You wouldn't argue with autism, would you Sup Forums?
You wouldn't argue with autism, would you Sup Forums?
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Well there mouths are different and so are there hands. His kids autism is probably retarded.
not an argument
An autist is the only person who would fall for the MSM lie that Trump made fun of an autistic reporter
I'm arguing with it everyday in this shithole.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery..."
>that hand
It's kinda funny that Normies seem to think of Autists as super smart while everyone here just thinks of Chris-chan, pamperchu and speedrunners
Well boys, what do you see with your autism eyes?
I bet you that reporter was secretly happy that someone finally didn't put his disease on a pedestal and treated him normal. But then he remembered he had an agenda to fill, so he needed to pretend to be offended and of course everyone needs to be offended for him.
>Autism eyes
>Autism eyes
>be mural strop
>muh disables can't
>so powuhlus
yeah, that's exactly how all disabled people want to be treated
He's made that gesture around 15 times during the lead up to election day, the other 14 weren't handicapped. he didn't know.
To the person in the twitter picture. Why don't you stop using peoples disability for political gain.
I argue with autism all day long on this board.
That reporter was stupid. He derserved to be made fun of. If an Isis suppoter happened to be retarded I would still want to shoot them. His mental illness is irrelevant.
Anybody that cant take criticism lacks humility and should accept discipline not argue it as they are the ones who are in the wrong. Niggers and prostitutes brought us the false logic we see today.
jesus, what happened to kiefer sutherland??
What people don't realize is that most Autism is nurture, not nature
>I have autism eyes
Why has society stopped killing cripples at birth?
>is autistic
>doesn't frequent Sup Forums
Nice try, normie. Trump has the aspie vote.
Can't believe there are people ON Sup Forums that still believe this shit.
just look at this thread
(all those trying to defend Trump instead dismissing a lie)
Just because someone's disabled doesn't mean they can't act like an idiot and deserve to get made fun of.
>capable of anything at all
There is such a big misconceptiin about autism lately, and it is really bothering. First off, every kid nowadays gets diagnosed with ADHD and Autism, just to feed them with pills. Then they romanticized the entire disorder and portrait autists as some kind of geniuses. The idiots ate it up, Sup Forums obviously included.
If one had ever met a person with real autism, one would know that autists are literal retards. A death, mongolian looking stare. Always a bit confused and angry. Always ready to throw their next tamper tantrum. They are like downies just more sinister and without all the funny aspects of downies.
Autists really piss me off, and people that think that there healthy kid has autism and is therefore a genius even more so.
Just few days ago I had the experience with a real autist again. I was in the intercity bus, in which some autist was also riding. Every time he came back from the toilet, he was walking into people's seats, and thumbling over their feet, because he is a disfunctional moron, and every time he would turn around and give people, me included, this disgusting, blank but angry autist stare, blaming the others, for his incompetence to walk a straight line.
Fucking hell, those Autist eyes. I have not seen anything more infuriated than those goddamn autist eyes, with their dull and blank stare, that almost drains the life out of you.
I have autism eyes too OP and this bitch is full of shit. So is the communist Jewish run media and every fake news bullshit they tried to smear with.
Trump was right, that reporter wrote about the celebrating Muslims. They had to change the story and make it about something else. Trumps grandiose hand movements were what they picked, the reporter happened to be disabled and they tried to push a non-issue on US.
We saw through it, just like we see through shill posts.