what happens after we die?
pic related
what happens after we die?
pic related
come back just as ugly as before? bummer
We become topsoil. Take off the fucking name, faggot. That's not why we're here.
Just graves disease my shit up!
Ask ted bundy
I don't know what happens after we die but now I sure know that Italians are not white
Medshits are not white
I'm really starting to question the nature of reality now seriously everything is fucking weird if you think about it. What the hell is this place what the hell is existence I have so many questions.
Nice image OP and looks like a Jew cutie.
you get 72 virgines, and 72 mothers in law
You go to afterlife temporarily until your higher-dimensional bodies run out of juice, then reincarnate.
Bwahahahah what????? Also digits.
t. Leaf chink/nigger
but Ozil is German
my nigga.
I'm at the same point right now. Reality is a meme, now what? I don't know how to go deeper down the rabbit hole and sure it's unconfortable here.
Only vikings are white.
Rest of you are all niggers.
>not taking the bog pill
the world if not THAT weird, the just really really BIG and made out of really small particles. And you just happen to exist in a section of it where you can't exactly grasp the size and detail of it.
>Be born Italiano
>Reborn as a t*rk
>Hell is truly real
This is EXACTLY the picture I thought of... anyone have the one that compares?
bog pill? i just call it a laxative
Well unfortunately for you, it will likely be an eternal lake of fire where demons are ripping your skin off as you're being boiled alive in lava and your loved ones are clawing at you, and cursing you. You will see your own mother, your wife, and your children being tortured and burned alive while they scream how much they hate you.
On the off chance that you're a christian though, it will be paradise.
it's* , mot "the"
I have no idea what the fuck is happening anymore and I realize I never did.
>bog pill? i just call it a laxative
It will flow through you... the bog pill will change you. You will grow wise. You will see through gravity's disguise.
It's hard to reconcile how Christians have so much hatred in their hearts for those who aren't Christians but are publically complete cucks who like to import niggers and muslims and kiss their feet.
Just think about these three things
1. the universe is infinite
2.time is infinite or possibly not real
3.atoms that make up the entire universe are infinitely small
That last thing about atoms really raises some questions for me like how is physical reality even possible.
Someone post Trump and Patton. Patton died close (a little before) Trump's birth.
>but are publically complete cucks who like to import niggers and muslims and kiss their feet
speak for yourself nigger, I go to college campuses once a week to expose their filth and degeneracy
We are reborn as t*rks apparently. Truly a fate worse than death.
Jesus Christ they look like something out of spitting image
We taken the red pill so hard it isn't red anymore.
were to go now? some people here suggest, at this point, to get into mistycism and so.
I've seen one of you guys at my school before
out there calling people sodomites and sinners kek
Funny to see the normies reactions
Dont think like this.
You brain is gonna short-circuit and you'll get panick attacks.
Trust me...
Ah, the traditional German name Mesut. Lots of history!
From all the stuff I've looked at I am slowly coming to the conclusion that everything is really just made of consciousness most of the science world is headed towards believing it too.
In some ways it's kind of comforting.
Dude. If you wanna go deeper. Try meditating. Your mind and consciousness have the ability to do amazing things, travel amazing places. Since we have no idea how consciousness works, our reality is just the way it is because we percieve it that way
Odin is German
Özil is Roach
I'm trying, but I get bored, my back hurts and I have to come over and over again over my breathing to focus. it doesn't seem like a good way for me.
I know man. My mind has always been full of racing thoughts, hard to get into that deep meditative state. Really want to test DMT aswell, people have amazing out of body experiences on that, free to be just a soul, flying through space and seeing endless dimensions of impossible shapes. Meditating on your third eye can also give you these experiences
blessed numbers
chiming in, been trying this as well, and have the same general experience; eventually get distracted, can't maintain focus of an extended period of time etc. I'm truly starting to think modern society is actively/physically (by electromagnetic interference perhaps?) sabotaging anyone actively trying to meditate.
I do think there was a reason Crowley said it'd be pretty impossible to practice yoga/meditation in a place like London. Maybe he was trying to tell us something, and to meditate somewhere where no technology can interfere, imaginary or not.
Nothing. You rot.
>I have to come over and over again
That's not meditation, Franco.
Watch a movie called " I, Origins " it's along the lines of your pic.
Try to conceptualize how tv works , that shit always fucks with me.
ayy lmao
There's a website that lists a lot of supposed reincarnations of celebrities and whatnot similar to your pic. Can't recall the exact site but look up "reincarnation research" and you should find it.
I don't know if I necessarily believe it, but it's the kind of stuff that really activates your almonds
I hope not being reborn an ugly fish faced roach.
We come back to life eventually. Energy cannot be destroyed; only redistributed, compressed, expanded. We live on as part of a star, part of a massive hydrogen cloud in the cosmos, and the lucky ones, never beer far and come back as living things.
Jesus Christ I fucking hate all of you people.
What is difficult to understand about physical reality? You trying to appear smart by 'le overthinking' is not a sign of maturity or intelligence.
>Le everything is so small but the universe is so vast dudeeee
>woah so trippy
What is the fucking issue?
same brah i am like existentalist haha maybe also buddhist
realuty = maya = illusion
People are desperate for greater meaning.
>implying physical reality is the only reality
>implying we understand physical reality
>everyone who disagrees is some kind of idiot.
Go America, Go!
>your atoms might end up being used to make a nigger
we are all patters combined with different percentages, that's why your pic related
Nothing. You rot in the ground.
What if your atoms -are- niggers?
Nothing. When we die we cease to exist, which ends all signals to the brain. Without any brain or signals to interpret them we simply feel, see, and think nothing. The brain is the seat of all consciousness and intelligence in human beings.
False. When the brain ceases activity that is the end of the consciousness in humans. There is no 'soul' or any kind of possible method for a person to sense or experience anything outside of the physical body.
Panic attacks, the only time I've ever felt alive...
Does this mean religionw are a lie???
they are not small, they are not even real. matter doesn't really exists. just energy at different vibrations.
Some of your atoms are undoubtedly part of a nigger right now, and vice versa
Oh boy
Purely coincidence???
You really wanted a response so badly that you had to tag 3 different people in hopes that they will give you a (you) ?
well here you go queer
You go to heaven or hell. Read the bible faggot, it's everything there.
he looks like mussolini too that racist prick
Back to Tumblr faggot
It never ends.
This is proof, Italians are Turks
Literal atoms or atoms like atom bomb atoms?
Because if literal atoms were infinatley small that would be one hell of a misnomer.
The infinity of the universe is just a theory based on wave lenghts from distant stars and could very well be a gravitational interplay.
Time could also be an interplay just like your consciousness.
Which we call matter or do you mean the word not being real because if its just a construct in your mind it is still manifested in an electrochemical manner and again energy.
>I come back looking the same
No afterlife. We're all slowly reaching our conscious expiration date.
Get busy living or get busy dying
Meditation requires practice, the first few times discourage a lot of people because they realize how turbulent their minds really are. After a few weeks of regular practice your mind clears in ways you can't even understand right now and coming back to it after days without practice is much easier if you have been consistent before. Opening your "third eye" is like being born again, it's really hard to describe so I always encourage people to keep trying, it's totally worth the effort and patience.
You need to watch Evangelion
Its an illusion my friend. You are a bunch of electrons and neutrons and shit vibrating just the right way. Your thoughts and consciousness are a product of the physical makeup of your brain. You're programmed to think you have an "I" inside your head---that inner voice that you are so sure is "you". Its not you. Its nothing. Yet when you die, there will be nothingness. You are nothing and everything at the same time.
I am not my mind I am consciousness
Look at every other specie in the world, their members look practically the same with few exceptions like, dogs and cats but these are domestic animals directly affected by humans. Now consider all the diversity and interracial fuss of nowdays, how some people want to humans mix in other to make us all look as similar as possible.
Maybe there's a relation between these two situations? How about if we take into consideration asians, and how they "all look the same"... Tricky thing this evolution
I believe there is something holding us back aswell. Don't know if it is related, but every time I get projected into space or where I'm trying to go while deep meditating, I see it so clearly for a brief moment but it starts spinning and dissappears.
>German Names
Pick one
matter is as much of an illusion as space and time are.
just saiyan
>infinitely small
no they are not?
What hits me the most is that if atoms are mostly made of empty space how the fuck everything is so solid and not transparent
There are studies that show that this is not the case. Consciousness is proven not to be just the signals in our brain.
If you think about it, yes they are.
Atoms are just a model that humans constructed. Atoms are just vibrating energy.
who thinks quantum mechanics may help us a very little bit to answer this big question
so if pic related is true I have a high possibility of being born as an Indian/Chink. I finally understand why (((they))) want to be immortal.
great lecture +fav
This is dumb there are billions of people, there's a good chance you'll have a doppelganger