Man, am I glad to not be living in europe! Never felt so proud to be an american
Man, am I glad to not be living in europe! Never felt so proud to be an american
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Nice memes ahmed. Think I might go for a drive around my beautiful 99% white town. Or maybe go down to the shooting range and pop off a couple shots
Keked and checked
Eurocucks BTFO
Your eastern counterparts are the only euros with some balls
They truly are the most cucked nations in existence
Your children die for Israel lol.
t. abu akhbar al muhammad
Your forefathers created israel'
>imply yours dont die for israel either
Good. It's nice to see Uncle Sam get destroyed by our own creation. Revenge is sweet
We're not beaners like you are, paco.
B-but muh referendum!
Blow it out your ass ahmed
You're a shitskin h*spanic
>What is this ''''''thing''''''?
Uk fix your shit
Says the arab, oh sorry ""Italian"" (made up word)
Your average brit right there
>posts pic of typical man in GB
fucking lol
No this is your average Brit
yes if you replace the guy sucking the bbc as an anglo
>saves gay BBC porn to his pc to try and insult Europeans
Americans everyone!
they have nothing genetically in common with the romans. these are the turkish rape baby descendants - or "tan europeans".
Just keep avoiding the sharia zones... unless that where you already live, Muhammad Razuli Op'Al Allah Razuli Muhammad?
less that 60% white
Affirmative action
Movements like BLM
Will give any kid born in the states American citizenship
Free medical care for border jumpers
Billions of dollars in military aid to Isreal
Yeah you are right burger we should all do what you do.
>British humor
Americans are faggots. The only people I've met on this site that defend the legalisation of CP have been lardass Americans.
And yet you're still cucked by us. Be grateful you aen't speaking German... at least until you are speaking sandnigger.
I'd rather speak German than live in this timeline with the United Cucks of America, 54% white and declining.
That shit doesnt even compare to all the cuckery going on in your countries. We have trump on our side. You have nothing but merkel clones calling the shots
>Be grateful you arent speaking German
Then why are you on here?
If anything you helped the downfall of western civilization
You fought a war for jews and greed
So i post some problems you have that make you cucks
You post zero
>See you are cucked not us
Not an argumant
I find it funny that the US still thinks they really did something to defeat the germans on european soil.
That was all the russkie zerg rush hordes mate.
Good job on the pacific tho. ((((traitors))))
You can get off the timeline you hate so much by killing yourself. Please livestream it.
Nah I want to watch America die for what it has done to the world, specifically whites.
>(((they))) are behind everything
Oh... you're one of those faggots...
>effminate men
>hardcore libcuck culture
>politicians ruining your countries (except britain)
>cant defend yourself with a firearm
Need i go on?
>Doesnt believe jews are a problem
>Be glad you don t speak German
Why are you burgers on here?
Also not behind everything, but if you fight a war for greed and take in thousands of jews during and after the war you fought it for jews.
> literally retarded kraut
None here
>effeminate men
None here
>hardcore libcuck culture
Yeah the fascism sentiment amongst the people currently is totally that
>politicians ruining your countries
Not even close homie.
>cant defend yourself with a firearm
Oh but I can.
To top it all off, my country is 99% white with a beautiful sea and beautiful women.
But keep making threads like these Burger. I'm sure it helps to live a life while you're getting robbed and killed by Tyrone in the streets.
Yeah thats a problem, at the same time niggers and mexicans are doing the same to you
>effminate men
Not an argumant
>hardcore libcuck culture
not a culture its a political situation, and the political spectrum is being moved right more than ever
>politicians ruining your countries
Name a country where this hanst happened
>cant defend yourself with a firearm
We can own firearms and even use illegal firearms to defend ourself, if its found to be with reason you go free of charges even for ilegal possesion.
It's funny how u.s people piss on europe for practicing ideas that comes from u.s universities and college.
I get a small amount of joy knowing that you are experiencing pain until then.
you dont apply to this. also you're irrelevent sooooo
>American education
I turchi li abbiamo cacciati via pure dalla libia..
>why are you on here
To piss you off. It's an easy gig.
>butthurt yugoslavian
Please be quiet. Adults are speaking.
Thing is, sooner or later you read something that clicks and you change your opinion.
Also if you dont you waste your time, use it to fill that bony head of yours.
Don't you have SJW, BLM, Zionist and anti-white-male problems to take care of?
I'm not in pain because I'm not an emotionally unstable American with 500 chronic illnesses.
You're cute when you're so easily manipulated.
Problem based on u.s wars and arming terrorist so they can overthrow assad, sadam and everyone that don't kiss u.s ass
>Effminate men
You people have twice amount of that bullshit than any other country combained since this is a trend started in the u.s.
>Hardcore libcuck culture,
Just like any other u.s school that started it all.
This is your schools
>Politicians ruining your countries
What is Obama?
>can't defend yourself with an firearm
This statement is retarded. Most countries don't treat guns like toys and let children play with them
>when you have more Jews in your country than there are in the Jews' holy land
>when they control your media, your courts, your politics, your banks, your schools
>when you voluntarily mark your own children as their servants according to Genesis 17:13
You're in pain because you live on a timeline you want off of so badly, you wish you surrendered your country in WW2.
How is your forskin less penis going ?
Is the merchant happy that it was for FREE ?
I'd be fine with being integrated into Hitler's Reich. America needs to go
>literally this current year
>not being able to repackage your masculinity
why even live?
whoa there ahkmed, why so triggered
You've already made clear your willingness to be subjugated and your desire that it was by someone other than your masters in the USA. We get it. The universe called and says, "Tough shit."
Your in pain because U.S officials let the japanese bomb pearl harbor to hell just to gain support to enter the war. They knew damn well the japs was coming and did nothing. Same with u.s liberty. You let isreal blow it to hell and then lie about it and use it to start another conflict. You people always claim to be the defenders of democracy when you overthrow elected people to install your puppet regimes. Face it. You people are the most lied to people in the whole world and are just pawns in game. You send your children to die in meaningless wars over resources and when they are dead they get a nice funeral and their parents are so proud over they sent their kids to die over for stupid shit they been forced to believe.
This picture was taken in Birmingham, you get a lot of strange things around here such as commies and Islamists setting up stands in public. Just encase you thought things were bad though we have the ever watchful eye of the British police looking over us, there's a poster outside my campus that reads 'we are always watching' with a pair of eyes put out by the British police. Haven't got a pic of it unfortunately.
>Americunt trying to feel powerful
You're a fat little shitskin. America's power is dwindling and it'll dry up forever.
I appreciate your concern for my cock.
What the fuck happened to Bill Murray ?
Until nostalgia returns anyone's interest to Swedish porn, you will continue to remain irrelevent...
raid his twitter
>Thinking we consider you a country
Well I guess you got a point there little buddy. Congrats on being on par with a non shit country.
> just another fag for the UK
If we're going to start raiding twitters of the UK's most high profile fags, we should start with the so-called royalty.
"Dear Refugees plz rape me up my fugly boipussi"
Atleast they have a culture and an identity.
Your jealousy makes you very, very ugly.
What am I jealous of? Your people get kidnapped and murdered by nignogs everyday and you defend it.
>tfw no femboy to cuddle with
Is his culture / identity as inspiring as wooden shoes or some faggot sticking his finger in a leak to stop it?
What a nice rebuttal. Nothing of substance and only projection. Typical retard american. How does i feel knowing your own schools teaching your children to hate themselves? How does it feel to have idiots like blm being taken seriusly and you people are regarded as trash in your own country? How does it feel to be the jews loyal slaves and let your children die because of their greed? Swedish porn sucks btw but are fucking fun to watch. I highly recomend Fäbojäntan with they famous sausage scene.
Maybe jealousy was off. But you're definitely butthurt over something beyond your control. I'm just enjoying your tears.
Your irrelevancy precludes the need to rebut you further. Swedeturd will have to look elsewhere for an argument.
Someone photoshop this with a mudslime
What would Adolf Hitler do?
>Wooden shoes
Think we see that as culture.....
Early in the war? Blitzkrieg it to death!
Later in the war? With pants on his head, try to invade Russia in winter.
It started in June you muppet.
Only reason it was put off by a couple months was the Italian invasion of Greece.
You'd better. It's what you're best known for. And, for some reason, some process done to cocoa. I make a mean blackout cake and can't make it without Dutched cocoa.
And if his pants weren't on his head, he'd have seen the delay as a reason to hold off.
>NY skyline in the background
Haha kek
...seriously though, what the fuck is that thing?
> NY Skyline
I'm fucking glad I don't live in the burgerland on the other hand.
Its part of our farmers culture, a shoe itself isnt culture,you might as well call Jordans culture.
What's passing for 'Male' in the UK these days.
That's not NY you dumb snow nigger