debate this
Debate this
who can argue with a cute trap?
>things who wear hats
both are disguisting degenerates, /pol is not one person
>/pol is not one person
you can't prove other wise
>not wanting a cute trap girl(boy)friend
Who dis
>lewd anime gf
leave it to straya to make this fucking thread luv ya cheeky cunt
Looks like a fag
>Sup Forums is one person
prove otherwise
Kill yourself effeminate ugly autistic weeaboo sperg.
Real Sup Forums users believe tranny abominations belong to the psych ward or an extermination camp
Various autistic ugly NEET weirdos and deviants from Sup Forums Sup Forums and /r9k/ are not part of Sup Forums and should be gassed
>tfw you can't prove you are a creation of my imagination
I guess you win.
Is there enough gas in the world?
Gas yourself. You will never be a country
At least 2 people confirmed.
> cute
Of course only Sweden would see something so disgusting as cute. After all they accept Somalis.
Debated and saged
trump confirmed jesus
Damn right.