Cant make this shit up
Cant make this shit up
lol you got fucking owned dude
Ignorance is bliss. Fuck em
Yea, whats the problem. The ACA is great, I use it myself. Its the Obamacare thats hiking up the cost of insurance, amirite?
This idiot notwithstanding, ObamaCare is still a mistake and should be repealed.
>no ass
>no tits
Why would u even post this.
Red is the one who escalated the argument by making it personal with an insult.
Isn't the affordable care Act obamacare?
Thats the point the guy trolled himself hard
>not responding after being counter-argued
>letting libshits think they won
You got shlonged mate
>be American
>work in a dangerous job due to unregulated workplace safety
>work countless hours to make a living
>get sick
>get a lifetime of debt due to a 100 000 USD operation you need to survive
>free market capitalism
>American Healthcare is free market capitalism
>be European
>stay pointless with no arguments
Right, so she's not a hood rat; gotcha.
>US health care is like free market capitalism
I wish, health care here is the closest thing to a monopoly you can fucking find short of an actual monopoly.
Republicans talking today about how they can't promise whatever they replace it with will cover all of the people who got health insurance under ACA.
Sounds like Obamacare actually wasn't as shitty as the Republican's retarded "oh, we will just allow health insurance to cross state borders" plan. I'd love it if they just made positive adjustments to the ACA and called it Trumpcare for propaganda, really don't give a shit, but I know people who actually got healthcare for the first time in a decade through ACA and it substantially helped them in times of need. One had a health emergency in the form of an infection they had to be hospitalized for that they wouldn't have been able to afford treating if they didn't get coverage under the ACA.
ACA is fucking up now as it gets more expensive, but they should fix it or make something better instead of just repealing it and going back to the way things were.
to marxists, everything is capitalism until we have an international dictatorship of the proletariat
this includes plot twists in king of thrones
what do you expect from rural retards ;^)
>ama monopoly
>hospitals require certificates of need in order to be built
>cons are signed off from other hospitals in the area
>healthcare subsidized
>hidden costs by literally everything being required to be covered by health insurance
>free market
7/10 cuz I took the b8
Trump has said throughout his campaign, most notably during the 2nd candidates debate, that he will keep pre-existing conditions. It's the one thing he likes.
He hates the fact that it's mandatory and indeed that you can't cross state lines.
The bad thing is he doesn't seem to understand that the individual mandate is required for the pre-existing conditions requirement to stay. PPACA is still shit, but I don't have very much hope that Trump's alternative will be much better if it goes through like that.
Obamacare was a fucking disaster, the GOP will replace it with something better.
You're an idiot. ObamaCare is the ACA. What you need to mention when people being up all those that became insured under the law is that they have shitty coverage and a high deductible, so they can't even afford to use it when they need it. That certainly isn't worth doubling premiums for people that already had coverage while chasing their plans and doctors and decreasing their coverage.
>have healthcare for over 20 years because I'm not a stupid nignog and I actually think about the future
>Obamacare was going to take away my health coverage this year
>I was going to have to get a worse plan that costs a lot more this year
>now I might get to keep my old pre-Obamacare health plan
Thank god. If you want health care so much you can sell your fucking collection of AirJordans, you morons. Thanks for almost taking away my healthcare because you expect gibmes.
>The bad thing is he doesn't seem to understand that the individual mandate is required for the pre-existing conditions requirement to stay.
There is absolutely no reason why that would be necessary.
No, the individual mandate is required for the pre-existing conditions requirement to remain profitable. The option to crash the industry with no survivors still exists.
duh ObamaCare is ACA why do you think I am posting it?
If you can get health insurance with pre-existing conditions without any penalty then people will just wait until they're sick to get insurance. This will inflate the cost of health insurance.
I meant for the health insurance market to remain. I'm fine with the current health insurance scheme to die and healthcare be dictated by visible market prices.
>no ass
What are you talking about? She's got one and it's way too fucking big.
And he even posted the argument man himself.
Whats stupider someone who doesnt know names, memes and other shallow level information or someone who thinks Obamacare is just fine?
Im sure there would be the different responses for different types of people.
Civic Nationalists who think that neets are autists and should die while kissing nigger ass reddit style.
Leftists - everything they say is a lie to front some perverted, greedy sexual habit would say all whites should die.
cuckservatives who dont know memes would say that beaners are such good friendly people like some kind of chick yearning for her man in a romance novel.
rednecks who dont know what memes are would have killed all these fucks.
I dont know why but i lean towards the rednecks most. Why do such heavily despised people hold the most direct and effective answer? Why are the others so full of shit and complications?
I had health insurance before. I was 25, a bit overweight and i paid 108 dollars a month for premium health insurance. Low deductible and I am pretty sure they waived that if it was a small trip to the doctor, they did when i pulled a chest muscle and went to emergicare. The cheapest i can get now is 190 dollars for the catastrophic plan with a 8000 dollar deductible, so basically useless. The same plan I had would be over 400.
Why do they act like its removal would ruin everything? What was so wrong with the way it was before? Even if they dont replace it with something it will still get cheaper. Throw in a law allowing sales across state lines and the prices will drop.
Flag checks out
>costs have gone up
>life expectancy has gone down
>premiums are up
>deductibles are up
>but hey, more people have insurance that they can't actually afford to use so there's that!
>What was so wrong with the way it was before?
The people that voted for Obama(read: never had a job, have no desire to get a job) didn't have health insurance. Now, because you're paying your fair share, you can cover their share too. Wasn't that so altruistic of the government?
>penalties for not signing up to pull the weight of someone with preexisting conditions
How can people possibly not like this?
ah thank you fellow burger. I was seeing things through the lens of someone who has a fucking job. I need to look at it like a gibsmedat. So this is really just the libs/dems complaining about losing a disastrous form of welfare.
I am pleased with the republicans so far.
I have a job and I support something like Obamacare. Healthcare is a right.
Wrong. I use my Molina silver 200 plan acquired through the health insurance marketplace all the time.
Both pieces of the "Obamacare" legislation are working just fine for me, my insurance coverage is fantastic, I had 4 surgeries done after a motorcycle accident injured some limbs and I'm looking at what appears to be a full recovery.
Therefore healthcare shouldn't be regulated by the government.
What, it should be regulated by the market? An entity that exists to make a buck?
Fuck off commie
Hey retards. That is fake. See the blocked names? Thay means it came from reddit who enforces that for doxxing.
The retard libs there make these up for karma. Read it again, it's all written by the same person. Also look how he fucked up the thumbs up. You are most shills and I will be punishing you as I am kek himself. The rest are retards.
Peace. Welcome to my diaper kingdom.
Fuck off retard.
>typical socialist "argument" vs libertarian argument
The "market" exists for the exchange of goods and services, why wouldn't it want an efficient healthcare market
It's already been said a few times. The healthcare market is no where near being a free-market. Companies have so many restrictions from one state to the next that there is no genuine cross-state competition. In many states you only have a couple of options and you'd better hope that your doctor accepts the option you choose.
Hopefully the Republicans do exactly what Trump was talking about. Repeal this Marxist bullshit and implement GENUINE free-market capitalism for the healthcare market. That and roll back some of these ridiculous regulations that make no sense.
> rural retards
This guy's back again. Dude, it's time to let it go. She lost.
Need image without the blocking. This is a troll
Everything is a "right" to these communists. Their list of "rights" are fairly flexible depending upon the current narrative.
>>If you can get health insurance with pre-existing conditions without any penalty then people will just wait until they're sick to get insurance. This will inflate the cost of health insurance.
Or the insurance companies will tell him to fuck off, because he's sick and obviously going there to get the money. It's an insurance, not a medic, they have no obligation to give you one, and they won't if they see it as being too risky.
No such thing as 'rights' or entitlements. Enter the world with nothing and you leave with nothing. Life is suffering, and instead of overcoming the misery that is life through virtue and hard work, you default to 'rights' and an immoral entity which usurped our freedom, because you are weak.
That's illegal under the current law.
I think it's a dude.
Hardcore dude!
So you don't have a right to the money that you earned either, don't have a right to have a job, to be happy, to be protected. RIP IT ALL DOWN, ANARCHY, ANARCHY, ANARCHY
That's fucking retarded and rigged to kill insurance companies.
That's why they had to implement the individual mandate that requires everyone buys health insurance or pay a fine to the IRS.
People choose to be doctors, retard.
>and that means they must work at MY WHIMS
And that's forcing other to fix problems you created in the first place.
Thanks Obama.
With what?
>won't someone think of the companies making billions in straight PROFIT
What's the need anyway, it's all about pole in the hole.
Heck you can use her pussy to fap while reading hentai.
Doctors are free to quit at any time. It is not slavery to have more people able to get health care.
>They know how to manage their company to make profits!
Crabs on a bucket.
>company no longer makes a profit
>company goes under
>all former customers now have no insurance
>all those employers lost their jobs
How are you this retarded?
Obama created overpriced medical care?
How many poor Republicans will die because of the repeal of Obamacare.
It is kind of funny to know that some people voted for their death.
Maybe its going to be just a few hundred. Or maybe more. But if you need Obamacare because you are poor and voted for Trump you were stupid as fuck.
>be European
>get raped by muslims
>Sympathize with them because they're innocent refugees and saying anything bad about them is just racist
medical care is a right. It should not fall prey to unscrupulous people trying to fill their bank accounts.
Capitalism should not be in charge of medicine.
Fuck off retard.
Healthcare should not be a profit based enterprise
Yes, by forcing everyone to be insured, the medical suppliers go "lol, the insurance companies will pay no matter, let's rise the price of this shit by 400%"
But you're too shortsighted to see that.
>muh human rites
Filtered id.
>How many poor Republicans will die because of the repeal of Obamacare.
Life expectancy has gone down for the first time in a while under Obamacare...
And like every other right no law should be made to stop someone from accessing healthcare. Not just given to you because you're too damn lazy to do anything on your own.
You understand that having lots of sick people on expensive lifetime medication is far more profitable than finding a cheap cure?
You understand promoting sugary drinks will make sure a dentist never goes out of business?
Why care for the well being of people when your financial well being is dependent on them being sick.
Your friends are retarded and should buy real health insurance.
>You understand that having lots of sick people on expensive lifetime medication is far more profitable than finding a cheap cure?
But then I find a cure and sell it to the patients of someone else's long-term medication course, and make out like a bandit.
Isn't Capitalism great?
Problem in the USA is that pharmacompanies really have ridiculous prices for their drugs.
They often cost just a small fraction here of what they cost in the US. Because the government actually regulates how much profit you can make. And still Pharmacompanies earn Billions and invent new drugs in Europe.
I truly think that if you are not rich the Medical system is shit in the US. If you are rich its good.
Good argument.
That's why capitalism fails when applied to medicine. Profit driven sociopaths will drive service to the bare minimum to save costs while pocketing enourmours profits.
All while getting his friend who owns the hospital to price fix all of the services to make sure anything you do is an exorbitant amount of money.
This is the reality of our current system. Obama care was a bandaid at most.
Merely allowing everyone to have insurance is not enough.
why don't we just make health insurance illegal
then doctors would have to charge what people could afford
oh wait, that would fix things, nevermind
Obamacare does not give anyone anything. It provides access that you are supporting.
Possibly because of the shitty lifestyle. However I am talking about specific cases. Like the poor guy that votes trump and needs a liver in 2022.
The lifeexpectancy goes down in the US because your population eats mostly unhealthy. Fastfood/obesity is killing you.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm insulting you, retard. I was in the Marines, I've dealt with strictly government controlled healthcare that wasn't profit driven. I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone.
It was deliberately designed to fail though
ACA taxes the fuck out of the middle class to pay for it. So no, the guy actually working gets fucked twice, while Shaniquah and her 10 niglets doesnt go to work and buys 300 dollars worth of junkfood on ebt at the grocery store.
Actually, MegaPharm (the ones that own your research lab) parent and own all the IP produced under your division and decided it's much better to keep that on the shelf for their own reasons.
Pharm companies do this all the time and are allowed to under capitalism.
That can happen sure, but I still think that having profit in mind when providing health care will not drive the effort towards those solutions.
Just filter the filthy communist, let him talk to himself.
>it does not give anyone anything
>just your money
>so you can subsidise other people's poor life choices
>ingested 2k grams of sugar/day
>why you no cover my pre existing diabetus?
>thank obama for making white man take care of me
Hospitals and ERs are required to help anyone who comes in, so yes it is a right. Where the money comes from is another conversation to be had. ACA is however not the answer, people are paying a fucking retarded ammount for it.
>calling me a retard
You think what we have is the best we can get?
>Doctors are free to quit at any time.
How noble of you to give them that choice.
>It is not slavery to have more people able to get health care.
It is if your method involves forcing people to work without compensation or against their will.
I'm actually poor but like a fool I work.
So I could never afford it anyways and it was just another tax on me.
>Cant make this shit up
>great argument
Obviously there's room for improvement in almost any system, but unless you've actually had the US government be in charge of your healthcare already, you have no idea what you're asking for.