Ok, /pol, I'm a NEET, more or less. This is what pisses me off about the "refugee crisis".
I'm not really a hardcore NEET, I always tried getting into work. I went to university two times, but failed, I started a traineeship, I thought this might be easier for me, but it didn't work out either. The reason I failed is my depression, which is sometimes more sometimes less severe, right now I'm doing pretty good. The more I learn about myself and about the world, the better I can cope with it. I don't want to blame solely cultural marxism for my psychological disorder, but it surely had an influence on me. I still want to work, but I'm not stupid, so I can't really deal with standard slave labor, doing anything besides that is nearly impossible in this system.
Now the refugee crisis, I guess we're all on the same track when I say that most of the "refugees" don't come here because they flee from war, but because they want money from us. How much money does our government pay a refugee? It's something between 10.000 - 30.000 € a year. That's an average of 20.000 €.
The average refugee has a low IQ, no education or bad education, doesn't speak our language and of course he's got different values, religion, culture, which in many points contradict ours.
So the education of a refugee starts at primary school level, most of them aren't interested in it, so they stay away from school or integration courses, yet we still pay for it.
Dominic Peterson
Back to me. I'm still struggling to get into work life somehow. Right now, my life costs around 900 € a month, 500 € my parents pay for me, the rest I get from my health insurance. I was in a traineeship, but couldn't keep working.
Well, a big problem for me is, that I want to work, and do something meaningful, but for that I'd need to go back to university and get a degree. Let's say I'd want to become a teacher, how much money would I need per year? I actually wouldn't need much more money than I have right now, 1000 €/month would be enough for me, that's 12.000 € a year.
So we pay low educated people, 20.000 € a year, so they maybe learn our language some day and have kids, they are most likely not going to do any significant work a robot couldn't do for less money in less time. Their kids will grow up in a low educated family, so they're not going to grow up to become nuclear scientists.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person in this kind of situation, we wouldn't have a "Fachkräftemangel" if our government would pay for higher education. But they decide to import low educated people to face this problem, it doesn't take a genious to figure out that this is not going to work out.
tl;dr why not spend our countries money for our own populations good
Tyler Rogers
genius not genious
Luis Nguyen
You would/will be purged by any NatSoc government.
I'm not sure where what you are trying to say, you are a failure and it has nothing to do with refugees, the state or your parents.
Dominic Collins
Because jews hate whites and want to exterminate us
Nicholas Adams
>jews destroy society >it's the neets who are to blame! Kill yourself kike
Brandon Gutierrez
I wouldn't really want to live in a country with a government that purges it's native people, that's pretty much what our government is doing right now. I don't really care about your narrow mindedness.
Samuel Jenkins
>99% of people, some who are borderline retarded, manage to create something out of their life in this "Jew controlled society" >don't blame the neets!
Aiden Ramirez
Also reminder that Hitler was literally a vagabond neet artist for a large period of his early adulthood
Samuel Hernandez
>create something >slaving away to make the jews richer That's nothing. Richard Spencer has done more for whites than millions of republicans and he's basically an aristocratic neet.