What does Sup Forums think of Lauren Duca? Should she be respected as a serious journalist?
It seems like it's sort of a meme to hate on her, but if you read her shit, she's damn intelligent. I don't agree with her, but she deserves respect.
What does Sup Forums think of Lauren Duca? Should she be respected as a serious journalist?
It seems like it's sort of a meme to hate on her, but if you read her shit, she's damn intelligent. I don't agree with her, but she deserves respect.
Other urls found in this thread:
she doesn't actually look like that
Literally who, also that's a sand-nigger
>if you read her shit
>implying anyone reads Teen Vogue
She should be BLACKED
she should stick to thigh high boots. she's better at that
>Teen Vogue
>doesn't know what sovereignty means
>she's damn intelligent
she's an narcissistic attention whore who will try to leverage Tucker and Shkreli's bantz into a larger platform for her idiocy
>saged and hidden because OP is a faggot
>but she deserves respect
Nobody deserves shit. Maybe if she says something respectable I might consider having some respect for her.
She is okay but there are too many videos ripping her up for her hypocrisy and no real values and also just chipping out to take seriously and have a good standing career. Is she intelligent? Yeah but she is still pretty terrible, man.
If the highlight of my journalistic career was writing about thigh high boots ....
Hi Lauren :^)
Hello Lauren , show us your tits you fucking kike bitch
I wish she'd post more about Kylie Jenner. I hope Kylie Jenner leaks a sex tape soon to become relevant. She's a qt 3.14
>don't even care that she has been with niggers - IT'S KYLIE FUCKIN JENNER
>don't even care she's been with niggers
>Teen Vogue
She does work for other outlets too. She will be covering the inauguration for another media outlet (last I heard on TMZ)
Oh yeah, she wrote for Complex Magazine too.
Hi Lauren! I think ur pretty qt :)
What a dumb faggot.
Tucker Carlson killed her google the interview
Hi can I be your pet cuck?
Can't Shrek the Shkreli
I hope her husband gives her chlamydia and she dies in New Jersey
>but if your red her shit, she's damn intelligent
link some of that intelligent shit she have written
what song is that?
That picture indicates 90%+ chance she's retarded and a cunt. Factor in her gender, and that figure rises to 125%+.
Madman Shkreli does it again
Really Rekt
REKT-it Ralph
Total REKTall
The Lord of the REKT
The Usual SusREKTs
North by NorthREKT
REKT to the Future
Once Upon a Time in the REKT
Full mast erektion
Tyrannosaurus Rekt
Grapes of Rekt
Ship Rekt
Rekt markes the spot
Caught rekt handed
The Rekt Side Story
Singin' In The Rekt
Painting The Roses Rekt
Rekt Van Winkle
Parks and Rekt
Lord of the Rekts: The Reking of the King
Star Trekt
The Rekt Prince of Bel-Air
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The Rekt-men
School Of Rekt
I am Fire, I am Rekt
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Catcher in the Rekt
Harry Potter: The Half-Rekt Prince
Great Rektspectations
Paper, Scissors, Rekt
Grand Rekt Auto V
Call of Rekt: Modern Reking 2
Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Rekt
Rekt It Ralph
Left 4 Rekt
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Pokemon: Fire Rekt
The Shawshank Rektemption
The Rektfather
The Rekt Knight
Fiddler on the Rekt
The Rekt Files
The Good, the Bad, and The Rekt
Forrekt Gump
The Silence of the Rekts
The Green Rekt
Spirekted Away
Terminator 2: Rektment Day
I know its you Lauren.
Stop posting on Sup Forums, if they hate you there is nothing you can do about but to stop writing shit.
I hope this cuck kills himself
The Matrix Soundtrack- Juno Reactor Vs Don Davis - Navras
She is a anti white bitch.
She's obviously not damn intelligent if she lets Shkreli and some trolls from Sup Forums trigger her so much.
How can a man let himself go like that..
Cringe worthy
i do read teen vogue and bait them with my twitter troll account
Hail shkreli
Remove leaf NOW
ayy pharma bro about to drop it like it's hot wew lad!
what is that expression? she looks like a tard
can someone tl;dr why i keep seeing this girls name posted recently?
She got upset because Shkreli trolled her
this is why feminism exists
>ww1 flashbacks
Yeah she's totally not a huge cunty bitch
go away lauren we know this is you
Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter
No, she's dumb, ugly, a fucking liberal overspoiled New York brat, she deserves every single bit of hate aimed at her and way more. Case closed. Stop shilling for her.
Note that Shkreli fully had his ban coming for openly asking such a dumb post-wall bitch out
>giving women attention
That's where you fucked up.