Are there any legit non-spamming pajeet's here,seems like these goyim's are underestimating us,lets get on board to England and shit in their streets,they way they shat on us for two centuries all PAJEET's UNITE.
Pajeet's UNITE
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Dont worry gypsies aka you already fucked it up
Worming her way out of her bunghole
Chunk chunk chunk
Five boxes of cereal in that one shit
Lop lop lop like a big heffer horse
Big and nearly green, or it should be but it's brown
Chunky doesn't give it justice, it's "airy", light, and somehow tight
So much packed in but not clamped down nor downtrodden
Natural styrofoam pre heated, you want to squish
Hand over hand-one under-side to side-and held apart grabbing shit like a rope
Forming back like lichen moss or brownish loam
Oh how it comes out in chunks, segments
Like dough dropping down a hole that's just too small for a free fall
Coming out of that big thick white ass, a bung hole
Juiceless, but not fruitless
Raspberries. Strawberries. Nuts. And raisins.
You're welcome
(Note: to not allow a free fall to happen due to the dough occasionally, but not sporadically, "clamping", for severe lack of a better word, onto the sides of sed bung hole)
(Note: sed, as in the past tense of says, said, but without the ai. Not to be confused with sed-uction bung hole)
Why do internet Indians love the UK so much? Is it because we build your railways and gave you courts/the rule of law?
>these goyim's
So you're a kikepooinloo?
And toilets that you refuse to use?
poo everywhere
Ever noticed how the places where the British Empire were heavily involved in India are the ones that are tolerable?
The places we ignored are shit holes.
Not even a thank you. When I think about what India could have been with another 100 years of British direction, I could weep.
You could have been as progressed as Hong Kong.
Poo in loo, filthy kike
You weren't ready Pajeet, you weren't ready to leave but it's never too late to come home like the prodigal son. Not a favourite son of course, lord no, more a sort of illegitimate backstairs sort of sprog, you know a sort of spotty squit that nobody really likes, but nonetheless, still a fruit of our overactive colonialism.
Go to school, Ramesh.
I found out the other day that the lower cast Shudras (80 I.Q) have taken over India and they are the ones shitting all over the street. And the Brahmins (110 I.Q) have lost control of the country, sorry for all the poo in loo jokes mate, it seems that 'democracy' has ruined your nation :(
indians are fuking disgusting, because of all these rajeshs and dindus infesting this place i have leave soon to get away from them all
>India super power 2020!
>liberated from petty despotism and superstition
>built infrastructure, industry, civil government, education, hospitals, science, technology, PROPER SANITATION
>nearly 100 years of foreign aid donations amounting to billions (£279 million to India this year alone!)
>shat on
All this was done by 150,000 British including military in the entire subcontinent among a population of 300 million. Or 0.05% of the population.
Today, there are 1,750,000,000 billion people in the subcontinent today. less than 50,000 of them are white. What have you got to complain about?
On the other hand, in the UK, there are 1.5 million indians, 1.5 million pakis, and half a million bangladeshis. Or 5% of the population. That is if 2011 immigration figures can be trusted. They can't. And there has been at least 3 million total immigrants to the UK since then.
Subcontinent immigration to the UK is 100 times worse than the Raj. You got civilisation out of us. What do we get out of you but white genocide?
poo in loo
You should not pick a fight with this person!
We got currys, so there is that.
Just wish more curry houses were run by british people. The Indians are actually mostly pakistanis and they can't for shit in comparison.
I've not eaten an indian from a curry house in years because I don't trust them. My wife makes a fucking mean masala though.
Funfact, Tika Masala was invented in Glasgow.
soft baby hands
I know. I went to university in Glasgow. But we could've got the recipes without the white genocide.