Why do we hate poo in loo Indians again?
I have no problems with Sri Lankan but I really hate Indians for some reason
Why do we hate poo in loo Indians again?
I have no problems with Sri Lankan but I really hate Indians for some reason
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Sri Lankans are darker than most American negroes.
At the top of the caste system there are some very intelligent and based Indians. But there's a LOT of Indians.
We hate them because they are coming into our countries, using our resources and taking our jobs. But you already know that, Rasheed.
if anything top caste Indians are worse
because there's a fucking billion of them and the boats will never, ever stop coming
the whole "whites will be a minority in X country by the year 2060" is not a prediction, it's the plan
they will continue to bring them in by the boatloads until it becomes a reality
every time you seen a darkie you should realize they are a drop in the bucket that will drown out the white world
Hvae to never met a man from ceylon? They are fucking worse then indians.
Also there are two groups of them, the ones who don't know what the fuck you are talking about when you say "Ceylon" and the 2nd group that gets violent at the mere word.
I hate Pakis with all my passion but even they are better than Indians
You are Anglokin and your natural instincts are reminding you of your inevitable fate of cleaning the shitting streets.
All I can say it more you hate, more you come closer to it.
>t. German Women.
Because they're useless betas who look up to us Whiteys.
t. Brahmin
Germany was a mistake - Bismarck
The sad part is he would probably say this if he was alive today
I hate hindus, they're beta passive aggressive manlets that stink like shit and think that they are better than everyone when there actually subhuman, sikhs buddhists and even indian muslims are better than them as people but they still smell like poopoo.
This is why, btw. Pakis handle bantz much better and don't have as much unwarranted pride. As for the German part: I'm Hungarian and German women are harpies who deserve to get raped
Indians can be cool to your face but sometimes they act like the biggest preppy cunts like seconds later
>don't have as much unwarranted pride.
said the Jew hater.
Congrats, you just missed the point. Your posting has about as much quality as your cousins (Romania)
Stop moaning, Lazslo.
Might be something to do with the
constant complaining you guys do on here about whitey does this whitey said that.
A Sri Lankan man has been teaching me to play guitar