Will Automation and Technocracy Save the US?

It will cut the need for so many low-skill workers and a lot of them will likely self-deport. The actually productive minorities and whites can actually use the incredible wealth produced from it to build their own homogeneous communities and develop middle level skills for technicians and such and upward and if the lesser-capable lower intelligence groups can actually be paid with a Basic Income from the wealth and it can be used to force them to live in their own communities away from the more productive people.

Idk man I don't think automation will really be a big concern for a good 30-50 years

Immigration should have been sorted by then

>low-skill, uneducated, blue collar workers emigrate
>only high educated people stay
>vast majority of them are leftists brainwashed by the academia

What could possibly go wrong?

IMO Automation will become a thing that actually affects low-skill, labor occupations in 12-15 years and could potentially replace most, maybe up to 80%, in 20-25, although you're right, we really should've sorted immigration out even before now considering because of it we'll have to deal with having a lot of obsolete low-skill workers around to have to take care of once automation becomes a serious thing.

automation will merely change the job market, it won't replace it.

But the majority of white people, even those who aren't the brightest but around the average, are more than likely capable of being able to pursue new mid-level skill jobs such as technicians for the robots, electricians, etc., and the same cannot be said for blacks definitely, and probably not Mestizos either, I've lived around them and I don't see them for the most part as being competent beyond manual labor jobs such as construction, lawn care, etc.

The true large scale impact of automation won't be felt in the United States.

Particularly because countries like China and India, who's entire economies are structured around cheap, simple labor. These countries will suffer economic collapse that will send shockwaves around the world and slowly collapse other economies of countries with outstanding debt and economic ties to these developing countries.

Think of it sort of like if you exterminate the smallest fish, the impact will travel throughout the ecosystem. However in this scenario there is no alternative small fish to consume to help balance the ecosystem.

The result, left unchecked by governments, will be world wide economic collapse.

The only solution to this is if the price of all goods drops to virtually free due to the decrease in labor cost and increase in production efficiency, and the new surplus income is distributed to the people through a universal basic income scenario.

They should have never unsorted immigration, in the 70s they fucked everything up by increasing immigration like 10 fold and no one even talks about it

Neither China nor India are solely dependent on cheap labor anymore, China has one of the most diverse and widely distributed investment economies in the world, in mining, energy, tech, etc. They also have a booming tech sector and a lot of wealthy capitalists which means that they could actually keep pace with any automating country once automation really starts to take off.

Computers will inevitably take over every thought man has. Thought is work. Work requires thought. We wont see the point at which it really begins to have a giant impact on politics and the human brain in any of our lifetimes. Thats going to be at least 200 years.

The robots and low intelligence ai will begin to take over all the manual labor jobs like driving and machinery. We may see that within 30-50 years.

But in the future AI will inevitably be needed to take over high positions such as government and more intellectual positions. It will inevitably take over everything from politics to culture to religion. It may wipe away suffering altogether. But that is at least 200 years away. The reason i say its so far away is because we must also change with it and program it. We may have an AI which learns at the speed of light, that is it accumulates memory that quickly. But we will still need to program it or else it would be destructive and it is unlikely that we will allow it to do that just like we wont do it now regarding immigrants and Political correctness. We are going to have to sort out our politics and input it into the system. Its a long way off before the computer are independent of man. It sounds like its going to be a very drawn out time.

Which is why everything went to shit in the 70/ and 80s, and why wages have been flat for 40 years. I'm so tired of Economic debates about globalization, Wall Street, or any other policy that doesn't include the massive immigration change congress made in the 70s,
Hurrdurr, more labor supply=wage depression,
And not just for the jobs the immigration status take, but everything. AND NO ONE EVEN TALKS ABOUT IT. especially not the occupy Wall Street liberals take about wage depression and inequity and fightfor16, but they can't talk about the fucked immigration policy change in the 70s because that doesn't jive with thier liberal ideals.
Supply and demand

Mexicans and Hispanics in general are massively inclined towards mechanical tinkering.

>a lot of them will likely self-deport
Being this delusional. They will rather deport the (((productive minorities))) and stay in their own country.

Well the Democrats and the Left in most countries generally signal for greater immigration and refuse to do anything about illegal immigration because it's a great way for them to play both sides, they can seem like good virtue signallers by claiming to care about the poor and minorities (funnily the poor probably hate minorities more than any other group) while at the same time this makes them more appealing to the wealthier oligarch class since it drives down wages and allows them to treat their workers more poorly due to labor oversupply and accumulate more capital due to lowered wages.

True. Perhaps China would have been a better example 10-15 years ago.

However, substitute China with Mexico or Indonesia or any other later stage developing nation and the same issue arises.

I've never noticed that whatsoever, almost all of the mechanics, mechanical engineers, car junkies, etc. I've known have been white.
I don't really know exactly what you're talking about but can guess and that seems unlikely. Are you saying that the Mestizos will consider America predominantly "their" country at that point?

>Will Communism Save the US?

No. Kill yourself commie scum.

I never said anything about communism. Nice reading comprehension and stereotypical caricature of Americans
> Everything I don't like and agree with is literally communism
It will cause some ripples but re-adjustments. The significantly lowered cost of manufactured goods may mean that these countries can devote more resources to mineral or agricultural production or export, and much of their very-low-skill labor can perhaps be repurposed into different positions like international servicing centers similar to what India does.

Are you implying that they would deport Jews? Firstly I really doubt that could ever happen in the USA considering they control it and have enmeshed themselves as a powerful and privileged class, secondly if anything that sounds amazing and makes me like the idea more.

I agree but I struggle to imagine a scenario in which the re-adjustment and repurposing transition happens peacefully and relatively seamlessly. It's far more likely to cause major civil unrest.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying that historically, when major upheavals of the economy happen, they typically take place over the course of a 100 or more years and even then there is almost always tons of blood shed.

We will be dealing with a similar upheaval of the economic system and in a far quicker time frame.

This will be the biggest test to our governments yet.

Purely capitalist markets will need to embrace some forms of socialist commonwealth ideals to help facilitate the redistribution of industry and the repurposing of it's workforce.

>It will cut the need for so many low-skill workers and a lot of them will likely self-deport.

It's much more likely that the change will cause social collapse making the people left out revolt against the system. People will form movements and peaceful protests will transition in to violent protests. If this isn't enough and government goes full dictatorship then you'll see rebel groups like Isis forming up on your home soil causing property damage, thievery and killing.

>paid with a Basic Income from the wealth and it can be used to force them to live in their own communities away from the more productive people.
I'd really like to see the Neoliberal overly right-wing police state called the United States to suddenly go all out with socialism.

Sounds like what you're saying is that it will basically cause a race war

The Only Socialism I would ever accept is National Socialism that begins to systematically purge non-whites from the country. If it doesnt come with that component then your collectivist economic model can get fucked.

Markets in developed countries now aren't purely capitalist and have numerous redistributionist elements and provide social programs like housing benefits, food access, healthcare, etc.

If you have full automation of lowskilled jobs then welfare programs only serve to keep someone alive. I highly doubt the rest of the workforce will appreciate their money going to wasters when it could be going back into them.

The removal of low skilled labour is the ultimate dream. Mass immigration becomes useless, minorities will be simply used as voting fodder for the left. If a right wing government takes over i can see it forcing a welfare class conflict.

>that fucking graph
my sides


How can one specimen tick all the checkmarks of attractiveness

What happens when computers and robots replace most of the work force?

Do we kill the people who are left with no jobs? And if so, how should it be orchestrated?

Simplest and easiest way would be to pay for them to survive but not have children. The insane levels of productivity would allow for surplus to be given to them while still generating profits and it solves the problem in one generation while avoiding rioting and violence for demands for money, jobs, etc.


>Do we kill the people who are left with no jobs?
>And if so, how should it be orchestrated?

Somebody called?

>Automation and Technocracy
>the incredible wealth produced from it

People could just put grocery orders into cars which could then drive themselves to automated warehouses which received the orders beforehand and delivered them instantly. The supermarket and its congestion and ugliness may become a thing of the past.