Be me

>be me
>18 in high school, support trump because fuck society
>italian and history teacher is a die-hard clinton fan and only wanted her president bcus womenz
>she shittalks trump slanderously on a daily basis, adding news from tyt or i don't fucking know
>been taking the dick of not being able to say something back to her because she could just go out of her way against me, for a year now

Take action or keep taking the dick?

We already won user
No need to harm your grades just to argue with some dumb cunt

just tell the principal you arent comfortable being bombarded with political opinions during school or some shit. who cares about her opinion anyway

Is it even allowed for teachers to promote their political views in Italy? It definitelly isn't in our country.

Sounds like she wants your dick user

Agree is possible is she hot?

Also I don't see a problem with you dropping a few red pills here and there if not for her sake then for the other students to know that there are two sides to every coin

I think they can here, but i guess they expect everyone to be the average deluded millennial in our school so they say those things like a teacher 30 years ago would have said "god is good".
That one teacher just goes over the top with it though, any occasion she can find she'll bring that up, especially during history class.

report her to the principal, she is wasting class time.
typical fucking cunt getting butthurt over an election that is none of her business.

She's probably in her late 60s/ early 70s. I'd be fine with old pussy, not rotting though

Step 1: Buy MAGA cap.
Step 2: Cocky grin 24/7.
Step 3: "I don't argue with losers".
Step 4: Profit.

Send an anonymous letter to the principal saying you feel very uncomfortable with her projecting her political beliefs on class.

Dont fall for the bait and sperg out.

Nobody in Italy knows what TYT is. No one cares enough about American politics to still discuss Trump/Clinton now, especially in school. I call bullshit on your story, fellow Mario.

Ok, tbf she doesn't even give out her sources but she spews out so much bullshit I went by association there. She does still talk about it though, just the other day she brought up the alleged hacker attacks.

Say "wrong" like Trump every time she speaks about hillary

Just wait until the day you graduate and tell her you're glad the criminal bitch lost

Well, people in Germany know for sure and a lot of them actually think TYT is a good place to inform yourself. What I mean by that is that it could be possible.
Also, you both might be right. Teacher probably copies "statistics" and "facts" from TYT and regurgitates them. OP is probably the only person that notices this regressive leftist BS and the lies.
And you will meet these people eventually. When you are at university people will be full of this liberal BS and I am studying to be a teacher, so the road ahead is probably gonna be worse. I feel you, OP.
I have to conceal and hide my beliefs on a regular basis or I will receive worse grades than usual by lecturers and I would probably also be a social outcast with the other students.
They don't care about different opinions at all.
Fun part is, whenever there is a presentation or something similar lecturers always say there needs to be a discussion at the end of it.
And whenever there is something regarding Trump, AfD or any conservative views in general as a topic, there is no discussion. It's just not happening because all the SJW and leftists made everybody shut up through calling them a Nazi whenever they have opposing views. Whenever there is no discussion, the same lecturers and students that denounce and shame people because of theri perfectly legitimate views and opinions complain to the class about bad discussions and why nobody would say anything so it can be discussed.
It is kafkaesque.

Be it high school or college, just conform.

Winning an argument with someone you won't ever see again isn't worth risking your grade.


This and fuck off back to your grades. You won't win anything challenging authority while in school unless of you are challenging the right wing

Seriously, make an anonymous complaint to your principle.

Tell them to shut the fuck up or you are suing. It's not politics class. It's Italian and History. Honestly shoot it up take a poll in class to see who voted Clinton and spare them.. Then we can use you in the media to show how awful Clinton supporters are (you pledged your allegiance to her on Facebook the morning of).

Help MAGA bro this is your chance

>supports Trump
Get out

Italy is not Germany. I took Philosophy in one of the leftiest city in Italy, I didn't spot a single SJW, nor did any professor push a liberal agenda. In fact, a few of them were subtly conservative/right wing. At any rate, no one spoke about current issues ever, you could only infer their political outlook from the philosophers they liked. They just, you know, taught what they were meant to teach. Same goes for the teachers in high school. One of them was openly a Marxist, he still taught about Tocqueville too.
Do not assume everyone is as cucked as you are. We don't even have gender studies here (not even the term itself exist or is understood by anyone) or other ridiculous forms of degeneracy. Yet.

Did you study in Bologna? Because here it's full of proto SJWs

Clintons did more dmg to this country than trump by far

Say nothing. Leave MAGA messages around the school. Enloy the fireworks.

Turin. Granted I did finish 3 years ago, but I doubt any major change happened, considering the professors are still the same.

She had shown to be quite the feminist for a few years already plus she became friends with our English conversator who comes from America and hates trump though more subtly. To be honest I don't even believe she sees anything of hillary over the fact that she's a woman.

Slowly redpill her with questions and mentioning different situations where she would be wrong.

All under the guise of trying to learn.

It doesn't seem like it when you're a kid growing up, but the people who become teachers are actually the stupidest people, inevitably dumb whores who went to college on daddy's money and now soak up their low-paying teaching job and brag to their friends about how they're "shaping young minds" when really they just regurgitate what they saw on Facebook the night before. Teachers do not matter, especially not this one. Unfortunately, they're given a lot of power over young people and can easily ruin your life on a whim if they choose to. Don't argue, don't raise your voice. Just keep your head down, do the assignments and graduate, then go on to do great things and rub her nose in it that she's still stuck in some run down public school surrounded by brain dead little shits.

Get the bitch sacked.

It's not that I like it, my country just sucks and I've been born here. And about your last word in your text: I think we both know that a lot of the US-level-feminism and SJWs will eventually take over Europe.
Most of them are not SJW per se, but they go along with the mainstream agenda.
But anyways, good for you that you did not experience something like this. Gonna be finished soon and I just hope that a lot of this nonsense is gonna lose importance for the people around me.

no one but us knows TYT in italy, true, but i girl i banged two months ago that is now in my ex high school said her english teacher (who was also my tracher last year) said she sperged out against trump and actually said that "now is the end for mexicans" topkek

ps: girl said her class was bored as hell and make her talk about american election to avoid listening to the lesson

>18 in high school

School is easy, don't be a pussy. In highschool you can pretty much argue all class period and get away with it if she's bringing up politics in an inappropriate setting. Highschool is really insignificant, so you might as well drop some redpilling and have a good time.

this means that this is his last year, we go to university at 19

Propaganda of the deed.

Had it been any other teacher i wouldn't have cared, but I'm kind of borderline of both of the subjects she teaches so I can't risk it

So argue with her and get your shit in order. Towards the end of highschool I argued with my conservative teacher everyday he brought politics up because I was a Marxist back then and still got an A. She won't have the balls to take it out on you. It's just in your head

Actually I did fail my first year of high school because I was an unmotivated cunt but I've changed since

No, that's wrong. Most Conservatives actually appreciate a good discussion, leftists don't. They don't like their feelings being hurt, they don't like their views challenged, they don't like their opinions questioned.
Don't do it OP, don't jeopardize your grades trying to show stupid persons they are stupid.


Also what # said. Even our English conversator once told our class to prepare 1 or 2 reasons why "we like hillary clinton", later adding a """playful""" threat to who actually supported trump. The thing didn't happen though: the next time we would have seen her which was on 7th november she was absent so we wouldn't have seen her for another week.