In your opinion, what was the best moment of the 2016 election?
pic hemi-related
In your opinion, what was the best moment of the 2016 election?
pic hemi-related
like 95% of good looking girls are liberal or left wing
right wing women are 50 year old heffers from the south
When Obama was demoted from President to substitute teacher
t. roastie
The moment I clicked this link
the exact moment when they realised it was over
Also, The Young Turks losing their shit live
How can one man be so autistic?
Tfw prefer older women
Does Jeb's entire campaign count? I'm not sure I could pick a moment.
christ my sides
She's best pony desu
>Alex Jones will have meetings in the White House
>President will go to Alex Jones' show
Bow down
No she's not.
The moment rubio lost it all.
fuckin savage kek
Are you suggesting that women who get waited on hand and never have to work a day in their lives due to white Knights and beta providers tend to support policies based around taxing men heavily to provide income and services to women?
Screenshot I pulled
I love waking up everyday and reading the daily presidential tweets and just imagining all the butthurt celebrities and elites who are reading the same thing. Ahhh, what a timeline to be alive.
Weiner's wild ride.
That guys looks like that one black Sup Forumsack
how did this man not win?
Them accidentally giving Trump the win by leaking the grab em by the pussy video.
cause he's Lyin' Ted
Democrats got Reagan'd again.
And they could have actually gotten their one party social democratic system if only their low rank and file like the media, college sjws and so on were a bit more tame...
Well. This is what happens when you start cooking without anything to cook.
The sobfest that was Hillary election campaign that night.
>b but we called them raaaaciiiisssstssss
She's slowly morphing into George Soros after she lost the election
Truly Kekworthy
No Ann Coulter?
>tfw 2016 was 4 years ago
Jesus guys, this shit's heavy.
I still remember constant "IT'S HAPPENING!" threads like it was yesterday
Leftists are so fucking fat, beta, and retarded
Every bit of it, ever since Trump came down those stairs to announce his campaign and the left threw a massive hissy fit since that day to Election Day.
But he is probably in an Indian. Indians love Trump.
2016 was the year of memes
This right here.
Its almost like it doesn't happen once every 1000 posts.
The bit where poltards were duped into thinking that Hillarry and Trump weren't batting for the same team
kek. underrated.
Whatta night
Sure she's smiling but like every Hooters girl, they're dead inside. Wishing for one day that their nightmare will end, but it won't; it never will.
And those niggas did it for free.
Those things have fucking BEAKS.
just depressing
who is this ticking time bomb?
This is hands down my favorite moment of my entire life.
your "Right Wing Women" are bimbo gold digger models who are hired to read Murdoch/Fox News scripts.
>only suburban and rural retards voted for Trump. City people all voted for Hillary.
Is this new pasta? I'm stealing it anyway. Also, it's 'heifers', you illiterate moron.
this is accurate. leftists btfo.
your "left wing women" are prostitutes for arabian princes and are paid to spew out bullshit about the benefits of multiculti
(((((((((((((right wing)))))))))) women
This was savage as fuck
>tfw too smart to hold onto a billion dollars
The single most savage thing I've ever witnessed on live television.
>i'm hip and relatable with the working class
>let me hesitantly shake this peasants hand while wearing a suit
>using multimillionaire celebs to patronize and condescend to working class voters about who they should vote for
>you're not laughing now, are ya?
die unbeliever
I want that night to happen again.
Holy shit maybe she did die at 9/11 (inside job), and that low-energy lookalike took her place.
The Republican debates were fantastic
Pets really do look like their owners.