I can't help but think this whole Islam/Muslim shit that has been popping up recently is going to lead to something waaaay worst than what people think. Donald Trump said it perfectly when he mentioned the refugees as being the modern day Trojan horse.

>This one religion is how a group of people take over multiple countries.

What are your thoughts on Islam and muslims?

they must be stopped/nuked.
its not clever to have a gang of over 2 billion people on Earth. that shit will not end well

The muslim problem is simply a symptom of globalist-pushing jews. You need to treat the cause, not the symptom.

Islam must be destroyed.

This is why the Shogun banned christians from operating in Japan. He rightly perceived that Christianity was being used as a weapon of conquest by upheaving existing social and political order and usurping nationalist loyalty.

Western nations need to become aware of weaponized Islam and its dangers
Japan knows, China knows.

That's actually pretty scary, wasn't aware that happened.

Yes. Pile drive 'em to the desert and nuke nuke nuke

Trump was right, as we can see exactly that is happening in the EU. No one wants it to be true. It's a very sad fact that terrorists will go to any lengths in order to achieve their desired results. If that means killing their own people, then so be it.

Remember how the communist Vietnamese fought during the war. America lost that fight.

Everything is taken at face value and considered good. Islam is a religion of peace etc. Everyone wants to believe that. Then we look at the statistics. 80% of all Muslims believe suicide bombings are sometimes justified. 40% of all Muslims believe in Sharia Law (killing all liberals and nonbelievers, essentially). That's a huge amount of people that want to kill everyone that isn't Islamic, so it's really no wonder why people are "Islamophobic". It would be stupid not to be.

I'd also like to point out that these statistics aren't based on "systematic oppression" either. The numbers gathered were self-admitted. The Islamic people polled gladly volunteered this information and the results have been the same, no matter where the location or how many people or times the polls were taken.

Liberals reason if Islam wanted to take over the world, they could and would have by now.

What exactly are we seeing now, when we see people resemble ants flood the borders and into the streets of northern countries? Those aren't all refugees looking for home, food, and work. There are wolves among them.

It's not easy to be a good person in dark times. We must tread carefully and stick close to our friends and family.

Former Christian here. On fucking point, nipman. Well said.

Source on these statistics?

I think Islam can reform itself eventually, but at this point in time we can't be importing more Muslims into the western world. Islam in its current state simply can't mix with western civilization without causing conflict.


Most Muslims are okay.
They have regressive thoughts but most won't hurt you

Numbers game. Once they make up a significant percentage of society and vote in their own interests the rest of the populace will finally see them for what they are

>literally an Islam-affiliated terrorist attack somewhere on earth every single day

tfw adult swim and autopedagody learned you better than high school did

can't you retarded niggers kill off one another faster?

Someone's afraid to be put on a government watch list.

This may sound corny, but im very sensitive to people.. Probably more than anyone you will ever meet. Mark my words, Trump is going to level the middle east. I mean he is going to obliterate it. It is going to be nothing but a barron wasteland of desert after Trump is done. It is the one thing he wants to do the most and to him it is a burning issue. I can read this clearly in him and his behavior. He is so intense about it that even if he was to try not to, he would be triggered and wind up doing it. One thing Trump will be known for is leveling the middle east and taking all influence of this region out of our lives.

He may also do something about North Korea.

Only because they know they wont get away with it.. They would hunt us down and force us to pay tax if they could, or behead us if we don't.

He's got real estate in Israel and the Gulf states.
He won't shoot his own foot

One of the biggest issues is that they'd support Islam and the extremists if they'd rise up in anyway or demand anything like shariah.

Some radicals we can shoot, a herd of pigs that follow them and let them do anything and get away with it we can't

All the muslim happenings recently made me realize just how deep our problems run. No matter what muslims do in the name of their religion, islam or its teachings must not be criticized. When muslims come up with new and inventive ways to kill people, we punish the natives by implementing totalitarian laws. Even though we don't have jobs or housing to offer, we must keep taking more and more muslim immigrants. Everything about the situation is absolutely insane and short-sighted.

There are problems with islam and I've really disliked that religion for years by now. However, the worst issue is that there are so many Western people who refuse to acknowledge these problems and prevent us from resolving them.

Well maybe not those areas, but Trump is going level all the areas where muslims live. As i look at this man i see a person who would have a very hard time not attacking this area, and also not doing it big or big league, just like he does everything else. I cant see this man going on the same rabbit hunt charade that bush did.. His psychological makeup just doesnt support that. I do see him doing what he is capable of, what he is allowed without being impeached. Trumps secretary of defense is maddox and the guy hates muslims. This all just looks so likely to me. He literally acts like he has it one his mind at all times.

Fuck Muslims and Fuck Islam. They have no place in Western countries and are universally cancer. People will argue that not all Muslims are bad and say it's as individualists but if there were no Muslims in our countries these happenings wouldn't occur anyway. Fuck them and their desert sand nigger religion. The deserve to be quarantined in their shit hole countries so they can't metastatize.

Spurdo is right.

those are secular mudslimes, they're not real muslims or just tricking you


>nothing but a barron wasteland


Islam is cancer.

its not phobia if shitskins pose real threat
fuck off with that buzzword

fuckin this!

