let's have a comfy flag bearer thread
Let's have a comfy flag bearer thread
that wall isn't going to build itself
Nope, you can start building and paying for it.
More like flag beaner.
Taco posters are OK
such hate for galicians
I wanted to modify it but i have exams this week.
If Mexico is so great why the fuck does everyone wanna get in here?
>Good Women
Pick one.
plz do it, It would be extremely pleasing.
Why does Zio Benito have blue eyes.
Idk i didn't make this one
>poisoned by turks
aren't the navarrese and the basque the same people? wasn't the kingdom of navarra in the same place the basque people are from. my gf is basque and she is a very lovely woman.
Its not the same. Do you think medieval scots wouldn't punch modern day scots?
no the probably wouldn't but why are they all on the same pic at the same time? did the basque come after the navarrese? is that you mean?
since when are we eastern slavs for blueberry fucks sake ?
nigga what's blueberry?
I'm a gringo and that's funny as hell hahaha
Somewhat. I think it's representing the old kingdoms, comparing them to modern day autonomies.
i get you. i still like the basque. they're really nice when they're not bombing civilians.