceso en las Redes para que mis hijos y conocidos sepan y puedan llegar a despedirse de este cobarde
>9. Rapen mi cabeza, vístanme con mis botas y tirantes y envuélvanme en mi bandera de CR con mi gabardina y sin camisa, dejen mis aretes y piercing puestos
>10. Si les es posible en lugar de enterrarme, quemen mi cuerpo como lo hacían los vikingos, si no es así entiérrenme con mi padre.
I miss that crazy bastard
Btw, like I said, they are not really political groups or anything serious, there are a lot of Nazi punks/skinheads here, they are always fighting againts the SHARPS and other punk groups. I always felt its more of a fashion thing.
This is true.
Using nazi iconography, makes you look retarded if you don't look like a nazi
Wow, appropriating German culture much?
...ok at least they know white is right
porque estaba tan triste?
>11. Que alguien consiga un disfraz de la muerte y solo se quede allí parado sin decir nada
lololol, im going to steal that
Sorry paco we are the most developed Latin American nation, ranked "very high human development", and ahead of most of Eastern Europe, which is white.
Maybe instead of looking for obscure smalltown newspapers (lol) from Argentina for opinion pieces saying we are mestizos, you should be more worried about the lootings and drug killings currently going on in your shithole country.
Nothing wrong with Slavs
Thank you for the advice but trust me he is more triggered than me, Mexicans hate us it's a huge inferiority complex thing.
Right now I imagine some brown mestizo manlet on his mom's 1990 IBM Aptiva frothing at the mouth.
>tfw the holocaust didnt happen but I wish it happens again but is not happening : (
He was a cop and those photos of him with Nazi stuff became viral, someone recognized him and the media started bullshiting everybody with shit like "NAZI ORGANIZATIONS INFILTRATED THE POLICE FORCE". Basically they lied about the whole thing but there was a lot of pressure on the Security Ministry. Sure, there wasn't a "nazi problem" but the guy was still a Nazi and they literally wanted an excuse for firing him (he was actually a good cop and couldn't find a single reason for firing him).
A while later they found photos of him with police weapons and stuff posing with his punk/nazi stuff, giving them a reason for firing him. He was fired, couldn't find a job anywhere, killed himself.
>richest country in latin america
>not white
>winning the special Olympics
You're omitting the part about high-ranking Joos who feel the exact same way now.
>"embarrassing manner"
top kek