Who has the right prediction for 2017
Logan Jones
Other urls found in this thread:
James Kelly
I'm gonna have two cocks up my ass at the same time by the end of the year :)
Jonathan Howard
Leo Moore
Justin Long
Lets see...
So far we got...
> Cali hit with X>8.9
> Soros is rip
> The fall of Tuvalu
> Kebab removal worldwide
> Church of Kek
Ethan Martin
Aww. Sweet. Make sure you record it and send the video to grandma.
Joshua Walker
Day of the rake next week if digits
Adrian Cox
Kek will confirm his approval of Canada and Sup Forums will realize that leafs get all the big gets for a reason.
Camden Gray
Jews still rule the world.
Ryan Torres
Digits don't lie
More opportunity than one can shake a stick at in the Rocky Mountains
Praise Kek