Daily reminder that if you don't have Viking blood, you're not white. And being a rapebaby doesn't count
Daily reminder that if you don't have Viking blood, you're not white. And being a rapebaby doesn't count
You're not a viking ahmed
Shut up Oslo homse
10/10 meme u got there
Daily reminder that sweden is a cucked country and that nordic people are the nogs of europe.
the few percent left who like their heritage and culture dont change the fact that both sweden and my country have gone absolutely to shit.
Someone post the
>fucking subhuman niggers looting and raping. Now the vikings, those were real men!
My dads germanic but my mom is mexican
What am I?
t. mohammed
It doesn't change my ancestry however. I will still be related to vikings and caroleans besides how things Look today
>Sven spends 50 years attacking unarmed, starving peasants and elderly monks
>Sven starts to think he's tough killing all of these defenseless people
>Sven decides to pull the same trick in Iberia
>gets his head kicked in by Christians
>Sven runs south thinking the Muslims will be easier
>gets his head kicked in even worse
>Sven fucks off for 10 years
>Sven decides to return with a 100 ships
>Sven gets his head kicked in again, losing half his ships and most of his men
>Sven fucks off for 200 years
>Sven comes back one last time, surely the Christians will have forgotten about him now and he can take them unawares
>Sven gets his head kicked in by a bishop
>Sven fucks off forever
Why would I want to be objectively inferior, Swedecuck?
When did my ancestors fight moslems?
Way to fall for the divide and conquer shit, you fucking idiot.
Report and move on.
If by your "ancestors" you're talking about vikings then at Tablada. You fought Abd ar-Rahman II and got fucked so hard your survivors converted to Islam and became peasant farmers like bitches.
I found out today I'm 15% Scandinavian, I'm already planning my Odin tattoo.
this is stupid whiteness is measured at your ability to survive cold weather climate redheads do this better than any other group of people making them the whitest now eat a nigger dick autist
Mestizo, AKA Non-White.
But I am white
Haha, how come we prosper and settled so far north then retard. We don't need natural resiistance since were naturally a hade mindes people
*hard mindes people
t. paddy
t. oslo homse
none of this is true, leaf
En annen Oslo homse
Shut up Aussie
Go make me a taco, Paco.
I would rather suck and fuck viking dick then today's current mould of "men".
All beta cunts who tattoo their star sign onto their necks. faggots
Nice kike inspired divide and conquer thread, you fucking nigger
What the hell did these completely irrelevant vikings even do except killing innocent monks in civilized Europe? I can't grasp this recent viking fetish
I can smell your jealousy
Created russia, discovered iceland, greenland and america
Must be sad living in a non country
Spiced sausage
Like all those Americans.
>I'm 1/64th Cherokee
>muh Indian heritage
My fathers line is
English > English > English/Irish > English
Mothers is
>English > English/Irish > English > English/Italian > English and so on so forth.
That little hint of Italian isn't going to make me call myself Hadrian and build a wall to keep out the scots. Good idea though.
Anyway get this tattoo and trigger lefties
Ruled england
>only fucked up teeth on the nordcuck and medshit
>not on the anglo
Are you cute? Do you have a big cock?
>none of this is true, leaf
Yes it is. The first occasion happened during the reign of Ramiro I of Asturias in 844 at Gijón and then at A Corunha.
The second occurred, as I said, at Tablada against Abd ar-Rahman II, also in 844.
The third occurred during the reign of Ordonho I of Asturias in 859 near Santiago de Compostela. This was the biggest fleet. The vikings lost more ships than the Great Heathen Army was transported in to England. They lost to a local comes (count) named Pedro.
The final attempt occurred during the reign of Ferdinand I of León ~1050. It was a Norman attempt led by some man named Ulf, who was defeated by Bishop Cresconio de Compostela.
Make me a taco then I will tell you
Nice fake news
Yeah do you have a bigger cock?
welp shit derailed fast
I'll make you a taco if you show me, not tell me.
>so butthurt that he just calls everything fake
So much for big tough vikings. Not so tough when they're facing soldiers instead of elders and women. Your ancestors were faggots and it appears their descendants are also.
Haha anglos are fucking queer faggots
Sandt, broder
It's OK Anders, at least your shit-tier ancestors will stick get their asses licked by Hollywood. I'm afraid history is not so kind.
You win so you loose some, dumb leaf
Your cherry picking shows your jealousy, Hollywood loves us because we were bad ass. Look at every college student in America worshipping Scandinavia and wanting to be like us.
You again?
>muh vikings
The tide has turned svedcuck. While you shitpost against your white brothers, more and more of your men turns to liberal fags, and soon all your future children will turn to rapebabies of Muhammad.
Great story mate.
Ill always be a descendant of a prussian military family and a westphalian butcher family.
Doesnt change the fact that were sitting on a lost post overlooking the eastern front so to say.
Yeah, just so happens you lost a lot.
I didn't cherry pick shit. I'm Iberian and I've just related to you every encounter your nigger ancestors had with mine. Every single one was a fucking fail. That's what happens when you pick a fight with people who are accustomed to war instead of Afro-Saxons sitting around on an isolated island.
Cook me a taco you stupid pablo and stop being gay
>tfw l1 haplogroup
You """""vikings""""" are literally the most cucked fags in yurope.
>See flag
My grandfather was a swedish naval officer.
>Mfw doesn't matter because 20% cactus nigger.
>I'm Iberian
Lol no leaf, we killed your stupid leaf ancestors in Vinland, go suck feminist gay rights trudeu some more leaf. Ching chong and stay jealous
But I need male attention
Actually you didn't even accomplish that. As I recall you abandoned the colony because you couldn't handle a bunch of loin-cloth wearing savages with literal stone age weaponry.
>males and females have undistinguishable facial features
Daily reminder Vikings were overrated Barbarians who never invented anything.Their legacy was going around in other people's lands,killing people and stealing from them.
Kek, there we left because jack shit was there. Only a small amount of people were there anyway, stupid ching chong
We accomplished russia dumb Ivan
>Kek, there we left because jack shit was there.
Your own sagas speak about the fact that you fucked off because the chugs were too rowdy for you to deal with. Face it, your ancestors are overrated garbage. Probably the most overrated filth in history.
In order to have strong sons you have to have strong mothers.
We found other things to do m8
Jealous? Jealous of what i wonder?
Spoken like a true Nordcuck. In order to have strong sons you have to have strong fathers, the paterfamilias. Otherwise you wind up like Sven and his buttbuddy Anders. Weaklings.
Ah, now we're shifting tactics now that >muh strong warrior genes route failed. Nice.
Coming from a fucking leaf, what did your ancestors do?
Don't get upset, your people has plenty of things to be proud of too. As I recall you invented gunpowder and the movable type printing press.
>Coming from a fucking leaf, what did your ancestors do?
I already told you retard.
Of what? Being irrelevant failures for most of your history, have a brief period of success, and then handing your identity and your nations over to fucking Moors and negroes? Yes, I'm deeply jealous.
Everyone has something to be proud of, but if this thread is going to get spammed daily then I'm going to reminder you every time what overrated shit vikweers were.
vikings were first cuckolds
That was the Goths but it's the same shit anyway.
Nice. You left out the dozens of successful raids they did, until they were eventually pushed back by a professional army ten times their size. Both before and after the battle of Tablada (where the muslims never actually managed to push through their lines, and eventually let the vikings leave in fear of taking more losses), they raided along the coast of Spain. So that's what, ten victories for one loss? In fact, the viking raiders were considered such a huge thread that the muslims built an entire fleet to counter them in the future, and set up massive defenses around Seville. They also send emissaries to the viking king with gifts, begging him to stop the raids.
The vikings also had countless successful campaigns in the middle-east, as the Varangian guard, as regular mercenaries and as independent raiders. Sigurd the Crusader, who left Norway just 50 years after the official end of the viking age with a fleet of longships, was also one of the most successful crusaders in history, and won every single battle against the muslims he encountered as he sailed around Spain and through the Mediterranean, before reaching Jerusalem, and later, Constantinople.
>ANYTHING other than shit tier
They were terrible, lad.
They weren't known as feared warriors to anyone who wasn't a shit-dwelling peasant who couldn't defend himself or a church-dwelling monk who wasn't allowed to.
To Kings and Commanders, Vikings were annoying little cunts no different to rats feeding on carrion.
It was a "God fucking damn it Sven would you just fuck off already you annoying little cunt"
Even in fucking IRELAND, the bogniggers dispatched Vikings with ease and efficiency.
The only ones that were Vikings were the ones that went on raids. "Viking" isn't just a term for snow-niggers.
Honestly, Swede, it must be fucking humiliating that the proudest, most nationalistic point in your history is a bunch of pale apes bickering over which patch of tundra-ridden shithole was rightfully theirs, and which faggot got to go and "raid" some poorly defended faggots along the coasts.
All it took to rid the developed world of Norse was a fielded army, something that Norsefags never, ever, ever got the hang of.
No self-respecting white man would ever want to come from Vikings, because Vikings represent the destruction and corruption of everything white people created in Europe, aka, the civilized world.
Snow niggers stay in fucking Scandinavia, your legacy is to prove to Europe just how cucked a country can become.
Now fuck off. Your wife is calling. (Not for you)
>Being irrelevant failures for most of your history, have a brief period of success, and then handing your identity and your nations over to fucking Moors and negroes?
What? He's not Spanish.
>then handing your identity and your nations over to fucking Moors and negroes
Bacteria were the first cuckolds.
>Utilizing the UV and H2O jew.
Obviously you need strong fathers but you still need strong mothers. Ever seen what happens when some 6'3" guy has a bunch of kids with some 5'1" tiny woman?
Does anyone have screencap with battles where vikangz ran away like bitches?
You're not a fucking viking you fat cunt. We are descendants of the people who stayed behind.
Joke's on the vikings because their descendants live in shithole Russia and Ukraine.
Don't you have a toilet to wash, cuck?
Guys like can meme all you want, it doesn't change the fact that their genes are spread all over North Western Europe and are directly correlated with every successful European power that has come to since.
Ah, so you looked up some shit on Wikipedia and now you're an expert. Wonderful.
>You left out the dozens of successful raids they did,
Yes, the usual shit of taking people unawares and scurrying off when things got tough. I call that cowardice and underhandedness, but hey.
> Both before and after the battle of Tablada (where the muslims never actually managed to push through their lines, and eventually let the vikings leave in fear of taking more losses)
Now you're lying. Abd ar-Rahman II caused thousands of casualties in the viking army according to the record, then took 400 prisoners (all of which were executed), and made the remaining survivors adopt Islam and become husbandmen. Which they did.
>In fact, the viking raiders were considered such a huge thread that the muslims built an entire fleet to counter them in the future
Yes, because being taken unawares is the chief advantage the vikings employed. Notice that they fucked off and didn't test their luck after Sevilla was reinforced. Because they were cowards, that's why.
>They also send emissaries to the viking king with gifts, begging him to stop the raids.
They sent one: al-Ghazal, which was standard procedure for the civilized world.
>Sigurd the Crusader, who left Norway just 50 years after the official end of the viking age with a fleet of longships
Most of the things which are attributed to Sigurd I, like the successful siege of Lisbon, are bullshit. Lisbon wasn't taken for another 30 years. I know this because the progenitor of my family died in that siege.
In any case, Sigurd I is not exactly a viking but I suppose you are using an intentionally broad definition of the term.
>Sven decides to pull the same trick in Iberia
>gets his head kicked in by Christians
this one time this one thing happened
>being a rape baby doesn't count
Sicilian here with red haired, blue eyed Sicilian uncles.
Daddy is Germanic though! Germans never went a viking though, they were Christians during that period.
>still this asshurt about Danelaw
It's alright, Nigel, it's over now.
I don't give a shit about Canada. I'll be leaving in a few years at most anyway.
We're speaking on different levels. You seem to be concerned with physical strength and I'm talking about moral, cultural, and family strength. Northern Europeans don't understand the necessity for the supreme authority of the father in the home and that is why they suffer more than anyone else. Same is true in Cucknada.
Go holocaust yourself nazi