Women are as strong as men, FACT. It's just societal factors that keep them from being competitive. Once gender equality takes hold, women will dominate men at due to superior work ethic. Before you try to argue - there are no longitudinal studies that prove that men are stronger than men, so all your evidence is bullshit made up in your mind because you can't handle a strong woman.
Women are as strong as men, FACT. It's just societal factors that keep them from being competitive...
Pick both
Keep my waifu out of this bait u nigger
> Women are as strong as men, FACT.
Does it make you sad that if you hit on her, she would say no?
POL can only argue against strawman now ever since the election. This place has been flooded with lukewarm IQ nimrod neon conservative scum who think electro shock therapy can make someone strait. Fuck you guys
You should put a fork into an outlet and see if that cures you
Or chew through an extension cord
Are you even trying plebbit?
Not really since that was a sarcastic post
POL (politically incorrect). Thanks for proving my point
KYS with your double bait.
Are you meming?
men can lift more
man is the representation of the dominant.
woman is the representation of the submissive.
They will never be as strong because they have little testosterone. No one is giving you serious replies because your thread is retarded.
In all sports women can't reach the level of men because they are genetically the weak sex. They were not the hunters.
Nice try cuck op. Next time think.
In javelin, they eveb hse smaller and lighter javelins ans still cant throw as far
>not posting the webm
she is so beautiful i want to just fuck and milk her all day long and treat her like a princess. god shes fucking wrecking all my perceived fetishes for petite blondes.
>implying trans MtF won't dominate women's sports
it's already happening faggot. Also, guess who was named Woman of the Year last year?
even men are better women than women
>social factors like testosterone.
Saw this post yesterday, word for word, from some leaf including
>men are stronger than men
You really should proof read your cut-and-pastes. Oh, and stop being an unoriginal faggot.
Here's a question for you.
Would you marry and breed with a white 6'5" 240 lb muscular woman with no health problems and a family history of tall white males and females, or a 5'8" 140 lb girl with a supermodel body and average height relatives with average health?
Testosterone has very little to do with strength, it has much more to do with the proportion of the chemicals idiot.
BAIT BAIT BAIT ITS BAIT IF IT DOESNT AGREE WITH ME. Even if this is BAIT, you still havnt and can't refute it
And? I see the same bullshit strawmen against liberals on here day after day too but I don't see you bitching then
olympic records
Nice art, sauce?
bait thread
stio ignoring sexual dimorphism
also if women can compete with men in sports put them in the boxing ring together lol
My waifu
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I have a half sister that's a fucking disgusting ass dyke and is a mutant woman like those tennis stars, definitely an outlier I support women like this as a joke. It's like a guy become manager of a make up store
cesar santos
Mein schwanz
Depends on intellect and personality but if assuming equal, then muscle
why do she throw the javelin less far than his male collegue then ?
Extremely entertaining posts :DDDDDDDDDD
Men have height, bone, and reach advantage it has nothing to do with strength
>No studies that say men are stronger than men
Finally scientists agree on something.
>there are no longitudinal studies that prove that men are stronger than men
what did he mean by this?
>Women are as strong as men, FACT. It's just societal factors that keep them from being competitive.
The same societal factors are fucking over men as well.
It's just typical that you completely ignore the higher suicide and workplace death rate, the longer workdays, the fact that men do 90% of all dirty and dangerous jobs and instead bring up this diffuse idea of women being oppressed.
>Once gender equality takes hold,
How do you propose that will happen?
>women will dominate men at due to superior work ethic.
Work ethic is in the shitter for both genders ATM. If you figured out how to improve it only for women, please share your thoughts.
>Before you try to argue - there are no longitudinal studies that prove that men are stronger than men,
pointed out, there are actually plenty of studies.
Not that physical strength is that important in today's society.
>so all your evidence is bullshit made up in your mind because you can't handle a strong woman.
Where did all the matriarchies go?
compare men and women's Olympic records for weightlifting and track/field you shithead
>work ethic
>don't have my dank may mays with me right now.
Since she's an athlete she's probably fuckin dozens of men in those olympic villages and shit.
Sportswomen are degenerate tier.
She looks like gebderbend janosik
>work ethic
Damn, you made me post.
>work ethic
Or this one's my favorite
no they are not, it is biological fact
Daily reminder that if you don't look like pic related you have literally 0 chances with polish thicc goddesses
lol that she does.
thats she does
So don't me get wrong. I really admire lady athlete's determination. Things like the spirit of competition and sportsmanship are far more important than the scores or weights or distances or individual metrics used to measure a winner.
The thing is women just aren't as strong as men. My girlfriend works fucking hard to get swole and shes a fucking dead sexy muscle lady. I'm healthy but I don't really go out of my way for it. I'm tall and lanky.
We like to roughhouse and after awhile we really start to throw down. Its all in good fun but we're pretty serious and really anything goes. The thing is she never wins unless shes able to get around my neck. Mostly she just throws really ineffective punches I don't even bother avoiding and when I eventually do get a hold of her I just throw her around like a rag doll until she says "uncle".
>throw her around like a rag doll until she says "uncle
how do i teach my waifu to do this with me?
rip w pokoju
Mountain-men get all the pussy, always.
why Polish TV do not make such good TV series anymore?
>dat soundtrack from Czarne Chmury opening
fuckin awesome
Welcome on this ride, roastie.
Remember that you are here forever.
This. Women have the worst work ethics imaginable. Even the ones that do work throughout the month are reliant on (((the pill))) which is known to cause irreversible brain damage yet women simply don't care.
The simple fact is women are weaker, less intelligent and can't work for part of each month unless they rely on drugs. Many careers would have a 50-98% decrease in productivity if all men were replaced with women.
>But muh modern scientific advancement.
It's women who are at risk of becoming obsolete.
Weren't babies and sperm supposed to be parasitic so if anything I should be thanking my father for commandeering my mother's body.
refer to this for your batshit insane questions
Gr8 b8, m8.
The male body is made of muscles, the female one is mostly fat.
Primarily because nature (read “GOD“) designed the man to be a hunter and the woman to care for the children.
Under the same conditions a woman and a man with the same level of fitness can't compete.
It has been proven time and time again, that's the whole reason we seperate the genders in all kind of sport competitions.
how do i get a polish gf?
we need more TV series like that, propagating strong male figures
>gebderbend janosik
>Posts pic of javelin throwing
>The current (as of 2015) men's world record is held by Jan Železný at 98.48 m (1996).
>Barbora Špotáková holds the women's world record at 72.28 m (2008).
please restrain from communist propaganda.
Janosik is sorta like Polish Robin Hood, only he robbe with ciupaga (mountaineer's axe), flintlock pistol, and bunch of his górale bros.
Too bad he was betrayed by a woman and died, hanging while impaled through his guts
and eat more of your modern propaganda Hans? fuck off
Literally every record is like this.
>Women are as strong as men, FACT.
I don't doubt it...
>Too bad he was betrayed by a woman and died, hanging while impaled through his guts
>trusting women
I misspelled gender bend, janosik is a legendary/real highlander from 19th century, honorable bandit
>Women are as strong as men, FACT
Women are not as strong as men, FACT
yeah, no exceptions. everyone is being baited hard.
I'm just waiting for trannies to get more accepted in Olympic sports so that all the top female athletes are actually men.
But there is only one women on this picture.
why you spreading cuckery? restrain yourself pls
it was meant to add more drama to the story, or maybe it was in original Janosik lore, who knows
wasnt there a case of a south african """"woman"""" running in the females endurance runs and blowing them the fuck out?
Are they going to dominate the NFL too? Or would it be racist to oust the nig men.
muscle strength is related to testosterone which women have less of. you're fucking retarded.
>neon conservative
ok you're trolling, fuck off, what's even the point of doing this nonsense. get a hobby you jobless shit.
>Testosterone has very little to do with strength, it has much more to do with the proportion of the chemicals idiot.
Bone structure. Also you should do some reading on testosterone since you clearly don't know what it does for the body.
There are tons of cases mate. They just aren't allowed in the Olympics.
>Men take performance crippling drugs.
>Try to become more aesthetically pleasing to men rather than improving their gains.
>Still dominate in female divisions.
The only reason it's rare to hear about it is because trannies are usually too busy trying to avoid gains because they already look hideous compared to the average real woman.
My thoughts exactly. None of this trolling is constructive to anyone, least of all the person starting it.
>Bear den.
Why are tranny names so shit?