Six people found murdered in small town in Denmark

What's going on? The entire country of Denmark usually has 35 to 40 murders per year. 6 in one day in one town is extremely unusual.

>Danish police investigate 6 murders in 1 house

>Danish police are investigating the deaths of six members of a family and are treating it as a murder case.

>Police were alerted Monday about "suspicious circumstances" in Ulstrup, a village southwest of Randers, sitting 183 kilometers (114 miles) northeast of Copenhagen.

>According to Ekstra Bladet tabloid, the victims were a couple and their four children — two boys and two girls, aged between 3 and 16.

"Refugee" center nearby?


this is sad, you can bet it will be the religion of peace again, or a refugee who dindu nuffin he just wanted some warm place etc

Denmark has been harder on rapefugees than most EU countries, though.

not really

ayy Denmark even wants to stop taking quota-refugees, the absolute minimum one are supposed to take


Obviously a family member or family friend

I think it was a gasleak.

Fuck Denmark. They deserve this then

This probably, has happened in my country too

Reminds me of that weird ass murder in Weimar Germany where like 8 people were killed on a farm with no signs of struggle or forced entry

Well, well, I wonder who could be behind this...

was one of them Uncle Claudius?

probably Hamlet.



Not hard enough, evidently.

there have been random people spotted in rural canada, trying to steal equipment and crops. farmers have chased them away but no one knows who they are. fortunately our rural people have guns still, this is what happens when you take them away

It's being investigated as murder now though, so I assume they've ruled that out.

our peasants dont have guns but they still beat the fuck out of some french special forces that parachuted on their land

thats racist

it was nafris

Most likely the husband killed his wife and children and then an heroed

When do the patrols start?

Storm Unit Leader here

>Religion of lorries

Nothing to see here, Goyim. Everything is okay.

$20 on muslims

Are you saying this is our Reichstag fire, Straya?

impossible to know without further details, if it's not a gas leak or something then it could be related to organized crime or something

Denmark fucking sucks, people kill themselves all the time there
Its most likely that someone in the family an heroed, but took the entire family out with them.
These kinds of things happen more often than you think, its just that they don't get reported often

Sometimes fathers just go crazy and kill their families

Happened here a few years back

Commence the retaliation sequence Denmark or risk occupation again

Pure coincidence.

GASleak? Why are you so obsessed with death by gas?

Seems unlikely given that everything indicates it's a gas leak. If it's murder it's probably organized crime.

>the victims were a couple and their four children

>four children

Were the victims muslims too?

Husband probably went crazy and killed everyone.


>taking any of them in the first place

if not Relgion of Peace

then its either gypsy scum doing a home robbery gone wrong or a family "suicide" spurred on by the father getting depressed. Seen it before and its winter after all.

still it would not be surprising if it was some refugees getting their taste of non war.....

You dumbfucks don't realize that the police always treat cases like this as murder cases until they know what has happened.
It's probably a gas leak or murder suicide case through poisoning, but not some external nig nog since the house apparently is pretty untouched.

very likely I am afraid.


Why do these fathers kill their family?

How do you even kill 4 kids and wife without neighbors notice

If you absolutely have to then off yourself in some remote location where your kids won't be the ones who find you

Can ensure you is not the case. I live in a 8000+ town and guess what? 1 asylum center nearby and 2 apartment buildings full of them!

Double depression.

Everybody minds their own business in white countries, especially nordic ones. Often they don't know someone has died until the neighbours smell the body decomposing.

As to how you kill four children, easy. Poison or smother them while they're asleep.

yeah they bunch em all up outside Copenshit and the rich part of Sjælland.

The faggots in KBH do not want more as they are already at 30-40% foreigners and immigrants and the rich just want to virtue signal.

fucking disgusting

just because you're on top doesn't mean you aren't getting fucked.