What does Trump have against Margaret Thatcher? I thought she's a conservative icon?

What does Trump have against Margaret Thatcher? I thought she's a conservative icon?

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i didn't donate to palestine so you can shitpost on Sup Forums you fucking leech
i want a refund

>meryl streep

Good shop :D


a dildo in thatcher's dead arse

Well from an economic perspective she shut down alot of mining and other industrial operations around the UK. Pissed off alot of people in North England, Scotland and Wales where alot of these facilities spanned back a century or two and employed most if not all the local people.

Meanwhile Trump has poised himself as an industrialist strongman and takes on alot of issues American rust belt people face such as lack of employment and the opiate epidemic. So it's not too farfetched to see the reasoning why.

She memed away state owned industries that were going shit as well as welfare.
Sup Forums is full of white trash

you mean sold it to her party donors for a reduced

Palestine? How are you not dead? Why are you posting on Sup Forums?
