Wake up

>Wake up
>Realize I still live in this shit country
>Day ruined

It's okay, you can easily put yourself out of your own misery. I can even help you, bro.

It's simple. All you have to do is restore Constantinople.

just go to germany and get some white women and gibmedats

>Same feeling every day

Feels bad man

Fucking kek, fpbp

say your syrian, lost your passport and ID, get qt scandanavian girls, get given every job opportunity you want, probably given a house and if not ask some swede to let you live with them then impregnate their daughter and start a fresh life

Whats your excuse? go for it

Maybe having some dignity and glances of civilization inside us unlike syrian refugees?

It's just pathetic here, government is overrun by ignorant islamist fags and economy is crashing down in flames

I have a Comp. Engineering major, however our currency is so fucked that I make less than a waiter in EU working as a full time engineer now.

Which uni :D

stahp crying you bitchass nigga, buyuk oyunu bozacagiz


Hey what will Pepe say when your so negative about life? Why is the glass half empty? You are the master of your own reality. Either positive or negative. Your choice

Çüş, yurtdışına gitmeyi düşündün mü hiç? Ya da yüksek lisans falan? Bende GS bilgisayardaydım ama değiştirdim dedim sikerim bilgisayar mühendisliğini mimarlık okuyorum şimdi itü'de.

You live in fucking Sweden dude pls.

Kardes kimsin lan sen? can caldirani taniyor musun? biz alamanyaya kaciyoruz sen de kac kendini kurtar inshallah

>turk start a thread
>they speak in coackroche in less than 5 post

every time

Yes and I don't lile it but the posetive thaught is that it cant get worse... well ww3 will come first bit then! Also ive been to heaven, its nice there so im not afraid to die

you made me sad. are you happy now you fucking baguette?

Shut the fuck up and keep sucking on that baguette Mahmoud

Onumuzdeki kis donemi icin basvurucam bakiyorum ama euronun hali fena

Almanyaya nasil kaciyorsunuz

Tu a quelquechose de demander mec?

Are you high bruh?

kardes almanya'ya cs masterina gidiyoruz iste fazla bekleme euro ve dolar gunde 8 9 kurus artiyor sen gidene kadar 5 olur :(

Gitmeyin amınıza koyum, biz napalım :/

keke gemi batti batacak bogulmak istemiyorsan atla batmadan :D

Ulan okul bitmedi, bende meraklı değilim ki bombaların arasında yaşamaya amk

shitchoice keke, cs varken mimarlik tam bir shitchoice. gl next game. no re.

Hocam bende MIT'de okumuyordum ki bilgisayar müh'ü, GSÜ altı üstü, İTÜ mimarlık Türkiye'de ki en iyi bölümlerden biridir belki de.

i know that feel , cockroach

maybe you should start a coup ;)