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Link you fish
nay takk
here is the link, its on norwegian btw
he is murderer of kids you freaks. he literaly killed your political furure
So he got a beard, nice
really brings out his jawline
pretty aesthetic
He's a monster, but sweet Jesus, that facial hair is aesthetic as FUCK.
not saying i support what he did but the people he killed was the future of one of the political parties that has tried to ruin our country
>beard, bald
Is he a nu-male now?
What an attractive man, max homo. Hopefully he has a decent life when he gets out of prison. How long now?
Yeah we can understand Norwegian.
Fuckign sexy
Would make full homo love with that face
They should feature him in the next season of Skam.
Yeah well it better be considering the time he has to groom it.
That judge is low-energy as fuck
Is he getting released soon?
>some party is not racist and toxic nationalist
>durr they want to destroy our future
kys retard, its not even your future but rather future of multicultural europe. whites and white nationalist have no place there
He shot up a multicultural indoctrination camp. Cunt isn't a monster.
yeah, did you see how he reacted when breivik did the nazi pose?
Sam Hyde shaved his head?
Is that how high his dog is jumping?
>when he gets out of prison
it's a norwegian prison, user. It's like being sentenced to living in a 3 star hotel.
Don't bring that weak bait to my thread, it's about to be an uncle.
You're a freaking joke buddy.
David Duke said he was a zionist killer.
>thinks racism and ultranationalism are bad
Stay cucked faggot.
No, just got here
Here's a better live stream:
With cold coffee though.
It's literally hell.
are you kikes even trying to hide it anymore? gtfo out of here schlomo, Brevik will be looked upon as a hero in a hundred years.
fuck off nonwhite
no matter how much commie propaganda they try to force on you, once you take the redpill you're redpilled for life
iirc he praised Israel for being an ethno-state and protecting their race's interest. I don't see anything wrong with that.
tfw dont understand this meme language
Did Breivik post here?
Kek bless this man!
your women think otherwise, they cant get enough of my bbc
Someone please teach Bering the proper form of the Roman salute, it's been triggering me for a while.
It's supposed to be a straight line idiot, how can you not notice you're doing it wrong and it looks weird?
He's scarier now... nobody's laughing
Breivik shakes his head at literally everything the prosecutor says.
He's going to have a sore neck tomorrow
The judge keeps repeating in different ways he's still an extremist and the most dangerous man in Norway.
kek i hope he will be fine
His lawyer looks like he's having a good time
What is this court case for, I thought he already had his appeal about a year ago?
Can someone give me the redpilled version of what he did? I just ate what MSM fed me at the time it happened.
Socialists and marxists aren't people, what he did was pest control.
killed future commie leaders
4m 28s in
He wants to be allowed to use the prison whirl pool.
That beard really suits him, I just wish he kept his hair though.
It's like he's patting his imaginary friend on the head.
God bless Anders Breivik. I'm going to name my first son after him for the blessing he bestowed upon us. They need to erect a statue of this man in the center of Oslo. Any Norwegian that has a problem with what Anders did will be necked on the day of the rope. He saved your country from thousands of shitskins in the future. (niggers breed fast and plenty)
Literally an inspiration for us all. I'm going to start writing to him on a weekly basis.
Jachymov uranium mines will be reopened specially for you and your ilk, slunickovej havlojde :D :D
that's not the judge.
"Has anyone seen Kyle? He's about, oh, yay big..."
His beard is not finished.
Doing God's work.
'The Führer once again expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.'
Did he get a PS3 or PS4 yet?
Real question though, have any of you Sup Forumsacks actually sent him any letters? And if you have, did he ever answer?
>3 star hotel.
He is completely isolated and cut off from human contact you dumb leaf cunt.
It is a form of appalling torture regardless of how "comfy" his cell is.
looks emaciated and not buffed, psych meds
>Doing God's work.
Fuck off, filthy trash.
Scandinavians are genetically faggy so their wrists naturally bend like that.
>He's a monster,
what a faggot
He's just a sad narcissist whose cry for attention did nothing but cause a major setback in the war against islam.
I doubt it, the attack occured in '11, Sup Forums replaced /new/ that year, Breivik probably watched Youtube videos and paid attention to JihadWatch and a couple of other Right-Wing News aggregators.
>tfw i'm an r9k neet with literally no friends nor gf
>been this way since 6th grade
yeah, it fucking sucks.
>if you fight them, they win: the post
Is there a way to get into contact with him through letters or something?
b..but beards are for degenerates with no jawline
pol told me!
we can send him letters?
Also apparently he isn't allowed to reply even if he did open them.
I think he can get letters, but they are screened and checked for signs of planning/conspiring.
Have you and do you know how to? Y'know, without getting put on some list.
Sjekk disse sifre
Yeah noticed, government lawyer.
Ooooookkkkaaaaaaaaay then.
>t. jealous anglo
I still don't quite identify with his methods, but Norway needs people willing to defend it, and it's under attack from many angles, so I agree with his spirit.
He was ahead of the cultural zeitgeist by 5ish years and far more passionate/extreme.
I don't know how I feel about stopping something horrible with something horrible... Feel like classifying him as a hero or a monster is an oversimplification.
Dump Breivik memes
why would you get put on a list for freedom of speech. I wrote to ted kaczynski when I was in high school, and told him how right he was about everything
Apparently you can, just read a norwegian article about how he is recieving "thousands of letters from new far-right extremists".
I have no idea how to do it though, and he did get to respond to some of them as well. Would be pretty amazing to have a letter from the madman himself, but I guess that was before they passed a complete ban, hence why he is in trial again now as he wants to get the right to respond again.
That makes sense, it would be cool to say "hey".
>all this beardless faggots praising that horrid neckline
not even a neckline, more like a jawline.
>You need to be this tall to HAIL VICTORY!
Austrians don't do it better
Dark hero.
was there ever a doco on this?
Did he reply? also my government is filled with SJW degenerates.
>kills a record number of young white people
>WoW player
>gives nazi salute
biggest living shill in the universe
Let's see your beard then, faggot