Why is the right pro choice?

why is the right pro choice?
force a women to have a baby she doesn't want and she will most likely raise a democrat

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why have sex if you dont want the baby?

It feels p good

Your autism level is over 9000

pro-life = pro-nigger population growth


Do not want kids? Use condoms.

let me repharse that
why have unprotected sex if you don't want a baby?

That unborn niglet's father ran away so he can't answer.
You can convince single black mom to (not) go to Planned Parenthood.

Wat u do?

its because of religion.

but the pope says theyre not allowed (for whites)
all niggers are allowed them to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa, but Catholics elsewhere still arent allowed them

only 9% of women who are denied abortions actually end up making an adoption plan or placing their child for adoption. Studies also show that 90% of women who are denied an abortion end up being happy with the results.


Condoms break from time to time you know

>Listening to CuckPope
>Being a Cucktholic in the first place
Shiggity diggity

>Studies also show that 90% of women who are denied an abortion end up being happy with the results.
If you think being a lonesome mother of a niglet makes them happy, then either them or you are retarded.
But if they got fucked by a nigger it will most likely be true.

so most unwanted pregnancies that end in abortion are all due to condoms breaking?

>Implying women should be allowed to vote or leave their homes without consent of their male owner.

I'm not a taig :^)

I just find it hilarious that the pope allows niggers to use protection but not the whiteman

Achmed pls

>Its current year
>Not having much more than 'cuck' to say

Jamal pls

Most of the abortions are because of people DIDN'T take measures to protect themselves, not because protected sex failed.

Sex is for fucking procreation and to completely ignore this for the good feeling this brings is childish and lacking of foresight.

>Sex is for fucking procreation and to completely ignore this for the good feeling this brings is childish and lacking of foresight.
Says the virgin.

Human life has intrinsic value, hence embryos have intrinsic potential value. Abortion as a contraceptive afterthought rejects the value of a human being, and takes everything that a person can be and will be, and to toss away a human life because it may inconvenience you is the nucleus of the modern attitude towards life.

The arguments for eugenics or "women's rights" ignore that this is a human rights issue, and that it is irrelevant as to whether a fetus is a "person", it will be and that is what matters.

Reminder that rape is the only crime in our society where the child is punished for the crimes of the father, and that it is a mortal punishment.

Isn't it fuckin' crazy how we were all shrimp's in our mother's pussies once?

Except I'm not a virgin and you are buttmad at the facts of life. Sex IS for procreation. You giving it a new meaning doesn't delete the old.

You're literally saying "haha if you think sex is for baby making you're a virgin!" Fucking retarded.

Also your birth rates being controlled means eventually your immigration becomes uncontrolled.

SHRIMPS fug muh possessive apostrophe

Because shes ready to fuck right now and you dont have a condom. I feel like youve probably never been in this kind of situation before.

>Why is the right against murder?

Gee, user. Tough question.

You dont have condoms in car or wallet?



To add on, there is plenty of evidence suggesting your birth rates affect the rates of immigration. Not to mention politions outright fucking say it before importing them in. "We need the labor goys!"

You're falling for a jewish scheme to degenerate your people and to, at the same time, replace it with an even more degenerate stock as you accept them in because they degenerated you.

The real danger of birth control is the mass amount of poor unskilled labor it eventually brings.

Except that white birth rates arent being controlled by abortion as much as theyre being controlled by people not wanting to have kids or not as many kids.

Birth rates are always lower at higher income levels. Basically, without abortion, whites would still have less kids than blacks and hispanics per household, and blacks and hispanics would have even more than they already do.

If you think anyone can simply ignore the feeling then you didn't ever have the feeling, simple as that, you 12 year old dickhead.

>The right as no problem bombing brown countries every couple years, murdering thousands
Makes sense

why kill a baby while foster-care exist?

Is it the 80s?

*note i dont have the best graphs for some of these(as they can be hard to fins and I'm a bit lazy but felt like these got to point across for the most part) as some don't show CURRENT YEARS which we all know made it way worse if the data only shows around 2005~

read the sentence carefully, 18 year old

Not always. Fun fact, a condom left in your car or wallet for an extended period of time is at a MUCH HIGHER RISK of breaking. Continuous friction from being in your wallet and continuous heat exposure from being in your car.

Well said.

Foster Care is a fertile breeding ground for criminals and serial killers.

Because of proaganda and birth control, like abortion. Abortion is only one head of the hydra. See the bigger picture.

And that is the feeling you ultimately rely to keep your country white.

foster care produces sociopathic degenerates

>the left has no problem with four niggers kidnapping and torturing a special needs kid

ever heard of jacking off?

just like your pathetic Green Party pushing for betas to get free prostitute sex on the German national health service.... when you can just whack off.

feels p good



There's truth to this

As always, there is room to improve these to be more acruate or include more detail.

And as always I'm waiting for someone to show evidence birth control and feminism in general doesn't completely cuck your shit up.

Giving niggers welfare is garenteeing they can max the amount of benefits for them to spend on chicken.

You fall off the benefit cliff after three and having children becomes too expensive for the stupid nigger to manage funds. Abortion is apart of making a nigger into a business nigger. Abortion is welfare and all welfare must end so they leave for gibs. Niggers die for gibs. Look at how many drown trying to get them, look how many, who were safe in turkey, leave because of gibs?

If you want to solve the nigger problem the only answer is to cut all welfare programs. This takes care of spics and a majority of SEA monkeys as well.

Use contraception, then, dickhead.

>hurr durr i want to have unprotected sex now and murder the defenceless baby afterwards because it feels better i'm so drunk lol i probs won't even remember this tomorrow
>if you prevent me from doing this you are a misogynist

>Human life has intrinsic value

Propaganda and birth control, including abortion, sure. But abortion is what people have a problem with. Most white people can afford non abortive birth control and use it so the abortion stage isnt even quite as relevant. Moreover, many white women who have abortions either already have children or will have children later. Theres also the fact that people who have money have less incentive to produce more than one or two children. Most people I know tend to agree two children is the ideal amount because it doesnt divide your attention too much and youre able to provide a more wholesome childhood for your two kids.

But poor minorities dont have the same motivations for having kids. They do it because they get knocked up and then feel socially obligated to carry the pregnancy out, they cant afford effective forms of birth control and seeing as theyre uneducated, theyre not the type of people youd expect to practice safe sex. With these baser influences, theres no family planning structure to limit their spawning production. Without abortion, theyd be popping out swarms.

This is why Germany is getting cucked, because of cucked krauts like you

Even in areas where abortion is legal?

>technology exists to prevent unwanted pregnancies from unprotected sex, but don't have unprotected sex y'all, it's against god or some shit.

get nitrile condoms and not latex

Because I want to become more attached to my significant other maybe?

hillary, obama and their friends don't see human life as having intrinsic value, and they lost. they are corrupt because they are utilitarians. and having their corruption exposed is part of why they lost.

2017 is not gonan be a good year for utilitarians

Abortion should be for the right reasons. Poverty and because you wanted to fuck without a condom dsoesn't mean i should have to pay for your mistake. Most of the time abortion implies it comes out of my tax dollars otherwise poor stacye couldnt get one.

Poor minorities have children, in America, which is why they come over pregnant and drop an anchor, have them to get their foot in to door and then receive benefits. This is evident by the amount of poor people in that race per capita on gibs. many white people CAN get on it, but DONT at a shocking rate compared to minorities, who on the other hand if a minority can get on it they almost certainly WILL..

Even what?

>I support abortion because niggers have lots of them

>washing pole faggot

>try not to post like a newfag
>be retarded
>third time's a charm, self user

Extrapolating to produce the straw man of is retarded, but don't worry, it's probably because you're an eastern bloctard and not so good with the English wordingness.

Do you think the Neingers in Cologne asked if the pale-ale skin Germy wanted to use protection? What good is a condom when you've got Merkel

>killing unborn lives for convenience

i think, and i hope that abortion will soon be abolished, at least in the us. everyone is just gonna have to carry condoms from then

>he actually thinks people normally get abortions as an alternative to protected sex

g'day mate, pic related

>killing unborn lives for convenience
Nobody unretarded barebacks with the intention of getting the bitch preggers and then aborting, but shot happens and we have the technology to deal with the occasional consequence.


kek well that's the argument from a lot of pro choicers,, they wanna have their choice afterwards getting accidentally preggers. too bad man.

not sure what the point your abo brain is trying to convey is, Bunji but okay

Abortion should only be available before any signs of consciousness. I'm pretty sure that's measurable.

>pic related

Okay, don't hurt yourself.

>finding nemo memes

tard detected

>being this passionate over some retarded delusional pride in a false pretense of ethnic identity

By your logic, India and China are the least "cucked" nations because of their high birth and growth rates. Likewise, Karl Marx must be a hero to you for having six children.

Since you ran out of argument, I figured you'd respond to something for tweens. I'm just so fucking accommodating, no?

you didn't make any argument in the first place, i made one. go be a tard somewhere else underage b&

Because the right wants more warm bodies to throw into the meat grinder when they start yet another pointless war.