Black girl in Arizona got this note instead of a tip. i'm dutch and it made our news this moring.
What does Sup Forums think?
Black girl in Arizona got this note instead of a tip. i'm dutch and it made our news this moring.
What does Sup Forums think?
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fake as fuck. just wait.
This is Trump's America
Black probably wrote it in themselves.
This happens by attention whores all the time. "The fat one" "the black one" and other '''problematic''' things posted on receipts.
I don't give a shit.
I don't even think the service was great, if the note is real, it's just ironic for "your service sucked but let me give you a shit reason for not tipping"
It's something I would do, but people can't into irony anymore.
It's fake. Signature on the receipt is an entirely different writer. You can tell by this writing it's a waitress because they always have horrible hand writing, you only need to ask any chef because the reason orders get messed up is because of retarded waitresses who can't write for shit.
The woman in question stated that she wil still serve the people in question and she won't be brought down by this hate.
As she is comforted by strangers who feel sorry for her
>they're still trying to falseflag these (((racist))) incidents
Jesus Christ
She did it herself, or someone she knows did.
This is a grab for sympathy, shekels and a hope at 15 minutes of fame.
I still tip niggers, even though I wish they didn't exist.
Honestly, I want to believe that somebody was THIS outspokenly racist, but in all likelihood, the nigger probably wrote it, and should probably be sued for libel or something.
I'm sure this will turn out to be a hoax just like the last one.
>Be sheboon waitress
>Give shitty service to your clients because "fuck dem crackaz, I don't get enough fo' dis"
>Get surprised when you don't get a tip
>Write fake racist shit on a note
i'm from az. we're more libertarian than anything, not really racist. i call want racism? go to boston, ny... anywhere in the north really
why is the note written in broken english?
really makes you think
I don't tip black people. Or any people.
>land of the free
>tips exist due to free market is pure freedom incarnate
>free man exercises his freedom in a free market to not tip black people
I see nothing wrong here.
Hey Lateesha, whatcha doin'?
I worked as a waiter for years. Niggers don't tip. Even nigger waiters know this and hate serving niggers. If went to a restaurant and a nigger came to my table, I would leave. Niggers are garbage and garbage belongs in the trash
People are now giving her a significant amount of money
Did she write it herself in order to scam people ?
How uncharacteristic of her skin color ..
blacks scamming whites
Cucks are easy to scam
Why do people continue to fall for this hoax?
> i'm dutch and it made our news this moring.
> In our (((news)))
What about tackling fake the fake news problem ?
i would bet on this.
Its a false flag. Blacks know if something that makes them look like a victim goes viral they'll get donations.
There is no evidence a white person wrote that note.
Sup Forums will say and do anything to justify institutionalized racism.
And this, penmanship. Too accurate for Redguards.
>no punctuation
>random upper case letters
nigger did it
Give me evidence or shut up
Most people on her youcaring page seem to be sensible.
Can we ever get the cucks who donate to this to realise they are part of the problem?
ur a faget
even the dumbest snow nigger knows how to hide his power level to some degree. this is a nig's doing. it's a great idea to not tip black people though.
>doesn't use punctuation either
Hi Shaneequa.
>Women are too scared to speak up! Because of shame and humiliation!
>every woman that claims to be raped or racisted gets overwhelming support and money
Shes a pajeet color, not even black
>write some made up bullshit on a receipt
>receive easy gibs me dats
Why didn't I think of this?
This happens like 3 times a year and the single mom or black person ends up receiving thousands in donations every time
because being white you have integrity
>Reprint #: 1
>Reprint #: 1
>Reprint #: 1
>Reprint #: 1
>Reprint #: 1
this, and it is obviously a female handwriting
>i'm dutch and it made our news this moring.
Let me guess, they used the black presentator to read it out as well?
typical race baiting hey rabbi watcha doing news. Fun thing even if it turns out to be fake it won't come back as news you have to find out for yourself.
Only in America!
This is fake. Dumb black bitch was assblasted that she got no tip cause of her shitty service.
I think so to. It's clearly a female writing since most males handwriting are worse.
>Pooeye Meal
>american """"cuisine""""
No the only black guy on television here does the late night showbiz news
You don't travel much, do you?
Doesn't NOS have a strong black womyn as well?
How is this news, let alone international news?
This is Anita Shekelsleezian all over again.
>The diner did not appear to tip on a $30.52 check. At the bottom of the receipt, he or she wrote: "great service don't tip Black people."
>Anita's of Ashburn owner Thomas Tellez confirmed the incident to the Times-Mirror on Monday afternoon. "It's real. It did happen," he said.
>He or she
>It really did happen
Sounds legit.
brotha watcha doin
>go to website on receipt
>it's a mexican restaurant
>this is their mascot
that is clearly sheboon handwriting
Clearly an Indian restaurant dumbass.
It carries the narrative.
No need to look at news from Zimbabwe or South Africa though.
We are getting to a point where both major ideologies like racism. A slimy Kike sees this and rubs his hands at a new ammo to smear whites. When whites see a white getting abused we almost hope it is ammo to wake people up
> i'm dutch and it made our news this moring.
>made our news
Im not surprised, like at all.
Trigger warning.
Cucks giving away money they actually earned.
Painfull to read
I hate to break it to you nigel, but in america they always hand you 2 copies of the receipt, 1 for you to sign and leave there and 1 for you to take with you.
they do this by printing 2 copies.
Different writing.
>Handwriting Forensics Expert
The note at the bottom different penmanship 3 Tip offs
>30.52 no lifts
>note at bottom multiple lifts (Sign of someone trying to Mimic style of HW)
>30 52 - leaves out punctuation
>Don't made effort to add punctuation in cursive
>No care spent with signature, sloppy numbers.
>Extreme care spent with note at the bottom.
This is a Forgery or Non-Authentic
>get's funny note
>get is funny note
tipping is also an old thing that is practiced only in the US as far as im concerned. id never tip out of country; some may even find it rude because culture
Merchant news
Yes, Merchant news
...what do you mean by that..?
Also to Add when people leave Cash Tips they do two things - Write Cash, or Draw a Line through the tip area.
When people leave no Tips they typically make the effort to write in 00.00 or in this case it would be 00 00
What's the link between being Black, not tipped and America? I am waiting moron. I am surprised Argentine have internet to start with
Yes it was probably a nigger doing a nigger thing like not leaving a tip so nigger waitress tries to scam money by blaming white people. It's BLM's MO on a small scale.
What did she mean by this?
usually restaurants print 2 original receipts, a customer copy and a restaurant copy, the machines do it automatically
Why does the news never cover the story when a nigger refuses to tip a white person, but always covers the story when a nigger writes on a receipt?
>tfw I see it now
The note at the bottom really does look different, a ton of care was put into it
But seriously this is my new scam.......oh wait i'm white and nobody would be surprised a nigger didn't tip me.
>thing that is practiced only in the US
Fuck, you watch a foriegn movie to know this isn't true. Why are people like you so stupid? 15 and younger?
That's female writing 100%. I'm shocked she didn't write a little fucking heart in above the "i" in tip
It's obviously fake, someone who hates blacks wouldn't put a capital letter at "Black".
She's just an attention whore.
How can he slap?
Well in an ironic reversal niggers are known to never give tips and by the worst customers
that was my first thought too but the receipts will usually say "customer copy" and "merchant copy" at the bottom in that case, and this doesn't say either.
maybe it's a shitty restaurant or something idk
it's also probably irrelevant since there's almost a 100% chance she wrote it herself for some twitter fame, but I don't think the reprint is the damning evidence
I've been all over Europe and always tipped. If you google there are different customary tip values for different areas. Czech fucked me up though because their currency is so devalued.
gast wtf? Natuurlijk is et nep. Met je "het was net op het nieuws" kanker nieuw vriend. Je kan geen enkele tv-nieuws kanalen geloven deze dagen..
Yeah but she's not wheeled out for black news typically. She just works her regular schedule. We're not that US tier yet.
guess trump really is making america great again
110% real, racists always love to talk about how great blacks are and then go on to say that they hate them anyway.
I work in a restaurant and i get about 1.70- 2.50 an hour extra because of tips.
I'm really greatfull for them but i honestly think the concept of tips is ridiculus.
Food is already expensive and a restaurant should just give its employes a decent wage instead of outsourcing that to the customers.
>Great Service don't tip White people
I can see it now..
>CNN: Breaking news, Black customer refuses to tip White server, truly we live in the most progressive of times.
>Buzzfeed: We are not racist we love black people FUCK WHITES
>Ressurected Gawker: They are just getting their reparation money back in a tip embargo against whites and should be respected
So the service was great but they are too racist to tip? So they don't ever plan to go back there again? Why not call the waitress a nigger then?
I see this shit on goodgoybook all the time and every single case seems like the waitress did it themselves. If it really happened they'd get footage of the customer and dox them.
From working in many restaurants before, the machine will only say "reprint" if the server or manager deliberately reprinted a previously authorized credit card. The original two will never say this.
It’s ameritards that disseminated the culture of tipping by allowing the restaurants to pay much below living wage to their servers during the great depression. In most US restaurants servers cannot allow to not be tipped because they’d make peanuts otherwise. The only place I tip apart from the US is China because service is nice and meal / taxi prices are quite low.
In Europe I almost never tip because I fucking hate the smug and self-important waiters. I think I tipped in Sweden a few times because the girls had nice attitude. In France a waiter once dropped a tray of espressos on my back and refused to do anything about it. I’ll never ever tip a french fucker.