Alright guys, you heard the media. No more talking about "fake news".
Alright guys, you heard the media. No more talking about "fake news"
Just fake news ignore
maybe us acting how we are now is what they really want.
What did (((they))) mean by this?
Serious question
>"stop talking about fake news thx senpai :3"
>t. fake news
"Fake News" was a narrative pushed by the political establishment in conjecture with the shrinking old media.
It didn't work. In fact they got btfo because "fake news" got naturally thrown back at old media.
Now they're trying to retire the phrase. But it's already in public consciousness, establishing a mental connection between lying and news, i.e. media.
>start using fake news to discredit non Jewish media
>people use it to discredit Jewish media
>shut it down
People might be waking up to the fact that the retaliatory political movements, the ones the (((media))) doesn't like, sprung up in response to actual fake news stories.
>Stop using our boring meme against us
So, back to using "Lügenpresse"?
tfw too intelligent to fall for lugenpresse memes
in other words, they were trying to reclaim their credibility by creating an expression that refers to their credibility
even stupid people instantly began to use 'fake news' to refer to MSM, after the meaningless election coverage
time to keep pushing the 'fake news' meme, its already in the public lexicon, as long as we keep using it to refer to MSM we're chipping away at them
No one's talking about pizzagate anymore
No need for the term anymore
stop kidding yourself, we know this fake news meme came from russian hackers and RT. stop trying to brainwash us, ivan
But Washington post, how will you create your content now?
>create the term
>have it used against them because they literally produce 99% fake news
>"g-guys stop using that term now"
They got butthurt cause people were using it against them.
Ignorant fuckers.
Post legitimate source please
They just want to stop using the term because it was used against them.
This doesn't mean they will stop producing fake news.
>co-opted by conservative media
nigger wtf? leftists literally created the term to subvert their sick and filthy actions that we exposed
Let's retire it too and call them the Lugenpresse
Anything constructed by the rootless marxists is sure to topple and die.
>Media creates a catch all buzzword
>WashPo, of all fucking people say "let this phrase die"
>Oh, where are YOU guys going with our buzzword?
Cmon Sup Forums you're brighter than this
The fact they see the word as turned around on them is actually pretty funny.
>Headline clearly reads like an opinions piece
source a brian, moran
Why are they trying to do that exactly?
the washington post is never suggested anything about fake news.
fake news refers to social media, infowars, RT and stupid echo chamber internet non-regulated news not fucking internationally recognised and vetted sources.
unless all american news no matter how legitimate is shit.
just watch BBC for fucks sake you stupid cunts
Do you know any Brians Bruce?
The same completely impartial BBC that somehow misreported Brexit? Or perhaps the one that predicted Hillary to win in a landslide?
Is this going to work?
Will people forget about this now?
>Why are they trying to do that exactly?
because anything they publish can be easily discredited by calling it fake news, and they don't like that when it's them being pointed at
A not shitcunt brian? nah soz mate
shit outta luck
theyre are organizations, independant bodies and law that are supposed to monitor the media and make sure its impartial
fake news refers to unmonitored unchecked and unsourced propeganda pieces
Because they completely forgot that in another language in 1940 nearly that exact identical term was used to discredit mass media.
They tried to use propaganda crafted by Goebels without realizing in the beginning the propaganda division of the Reich was the minority. When you have already established a position of power the best move is to ignore the opposition.
See Abe Lincolns election, he had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
well yes but washinton post isnt what fake news is refering to
anone calling actual legitmate monitored media fake news is an idiot
the whole point of "fake news" was that people were getting their news from sources that WERNT mainstream. ie internet
It's amazing to see them short circuit and not know how to handle our evolution. They got too used to that faggot Cuck Bush letting anyone roll over him and never defending lefties mocking us.
They can't deal that we're fighting back from the top (Trump) up.
Washington Post is such an absolute shithole of leftist drivel and propaganda. I want nothing more but to take them down. They're even worse than Salon and HuffPo somehow, in terms of the sheer lies they'll write.
The BBC that covered for Jimmy Saville for how many years?
Fuck off back to your crumpets, limey faggot.
Officially-approved information sources ONLY, plebs!!
I hope a nigger rapes your whole family to death.
>when you realise your judgement of others best fits yourself
kikes getting btfo by their own creations yet again
>well yes but washinton post isnt what fake news is refering to
according to who? to you? to them? the establishment coined the term to discredit anything that didn't fit their agenda but it has turned around against them and it's being used by everybody now
>anone calling actual legitmate monitored media fake news is an idiot
the msm has been shown to be completely unreliable and partisan this last year, they've lost all credibility, only an idiot would trust them anymore
>the whole point of "fake news" was that people were getting their news from sources that WERNT mainstream. ie internet
exactly, it was to discredit any source that wasn't ''''official'''', and it has backfired on them. Wikileaks is not msm and has impecable credibility, can't say the same about msm
msm has lost the battle, they've tried to hard to push their narratives and nobody gives a shit about them anymore
> a fucking leaf
Lying press is a better term anyways
>I didn't lose, I'm just taking my ball and going.
wasn't msm heavily pushing the term just a few weeks ago?
>theyre are organizations, independant bodies and law that are supposed to monitor the media and make sure its impartial
Pics or it didn't happen.