are men and women equal ?
Are men and women equal ?
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Women are objectively worse at almost all things which is why modern women receive special treatment
you have to admit when russians thought about a weapon desing they took in account that womens would use them
She is so cute tho
Ofcourse not
They're not inferior, just diferent.
They don't quite fit in the system we created, that's why they appear to be handicapped.
They did a fine job back then when they belonged to the kitchen tou
No, they're inferior. Stop making excuses.
I was in the army and trust me man I've seen man handling gun wayyyyyy worse that her...
>are men and women equal ?
eeee nani
Yes, of course...
From this webm I will say qts are the most effective weapon. >Imagine you are at war see this russian qt trying to shoot you
>start crying like the qt she is,
>go to her, hug her,
>tell her she did good, cuz she is melting your heart,
>let her shoot you, because you dont want make her crying more
Fuck men this is next level psy weapon.
As long as females will be required for breeding they will be considered equal but different in my eyes.
I just can't figure out what to say about this. Jesus.
what the fuckkkk is that
That was painful to watch, how it it possible to make so many mistakes in under a minute?
In the eyes of the US constitution Men and Women of all races should be held to equal standards. This does not mean equal in their abilities or representation.
There might be some sick ass women good for military service but they are probably very few.
nailed it
t. american dude
she's just as fucking nuts as me
>eeeeeeeeeeee forever
I have tinnitus from the same thing. 99% of Sup Forums would cringe similarly if they were banging 5.45 with no earpro. Just sayin'.
From an evolutionary standpoint (so, as Mother Nature designed it) women are "better" than men because their value concerning reproduction is so much higher.
If you have 10 men and 10 women, then you can kill 9 men and the community can live on - however, if you kill 9 women then the community will degrade and eventually go extinct (if not get destroyed immediately as the men compete for the single pussy).
This is also why women are not so well developed as men. Obviously, they didn't have to because they were essential without it. Men, on the other hand, had to do something extra in order to justify their existence.
Never have been, never will be. Men and women are different and non-equal. It is comparing Apples and Oranges.
She started crying after the slide racked back..... if you are implying ANY man would do that, you probably only know leafs.
No, but neither is superior.
I would blast her ass
Equality in anything is a lie. No two things are ever truly equal. So no person is equal to another, ever.
I missed the crying part, that's definitely hurt feelings girl mode. Still, audible trauma does actually hurt. Bunch of nogunz fags around here.
Aside from the obvious birth, childcare, etc. women are better at task that require fine hand precision, due to their typically smaller hands.
To say that one sex is objectively inferior to the other is immature. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses.
Equality is a spook. But so is nationality.
They're equal in the sense that they are both necessary entities for the survival of a people and nation.
However, they are not the same. Making them the same will make them unequal.
No more equal than any man and man are equal, or woman and woman are equal.
In short, no.
She's a reporter
Link to full vid, anyone?
asymetrically equal, but we are not exactly the same. we both have flaws and benefits that balance things out (though women tend to be the ones that destroy the societies they reside)
This. Women are meant to be in the domestic sphere (house) whereas men should be performing labor in the public sphere.
No. Dumb question
Holy shit.
it's a franken-penis. female to male trannies get that shit sometimes. they hack off a piece of skin from your forearm, a silicone implant, inflatable balls, then slap the forearm skin where your crotch is. you get an arm dick with arm hair on the tip that probably feels like jerking off a pork sausage
Lets not kid ourself a typical /po/lack would do better.
Pulling yourself on one hand is not even that hard when you lighter an arm and a leg.
That said props to the dude, he was awesome.
Obviously not but you can say that these days. If you say that to anyone your grandparents age they'll agree, men and women.
At Christmas my female cousin said something along the lines of "women are the ones who actually get things done" and i was like"when has that happened, ever?"
Everyone my parents age and older (I'm old desu) were like "lmao, no...That's not true"
No one is equal, a truth the insane marxist cucks will forever fail to understand.
Whats the fucking point, at least stick a g-spot on top of it or anything, otherwise dont bother and buy yourself a strapon, in addition you still have the only hole on your body that can get a fucking orgasm.
Why do all women have ass burgers? Seriously if you saw a man act like that you'd genuinely think he was retarded.
Women are with more than men
A man can have 365 babies a year
A women can only have 1
That is why they are slags if they fuck around
what a cool guy
At what point do they just tell her to get the fuck out?
Why you always lyin'?
Why are there eyes in that statue
What a fucking nightmare that webm is.
Women are better drivers though thats why they have accidents
No surprise that its young men who have the most crashes
Whenever the military tries to play the equality card, we lose a war.
No idea, kek
Why the fuck didn't anyone intervene before she pulled the trigger?
I dunno, my wife cooks for me often, but she rarely is willing to put the time and effort into making something truly delicious. Her food is good but I enjoy taking the time to make something great, not just ok. Especially when it comes to cooking meat.
The only woman I know who can actually handle a slab of beef correctly is my aunt, but she's an amazing cook.
Not equal but they should have equal freedoms and rights.
They'll never be as strong in the areas that men typically are but they'll never be as violent or manipulative either. INB4 women manipulate men. Fuck off, at a personal level your attempt to use sex as a transactional activity is manipulation. And that endgame subversion conspiracy you fuck shits like to crow about is likely propagated by men. Women according to you certainly couldn't be smart enough or have the leadership to pull that off, so you can fuck right off a cliff with that cognitive dissonance.
The best cooks are always men.
I've worked in the restaurant industry since I was 16 and the few female chefs I've encountered have been shit and can't handle the bantz.
even though women are conscripted in the idf if a an actual war broke out would they realistically be placed to fight
Women are weaker, dumber, smaller and more emotional than men. It's not a surprise women have never created societies or run the ones well that they were trusted to lead. Only thing that's going for them is the fact that they are pretty and they can get pregnant. That is their only real value.
> Fuck off, at a personal level your attempt to use sex as a transactional activity is manipulation
This is exactly what women do.
>Women according to you certainly couldn't be smart enough or have the leadership to pull that off, so you can fuck right off a cliff with that cognitive dissonance.
This is why the greatest threat to men are the powerful men who help feminist causes
Can a man has the strength to bear a child?
Is OP straight.
these are such questions which will always be answered in negative.
Probably for the lulz.
What the actual fuck.
How the fuck is she supposed to learn anything if they hand-hold her all the way through?
>Handling the pain women experience
Bitch please.
Femanon here. You men act all tough but we females handle pain much better. I'd like to see you handle childbirth!
We're not.
It is actually funny to me because I recently joined the Air Force and at MEPS they ask everyone if they can lift over 100 pounds. If you say yes as a man, they don't ask you to prove it. If you say yes as a woman, they make you get on this big ass machine and lift over 100 pounds.
That is funny to me because they give us this big long shtick about "We're all equal, women are heroes blah blah blah" then do that sexist crap immediately after. There are all kinds of tests women have to do just to prove they are on par with men, and if you ask me, if they have to prove all this crap and most of them can't even do it not only are they not equal to us, but they shouldn't even be allowed to join.
>Can a man has the strength to bear a child?
How do you answer negatively to this?
How many men have you seen giving birth?
> we females handle pain much better.
You don't actually.
Weaker bones, softer skin, lower pain tolerance. etc.
Fucking re-read my posy, She-Anglo.
Transmen, are the future.
I feel like women rarely get as passionate about jobs and hobbies as men do. Like I really love food and music and go out of my way to learn as much about those intreats as I can, and challenge myself to get better at them. You rarely see a woman with that level of focus, I feel like they're willing to learn something until it's "good enough" and they can pass it off as a hobby. It seems like they just jump around with different intresrs instead of honing in on a few and become experts at what they do.
That might have something to do with how men and woman interact too. When I see a man who's better than me at something I'll feel inspired by him, sometimes use it as motivation to make myself better. If a woman sees some other chick outperforming her they either become discouraged or jealous and try to tear them down. Competition between men seems to be healthy and encouraging, but between women it drives huge rifts (generally speaking).
Ofc not, have you ever seen woman ufc? It's fucking glorified bitch-slaps, pathetic. Now, ufc is pathetic either way, watching naked men hug in a cage, it does not get much more gay than that. Who care's about one-on-one combat when you just gotta pick up a stick, rod, chair, knife, whatever to have the upper hand. If you get that close to an enemy, you fucked up. And you will pick up you're knife as a last resort, simple as that.
The recent trap surge proves one thing:
Men are better than women in everything, including being women.
You mean the procedure where you get drugs for the pain?
Check'd, but childbirth is insane pain tho, we gotta admit that
India, go back to your shit collecting activities
> they'll never be as violent or manipulative either
The fuck, woman are violent as fuck but only when they can get away with it, military or when they have backup consisting of a strong man willing to protect her from all ills when she is acting like a bitch.
They also tend to use makeshift weapons, knives fork, throw heavy bottle at you when situation does not even warrant using such heavy force.
When they fight unlike man they not trying to incapacitate the other guy, they go straight to the eyes with the fingernails like its a normal to blind the other guy just because he said something you didnt like.
And dont get me started on manipulation, emotional blackmailing is what people are known for, everything from female teachers asking someone from the class to bring her water so she can swallow her pill because you brought her on the verge of a stroke to constant screams and tears.
Grasping chest like you the argument you just having caused her to undergo heart attack, switching topic of the discussion into playing victim and continuing only this branch of reasoning.
Pretending to be powerless and going to a man so he put you in place.
Just playing victim in front of other man so they pick up the tab and deal with you.
I seen so many examples of female manipulation that I cant even count them all and you know what, its exactly what you would expect from woman, emotional blackmail, manipulation,. playing victim that is exactly weapon of the weak who cant get what they want with force either emotional, intellectual or just physical.
Is that why men can't handle childbirth simulations?
Would you?
Just let her do her thing and laugh your ass off.
Thats what I would do, I wouldve been rollin in the dirt laughing by the time she tried to lie down to shoot.
I can't admit it, because I never felt it.
It does look very painful though
Most women get drugged out for labor nowadays. I know some dumb feminist who was bragging about how great she was for being a single mom, and she talked about how painful it was when she had just finished admitting to taking every drug under the sun that they had offered her. Back in like the early 1900's, sure they were admirable. But women now are complete pretenders. Yeah, you're so tough you need all these quotas to help find yourself a job and you need enough drugs to kill a small child to push one out of your cooch.
Can Apu poo in the loo?
these are such questions which will always be answered in negative.
There's an easy solution to that problem :^)
The biggest thing with women, to me at least, is the overly emotional shit attitude.
curling up and crying never solved any problem in the real world.
Also they like to play the victim too much, its too easy for them.
Maybe in the beta cuck army.
there are massive releases of endogenous Oxytocin during childbirth to take the edge off
>some men can't handle a SIMULATION of a SPECIFIC type of pain women are biologically supposed to be able to tolerate because they need to give birth
>her logical conclusion is that females tolerate pain better than men as a rule
Go back to the kitchen