which country is most guaranteed to stay white?
Which country is most guaranteed to stay white?
Latvia, because nobody wants to go there. Not even Poles.
> omitting Czech Republic but including Slovakia
you double-nigger
>love gays
>love abortion
>love divorce and cuckoldry
>love your women being pornstars
fuck off czechia i know where all of that shit leads
Also Ukraine and Belarus. For the same reason:
I had a good lol the other day seeing that politician of yours mention a "muslim super holocaust"
But in the context of it, he meant one perpetrated *by* muslims.
All of them. We are too poor to offer welfare. Well maybe except, the Baltic states since dey wuz vikangz n shiet now and all, but the rest is safe.
None of them. You think these people respect borders? They'll shit up Western Europe, then as the quality of living declines in the West/improves in the East they'll swamp there too.
I love Belarus.
You joking but due to the amount of immigration and suicides in latvia and lithuania both countries might cease to exist in ten years, considering those werent big countries to begin with.
You sell your best looking wiminz to interracial porn industry. You're doomed.
Switzerland was having military drills last year for anticipation of a societal collapse in the EU.
the poors, people r fleeing that countries, the few that stay will make these countries white
They are cousin fuckers all of them with congenital problems
>implying Slavs are such cucks as Anglos
M8 I went completely Hitler the other day when my family got together and guess what, all I got was support.
America actually thinks those countries are White. I am glad you're becoming mongrels.
albania, albino, white
makes sense though
>Romania accusing others of inbreeding
Delet pls
They don't respect borders but neither do you which is why they're allowed in. We've had some border crossings and they've all been caught. The only country that has an excuse for this is Greece because there's no international waters between some of their islands and Turkey. Western Europe on the other hand doesn't have this excuse.
People don't go to places where they don't feel welcomed or where there's not huge social aid for them. If anything Germany's brown children will come few kilometers in for cheaper products and get the fuck back to "civilization".
I don't even want to be mentioned in the same sentence as the nordcucks.
I dont know where youre getting your info, burger, but it's incorrect. First three points are general west-type country degenracy, its not unusual in any way compared to other states.
The pornstar thing isn't also as bad as it seems, only one of my hookups was a former actress
If you want to be white stop the welfare state and kill all the rioters using tanks, most of them are niggers and muslims anyway
Serbia for sure, they were removing Kebab before it was cool.
i thought albania was all crypto muslims?
slavs and balts are objectively white
what's it like there? i've seen some "tourist" videos that make it look pretty nice, but i'm sure that's all a front for how shitty it actually is
Don't be rude now you abo inbred
Crypto Muslim?
They are just Muslim. Last remnant of the Ottomans.
>The pornstar thing isn't also as bad as it seems, only one of my hookups was a former actress
lmao tell me that ur banting
Hi guys
>stay white
Poland is the only white country, the rest are filled either with gypsies or Russians
100% pedigree, I'll have you know.
No they weren't, and no they AREN'T. Hungary put up a fence at least, same with Slovenia. The countries below them are just trash.
You have to be white from the beginning to stay white.
yes they are crypto muslims, atheists in disguise. if we don't count the ones from fyrom and kosovo
gypsies don't count because they aren't human
russians are white
hi austria i still dont know if you are cucked or not because your country is a total powderkeg enigma
Shit man my apologies
For the record I think black people who are dark as night look more aesthetically pleasing than the shit colored blacks you find across the westernworld
Americans talking about who is really white
Russians are white.
Whiter than Hungarians anyway
>when you're so shitty that your favourite ideology left eastern Europe so poor that you promote mass immigration to increase strain on the increasing social programs you promoted but only in western Europe
The world is transparent to the enlightened.
Stay mad Marxists, only social sterility exists for the future of your multiculturalism whilst you make no attempts to modernise, thus assimilate, those migrants you invited. Protip: women don't like rapey guys. Women decide who breeds in the west.
Obviously if you listen to their taqyia here on Sup Forums.
But when they infest a region that region suddenly becomes 95% Muslim and Christian churches suddenly start spontaneously combusting.
nope, met her on a party and found out after
They weren't? Did you miss out on the 90s war in the balkans? No other country in Europe has used military force to rid themselves of the muslim problem. At least in modern times.
Slavs are white, wtf are you retarded?
>ked or not because your country is a total powderkeg enigma
we have some shitskins here but they dont get a chance to compete on the market aside from selling kebap. While we do have a green party leader and lefty media our population is very right winged in its behaviour. Hardly any niggers aside from Vienna obviously. But pretty much all of Austria hates Vienna
>Shit man my apologies
Thank you for apologizing to your KANG
We are full of 100% white peopel.
So fuck off.
what's the chance of meeting a porn star randomly on a party? i would be seriously concerned bro
B-but at what cost?!
There will be 2.5 billion Africans by 2050. Unless Europeans don't start shooting people that cross over, Europe will be flooded by African migrants
What were the odds of that if "the pornstar thing isn't as bad as it seems"?
>t. non-country
ukraine, the pol-tyre country
Slovakia. Mountains are easier to defend.
Sadan drips fug you must be of ebil :D
Latvia. It would be Estonia, but the Scandinavians have historically brought in lots of foreign slaves/workers, which eventually trickle to both Finland later Estonia.
i would prefer muslims over these tratior white trash any day , muslims here are mostly cool anyway
well it depends... I live in Prague and on big party events, I can usualy recognise 1-2 world known girls. Everywhere else its just a pure coincidence as a lot of those girls are from rural areas (you can be a cashier for scraps or suck dick for big money, usually a no brainer)
all of them, eastern europe is inherently racist
Transylvania ! The southern and eastern romania are filled with gipsies but transylvania is atleast 95% white.
Austria too and Switzerland too.
They dont take any shit from our shitty gov.
Other than that the map is pretty accurate if things keep going the way they are.
t. albanian diaspora
>the lapps are from an unknown source
Always knew there was something fishy about those ball-chewers: youtube.com
Fucken ayyyliens the lot of them.
kek, being this naive is kinda funny, this is literally the average Serb
Actually, dolj needs to be nuked along with olt, east is moldova aka slavs
t. crypto croat m-muh nazism we wuz germanz
Only the balts and the poles should count as whites.
Also I wanna colonize Estonia so bad, so much rightful clay
You're being colonized yourself at the moment, sadly.
Slovakia is full of gypsies.
If you count in gypsies, which are literally niggers, there are almost no white countries left.Only ones worth mentioning are Poland, Slovenia and Baltics.
It's called being tanned cuz you know, they live close to the equator. You don't have to be blonde and pale in order to be pale, and that is not an average Serb, its just one cherry picked picture.
That would be just as dumb as posting this pic of the Swedish prince and called it an average Swede. upload.wikimedia.org
Croatia has few gypsies. so croatia then.
The pain is too real
>only including the worst part of Bulgaria
What considerations did you have for drawing this silly map?
African niggers are also white, they are just tanned because they are closer to equator
agree, croatia is the most uncucked country, with bulgaria on the second place
>>love your women being pornstars
Les meilleurs truies dans la biz...
That muslim brain working in overtime, cool yourself off before it explodes.
> Romania
> "stays" white
> implying
isnt the swiss foreign-born population like 50% already
i dont know what to expect from austria, either the 4th reich or a total cuckshow
>not white
fuck off sweden
gypsies don't count because they can't overrun a society like blacks or islam
you weren't meant to be included at all. too shitty of an area to warrant interest in.
mostly, i dont see any muslims here (at least visible that wear burka and that shit) but i see a fuck load of chinese in shopping places? and when i look up on wikipedia the number of asians its like 3000 lol. wrong numbers i guess
Yeah, they are just tanned. Just like these tanned Boers, am I right? The African sun literally scorched away their Dutch genetics.
You are obviously some Serb Balkan guy living in Sweden.
isn't finland cucked by somalians?
>le 60% flag
Islam is a religion, not a race.
Been to Riga. Gorgeous city, but too many fucking British stag parties. I like the wood Latvian symbols. I bought a swastika near the costa coffee.
>your world first problems are meeting a porn star
Jesus fucking Christ.
Is Plzen a based city or full of shit?
you are a fucking beta cuck if that thing doesn't matter to you
why would anyone want to live in a country that literally consider its women a major export in the porn industry?
>switzerland impossible to immigrate to
>30% immigrants
honestly i wouldn't tell a difference between their football team and ours if someone showed me that picture and didn't told me who is which
Switzerland is an albanian colony in places. They even wanted the constitution changed to allow them some segregation.