How do we Make Women Great Again?

How do we Make Women Great Again?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Küche,_Kirche

We don't. All hope is lost. Give up.

Embrace your multicultural future. Whites are dying. It's time to rest in peace.

Turning men into women


It wasn't Nazi who invented 3Ks slogan —,_Küche,_Kirche


If you think women are ever going back to the kitchen, then you are dellusional. Nobody in the world has the balls to even suggest this publically. Not a single one of the nationalist parties in Europe. Not Trump. Not Nigel Farage. Noone.

Feminism has won and feminism is the immortal tool to increase immigration, destroy all tradition and end western civilization as we know it.

It's over. We are done for.

One war civil or not and it's all gone.

lol why are westerners so bad at managing their whore-women?

Replace them with artificial wombs and robot waifus.


Why are you so bad at managing your countries?

Solution: spread feminism to the niggers and sandniggers.

Women don't change you idiot. Men do. Women are only reflections of the men in their lives.

Probably the best way would be to give them total independence like they ask, but at the same time completely stop paying attention to them. All the men completely stop paying attention to women, doing things for them, having sex with them, everything. No more cock, no more attention, no more lowering the bar for them on everything just because they have vaginas. They're just completely on their own. They'll get the picture.

And noone wants to change the men. People in Europe would nuke America before they support women going back to the kitchen.

Yeah and guess where all those women's fathers are?

It's on white men too. At least my dad waited until me and my sister were out of the house to divorce my mother.

>kinder, kirche, kuche

Funnily enough a bunch of the women I met can agree to some level of staying home for the kids. Mostly because they have those dumb little careers that aren't very interesting but they need money for make up, clothes, and their cat.

But then (((someone))) made them feel like they miss out of they don't own enough crap that they can post about on Instagram.

Even if a civil war comes(very doubtful), society would just go back to the way it was before. All those feminist books and music and movies would still be there.


Hit them regularly, unless they are pregnant, which they should always be.

I know tons of women who say they wish they could just be a stay at home mother or that they could just retire already.
But those same women all support feminism 100%.

Feminism preys on some natural instinct in women so that it is deeply attached to their urges and emotions.

Asking a woman to give up feminism is like asking her to hand over her baby or to start dating a very feminine, shy, guy instead of a masculine rich guy.