Why the fuck are former Roman territories were so successful in history but barbarian savages didnt achieve jack shit?
Are mediterraneans truly the masterrace?
Why the fuck are former Roman territories were so successful in history but barbarian savages didnt achieve jack shit?
Are mediterraneans truly the masterrace?
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>What is Germany?
It's a failed state.
A country that has existed for less than 200 years and spent about half of that dealing with the results of getting repeatedly btfo.
what is the country that destroyed europe for the 3rd time, alex
>ruining the continent
>2 times
>in just 100 years
Why are burgers always so retarded when it comes to Germany ?
Also the germans (ie: people living in current Germany) were pretty much always ruled by austrians during the last 1000 years which was conquered by romans.
>Muh Jew propaganda
You don't belong here fellas
Nazi Germany was the Roman Empire...
This is Rome
>shit Germany planned to do after they btfo of everyone else
3rd? You mean 5th
Those successful Roman territories were occupied by those barbarian savages and thrived
That's some North Korea tier shit.
Why are you shitting on best Korea?
>i wonder why people who had 4+ harvests per year outperformed those who lived in shitty climates/area where farming yielded barely 1 harvest per year
Is the largest empire all throughout human history the British empire a failed state too?
>master race
Could have fooled me
Not Rome: The movie
>barbarian savages didnt achieve jack shit
Well, they founded modern Europe.
They destroyed the weak Roman Empire and replaced it by comfy states like France, Spain, Italy and Germany.
That was not the plan of Hitler. Too much modern degenerate architecture there.
Guess what this state is called, it starts with Holy, and ends with Roman Empire.
And guess what Italian capital was a part of this state. It starts with Rome.
It was designed by esteemed architect Albert Speer & it was a part of Hitler's plan for future Germany.
Get this bogus map out of here. They never crossed the rivers in the low countries
But why are there Roman ruins in Nijmegen?
My fault, you probably meant the fucking Wal/Rhine
No. That's some bullshit created by a retard who intentionally gave it a futurist looking touch. The original project resembled a roman city much more.
Finns achieved a lot!
>In wonderful savageness live the nation of the Fenni, and in beastly poverty, destitute of arms, of horses, and of homes; their food, the common herbs; their apparel, skins; their bed, the earth; their only hope in their arrows, which for want of iron they point with bones. Their common support they have from the chase, women as well as men; for with these the former wander up and down, and crave a portion of the prey. Nor other shelter have they even for their babes, against the violence of tempests and ravening beasts, than to cover them with the branches of trees twisted together; this a reception for the old men, and hither resort the young. Such a condition they judge more happy than the painful occupation of cultivating the ground, than the labour of rearing houses, than the agitations of hope and fear attending the defense of their own property or the seizing that of others. Secure against the designs of men, secure against the malignity of the Gods, they have accomplished a thing of infinite difficulty; that to them nothing remains even to be wished.
Vikings formed Russia. Look it up, Rus means "men from the sea" basically. And those men came from Scandinavia.
more like
why did rome never expand north or south; or do more exploring?
Funny how things have changed
More like why didn't they finish the fucking jews off.
they did but not permanently, they were already pretty over expanded and with a huge border to defend, at that point the Rhine was the best natural barrier, considering that there wasn't even anything important west of it, so expanding even further was not only economically disadvantageous but even risky
3 times if you count Merkel's invitation to everyone
>which we do
i wonder how those 4 harvests in year would happen withouth the farmers having good grasp of agricultural technology.
aka if the people knew thier shit.
Is that map made clear, Germany is an area very "vulnerable" to roman influence and his successor states, even after the fall of the empire.
>mediterranian master race
Wrong, its not like that.
you know retards that the mediteranian sheltred a looooong list of ethnecities that race doesnt even matter. and many ethnecities went extint aka didnt stand the test of times and others will dissolve and other emerged and will emerge.
the mediteranian is a theater the ethnicities are the players.
>many ethnecities went extint
>Turks(are proven that they have descended from the Romans)
>this guy is so retarded that he thinks we know it all.
many tribes that didnt have written history went extint because droughts wars and diseas it may toke a significant time from scenario to another.
some of what you listed are ethnecities overwhelmed and Dissolving as i stated in the upper.
you are retarded kid to think egyptians are only egyptians and greeks are only greeks. shit is more precise then your one neuron brain.