>You will never be jewish.
>tfw no jewish gf
Jewish gf
Those are some Hairy arms
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>>You will never be jewish.
Ah, but I could be if I converted.
Don't act all holy here Australia.
She's about as jewish as a gook
>I could be if I converted
US education everyone.
Fucking oven dodgers
>Ah, but I could be if I converted.
Their skeleton is so weak, that's why they can't be athletes. Even weaker than Asians.
It's a religion ya moron.
>says the swede
yeah, sure.
she shaved her happy trail xD
hhnggg i remember that chick from The Borgias
what a cutie she was back then
>says the swede
Yes, indeed
>white ''''women''''
Ivanka Trump is considered Jewish, and she is a convert
her children are also considered full Jews
Years ago I was seeing a goody goody jewish girl. Jew school and jew groups and all. After awhile we finally started fucking around. And then she asked me to cum on her face. ahhh jew girls. They are wonderful.
Mel, is that you?
Stop posting sand-niggers, it's disgusting.
you stop doing it
i know this jewish woman, shes got really hairy arms
Actually not. She would have some problems with certain jewish communities. Her children would be considered jewish though.
>posts ugly white ''''women''''
Sweden, Yes!
Slovakia, is that a country?
white country
Yeah, Jews are like Indians, a hybrid mongrel race. A little bit of Arab, a bit of Negroid, Neanderthal, etc.
muh dig :::DD
Emma rossum jewwes qt
I don't believe you.
because you are inbred muslim motherfucker
>dates an ayyrab
Searched for images of Slovakians, and they look like Moslems.
That doesn't even make logical sense. If you can't accept the mother as a full Jew, why would you accept her offspring as full Jews?
a sneaky way for converts to have lots of children in an attempt to gain favor with Jews?
they are your brothers and sisters
jewishness is passed on maternally.
even though its a religion. weird hey.
Back to /r9k scum
If the mother is a converted jew and the father is a jew by birth most of the time the offspring will be considered jewish.
Ask some Israeli jew or contact a rabbi.
It's what I've read so far. Converting does not turn you into a full jew.
Let's say you have a maternal ethnically jewish great-great mother then you'd be jewish as well according to halacha. Even if all your male ancestors were non-jews.
Jewish girls with non-jew blokes.