Slovenia no!

>You need to be in life danger to get refugee status and must be from neighbour country
>Neighbours are italy, austria, hungary and croatia, kek
>If you're not fulfilling above rule, you get instantly deported back
>If you're not fulfilling above rule, you can't even apply for refugee status
>Only exception is minors, but there's an explicitly written rule that all subjects are to be thoroughly inspected if they're really minors
>No citizenship for you, even if youre born here, but cant prove at least one of your parents have Slovenian citizenship
>If your refugee status is revoked, you get deported the same day

Oh, also you have to have a steady income for 10 years straight with above average tax contributions to even apply for citizenship and you must be perfectly fluent in Slovenian.

Source (official national media portal):

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related is our minister who pushed the law as urgent.

Sounds pretty racist.

Don't you want 80 IQ desert folk enriching your culture you bigot?

We took 2 of them during entire crisis already! They are under strict curfew sure, but still we did! Two of them is enough.

in b4 EU fines us into submission.

Nice, it's good to see you guys have a sense of self-preservation. I'd hate to see your country go down the shitter.

Based, but wouldn't the rapefugees go to other countries like Somalia or Somalia?

This is why I hate this backwards country. Stupid land of farmers . We will never develop if we don't allow diversity

sounds good slovenia.

but have you purged feminism yet?


>actually wanting to ruin your own country


im literally shaking right now i can't even ... it's 2017 or what?

>Somalia or Somalia
Why is Sup Forums filtering Sweden and Germany all of a sudden?

Estonia has taken about 40, mostly families. So far only one father tied his wife to a radiator and tried to set her on fire. Probably gets a suspended sentence and no deportation.

Nah, it's a EU grey zone. We're just sailing in between.


We don't really have a feminism problem here. There's probably a few landwhales wanting cock and can't get it in capital, but other than that nah. I have never seen or talked to a woman considering herself feminist, let alone radical feminist. I've never even heard of a woman thinking she's wronged or biased against for her gender.

bump for based slovene bros

Bossman approves

Holy shit it feels good to be Slovenian.

Basically italians voted for an italian - bossman.


No such thing, people laugh at those (few) idiots.

At least winterchan is freezing our refugees.

Good honorary russians.

How oppressive of you to not provide him high quality gasoline.

Glorious. And perfectly sensible, to be honest.

is he a good major?

No idea, I'm from the N-E, don't give a shit about the south.

Sounds nice but we are total cucks for the Germans. If they order us to import more Diversity, we would do it in an instant. Not to mention our "right wing" is totally pro-EU and against Russia.

Another sad part is that our Univeristies are importing American-style feminism (pic related)

That's how every country should handle these issues, it's sad that such a sensible policy is a controversial thing

Our feminism was female working brigades building roads and factories.

Right now we are importing (((feminism))) like the one in the picture

Is that even legal? Isn't this defacing the monument?

Why is this in english? Probably done by some deranged tourist.

It was a one time thing, some landwhales from Ljubljana wanted a cock, noone wanted to bang them, so they did this.

Because a cunt discovered Tumblr and there is still no similar SJW gibberish in Slovenian.

of course it is not legal, genious. It was done commando style.


And I am not Slovenian I am just studying here, you people keep being you Slovenians.

Can i visit and drink lots of beer in pubs? Your country sounds great to travel to. I'm white and hate jews.

Beer is average but wine is great

How good looking are the local girls?

We're a wine nation desu

You touch our woman and we kill you

>implying auscunts are cultured enough to taste the difference

Sounds pretty good fun. Do you guys have gangs and shit? I don't want to get stabbed in some random fight.

We were top three safest countries in the world last year afaik

Not sure against aussies tho, if I'd see one I'd stab him for the shitposts prolly

>still no similar SJW gibberish in Slovenian
mesto zensk. recent LGBT propaganda on RTV. etc. its definitely here and about to get worse.

Slovenia is a very safe country since we are not yet culturally enriched by diversity. The wannabe gangs are normally children of immigrants from Bosnia, Serbia or Albania.

If you are looking for bar fights, go to Stajerska region

>implying slovenian girls dont love foreign dick

You'll be fine as long as you stay away from chefurs.

You can have all the diversity you need when I'm forced to make use of this law and seek asylum in your country.

>Ukrep pa se ne bo uporabljal, ko bo neposredno ogroženo življenje tujca ali ko bo resna nevarnost, da bo podvržen mučenju, nečloveškemu, ponižujočemu ravnanju ali kaznovanju v državi, v katero bi bil napoten, ali pa zaradi zdravstvenih okoliščin. Prav tako ukrep ne bo veljal v primeru ocene, da gre za mladoletnika brez spremstva.


Cheers gents, keen to check your little country out.

what the fuck did you just say to me?

Our women are sluts pal. Just go to a club one friday night and go out to the parking lot or at the back of the club and you'll see them on their knees, or against the wall being fucked.

I've seen in in all of my 5 parties that I've been to because of my uni. Those sluts have no self control. They think one beer is enough to get them drunk. And then they act drunk and you can touch them any way you want. Fucking sluts.

If I touch you with a needle, will you pop?

>when (((feminists))) want to expand their ideology but forget to translate their propaganda to the local language

>t. Schlomo Goldberg

Stay based Slovenia

Yea don't listen to him, we styrians are great.

This. Slovenians are third most promiscuous women in the world. Our women are sluts and not really worth something to protect. The aussie should fuck em all, cause if hes not gonna, an italian will. And god knows there's nothing worse than italians.

where do i find data on how slutty a country is?



Just use google...promiscuity by country or something like that.

Through the method of trial and error.

Cheers mate, if i ever meet a Slovenian I'll show them a great time down here. I know a few good places for wine.

Dude, I have lived in Germany for 5 years. Our girls are ok. Uni parties are a magnet for sluts

>I don't want to get stabbed in some random fight.

It won't be random.

Kek,nice job slovenes,this is literally a politically correct way to say no refugees allowed.

Don't worry ZL will stage another protest against it. Like pic related

Btw fellow mountain serbs redpill me on political situation there,what are main parties and who is in charge right now?

>> 106449697
Fucking Bosniaks. The sad part is That todays youth is not radical than Their Parents.

I had a Bosniak classmate in elementary school and some years ago she started wearing a hijab. And when she was 15 years old she was the one of the biggests slut around.


political landscape in slovenia:

ever changing leftist parties who use different names but are actually always ran by the same elite. mostly socialistic, though they tend to bend over to the bruxelles dick too. heavily bureaucratic and illiterate as far as business proficiency goes. if you don't have poltiical connections in this country and want to run a business you will be fucked by about 1000 different inspectorates and laws that would require you to have a law degree just to sell carrots at the local market.

on the opposite end you have """"the right""" which is basically Janez Jansa. his supporters are divided into the small fraction that worships him as divinitiy (idiots) and a larger fraction who would vote for anything but the totalitiarian bureaucracy of the left. he is commonly used as a reason for everything wrong in slovenia by the left (even though he was "in power" for a very short time relative to all the leftist parties) and can be used a rallying target for leftist voters who would rather kill their own first born than to see the Janez Jansa boogeyman come into power.

Economically, the country is divided into a private vs public sector war. This ties into the totalitarian bureaucracy i talked about because public sector is big, ineffective and constantly votes left, it results in a pact of the leading leftist parties allying with the ever expansive and inefficient public sector against the private sector. They feast on the private sector that is increasingly imploding or moving abroad where running a business doesn't make you a persona non grata. Since neither government officials nor public sector employees have even a fraction of an idea what it is like to work in the private sector, they will likely keep draining it until it implodes and thus ensure their own destruction as the parasite kills the host.

Would say this is about it.

while state owned companies and state jobs are highly privileged and above the law. here are some example that I know happened recently:
- over 1000€ fine to an old lady because she sold a carrot without a bill at a local market
- over 500€ fine to a local bar owner because the capcities of her fire extinguisher were slightly too small for the size of the bar

If you have a state job or you "know the right people" and don't mind living the somewhat "didn't see nothing" parasitical lifestyle it is a nice country. If you don't know the right people, work for a private company, or are trying to make it on your own it is a living hell.

on top of this anytime you deal with the bureaucracy they act highly arrogant. the ladies working their on the counters or in some fucking ridiculous non-relevant job act as if YOU are privileged that they are even talking to you, even though that is their fucking job description. they will also fuck you in the ass with completely unimportant details and send you to five different "jobs" because what they do is outside their job description (seeing as seemingly there is a state job for every little irrelevant fucking bullshit thing). and im not discriminating, i have an aunt that works in the state sector. they have literally so little work they find ways to make work for themselves instead of using common sense.

/end rant

>because what they do is outside their job description
sorry meant to say because what you need is outside their job description

and they likely have some sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-department of a highly irrelevant state institution dealing with it

based slovenia


pravica do mednarodne zaščite

(1) Mednarodna zaščita v Republiki Sloveniji pomeni status begunca in status subsidiarne oblike zaščite.
(2) Status begunca se prizna državljanu tretje države, ki se zaradi utemeljenega strahu pred preganjanjem, temelječem na rasi, veri, narodni pripadnosti, pripadnosti določeni družbeni skupini ali določenem političnem prepričanju, nahaja izven države, katere državljan je, in ne more ali zaradi takega strahu noče uživati varstva te države, ali osebi brez državljanstva, ki se nahaja izven države, kjer je imela običajno prebivališče, in se zaradi utemeljenega strahu ne more ali noče vrniti v to državo.
(3) Status subsidiarne oblike zaščite se prizna državljanu tretje države ali osebi brez državljanstva, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev za status begunca, če obstaja utemeljen razlog, da bi bil ob vrnitvi v izvorno državo ali državo zadnjega običajnega bivališča, če gre za osebo brez državljanstva, soočen z utemeljenim tveganjem, da utrpi resno škodo, kot jo določa 28. člen tega zakona.

These conditions did not change. Only change is that you can be immediately returned to the country of entrance if the conditions weren't met. Slovenia will continue to accept refugees.

Pridobitev državljanstva Republike Slovenije z naturalizacijo je mogoča za naslednje kategorije oseb:
1. čeoseba najmanj 10 let živi v Sloveniji;
2. če jeoseba poročena s slovenskim državljanom;
3. če je oseba izgubila slovensko državljanstvo na podlagi odpusta ali odreka;
4. če jeoseba slovenski izseljenec ali njegov potomec;
5. če jeoseba brez državljanstva (apatrid);
6. če je oseba begunec;
7. če je oseba v Republiki Slovenijiobiskovala in uspešno zaključila najmanj visokošolski študij;
8. če jeoseba rojena v Sloveniji in živi v Sloveniji od rojstva dalje;
9. če je oseba mladoletna in živi v Sloveniji;

The day of the rope will come to Metelkova soon, fag.

>Slovenia will continue to accept refugees.
Yes, but to a MUCH lesser extent. And even until now we had one of most strict asylum laws in Europe.


But what are you gonna do about regular immigrants?
Your foreign born population is pretty high. You're becoming mini-yugoslavia.

Thanks man,sounds pretty much like situation here,it looks like its like this in almost all ex-socialist countries.It will take some time before mentality changes.

>Only exception is minors
Well, there it goes...

Lol wtf is wrong with these people

>You're becoming mini-yugoslavia.
That's mostly past, majority of ex-yugo immigrants came here during Yugoslavia. I think I heard news a couple of weeks ago that these laws/regulations (considering migrants from Balkan) will become more strict too.

Sounds interesting, but no one would seek refugee in Slovenia even if you had an open boarder

>local language
Reminds me of when I was in Bosanski Brod once.
>Need to take some money from bank machine
>Put in card, machine shows languages I can use
>Lokalni jezik, Lokalni jezik in cyrillic and English
>''lokalni jezik''
>Fuck it went with english

>thinking our political whores will do anything other than roll over and ask for more as the EU dumps another few thousand refugees here

>he is commonly used as a reason for everything wrong in slovenia by the left

just like kučan is used as a reason for everything wrong in slovenia by them. Everyone in politics should be gassed.

Sweden isn't even on that list. Fuck yeah

I'll move soon Janez so don't worry

It's normal that they have to be fluent in Slovenian, but sadly we seen in Ljubljana people finishing universities and not even knowing to speak Slovenian, besides few words. How did they do it? When we gone to school they would not allow you to finish if you didn't know how to pronounce correctly R.

I wish. But thankfully Sweden exists so the shitskins keep heading north. Thank you Sven for your tollerance.

kucan at least has been part of the actual power structure longer though as has the left. fact is this country sucks if you're not into nepotism and socialist mentality.

>Lokalni jezik, Lokalni jezik in cyrillic and English
I expected them to at least cover all 3 languages

Great Janez, we sold all major companies and we didn't develop at all. Those foreigners don't buy companies to develop us, they buy them to promote their foreign companies and lower your salary to pay off the purchase.

> fact is this country sucks if you're not into nepotism and socialist mentality.

I'd argue this is only if you're dumb and can't secure a job post through work experience and skills. Just think of all the morons who got a job and were later exposed to the press. Plagiarized bachelors and masters' thesis, "hurr i dindu nuffin" arguments, literal retards who can't do simple tasks.

>implying massive migration was legal before

>few weeks ago a couple Chinese came to my school
>they wanted new workers in their factory in Obrenovac
>me and my friends get pretty interested in that and decide to visit it with our proffesors
>it was pretty modern factory with up to date machines not like in our schooll wiht machines from the 90s Yugoslavia
>we look around the factorie and started asking them questions
>,,So if we decide to work here what will be our pay??''
>,,Hmm it will be around 280 euros at best.''
>,,U picku bre materinu so how long will we work ??
>,,You will work most off the day with no breaks.''
>,,How do you mean with no breaks??''
>,,It means that you will wear a diaper the whole day''
Serbia is slowly turning into the worlds biggest sweat shop,nobody is giving a shit about that.

>> 106453310
Please be trolling.

A lot of our big industrialists are talking about a partnership with China.

>please be trolling

He isn't. But don't worry, can't happen here as long as EU stands. Too many regulations not to mention the fact that Germoney is kinda getting more racist and its politicians are telling the Chinese between the lines to fuck off

Remember reading something like this few months back,some guy working in korean factory,saying that same shit with diapers and not having any sick leave so working while being sick.

My dad told me once:
>Chinese came to UNIS (bicycle) factory for a trade deal.
>They asked for 1 000 000 bikes to produced for China and would have paid good money for it
>Meanwhile yearly output at that factory is 20 000 bikes