How do Americans stand watching a bunch of ugly fat negroes hugging each other for 3 hours...

How do Americans stand watching a bunch of ugly fat negroes hugging each other for 3 hours? Do you do this because you feel guilty about slavery?

It is slavery basically. It's like the gladiators, they're poor and desperate, so they have sports and rap. A very very few percentage live a "healthy" life. The ones that survive football can't walk in they're 50s.

It's very entertaining and because of how short the actual plays are it's much better suited to the American attention span than soccer.

>game is 4 hours long
Makes total sense.

>comparing famous athletes to gladiators

Gladiators weren't free to choose what job they liked and earn tens of millions gladiating and a lifetime of ad money.

Yeah but there's only like 20-30 minutes of actual play time. The plays are short and a few seconds and most time is spent being in between plays.

They were slaves but they still made a lot of money and lived in luxury.

>It is slavery basically
and your 9-5 for pennies isnt?

Don't look at me. I don't watch plantation ball.

>do Americans stand watching a bunch of ugly fat negroes hugging each other for 3 hours?

this thread just made my night t.y. op

I hate the niggers, but football is one of the greatest sports out there.

And I'm not even american.

>tfw when too intelligent for American football

Someone timed a game a few years back and got just over 15 minutes of actual playing time from a 3+ hour broadcast.


Much better than some faggot sport where apparently the object of the game is to fall down and fake an injury.

Of couse, what do you expect from 3rd world countries and europoors.

Sports are sports. Football is a manly one. If you complain about sports, you're a cuckold. Get your testosterone up and stop being a sissy, OP. Watch and play sports.

Only if by manly you mean causing severe brain damage. White people don't find it acceptable to get severe brain damage so they won't play it, so that the sport is basically a nigger-worshiping cult.

As someone who doesnt like football and has to spend a lot of time around people who do, here's what I've realized: Getting drunk and arguing over what plays to make.

Same with baseball. All the down-time gives people time to drink and discuss/argue over the decisions.

Some, but not all. Plenty of good looking dudes and ugly dudes in football. Black and white. >implying you wouldn't jimmy garappalo

Only a couple interior linemen and they still need to be able to move fucking fast

>negroes hugging each other
Watch a game or two. They're not hugging. It's call tackling.

>for 3 hours
Unfortunately it's closer to 4 hours now thanks to the commissioner sucking all the fun out of football

>feel guilty about slavery?
I think the consensus in America is extreme respect and admiration for the players. They risk their lives and their lifespan to make it in an extremely competitive, albeit rewarding environment. It goes both ways too - a lot of players have tremendous respect for their fans. There are far more instances of players being very cool to the average fan, as opposed to acting like total dicks.

>american flag
>"in they're 50's"

american education everyone

football is an allegory for brazil, the majority of the team is a dark skinned horde all lead by a white guy.

The only people who watch it are those who bet money on it.

Pretty much the same as any sport.

Have you ever tried watching soccer or jesus a fucking car race without betting money on it ??

It's literally impossible.

i know ladyboy is just trolling but you forgot about people with passions for a said sport

i can watch motorsports all day, f1, wrc, motogp, nascar, drift events, drags

a good enthusiast follow all aspects of their hobby

>implying you wouldn't want to be a pit fighting, pussy slamming, heathen slaying gladiator

The best players are always white.

>Tom Brady (even though I hate him)
>Brian Urlacher
>JJ Watt
>That white runningback on the Lions, whats his name
>Jordy Nelson
>Any given lineman