Ladies Stop Hiding

Time for girl Sup Forumsacks to reveal their most darkest and deepest political fantasies.

Go ahead, ladies.

Also, feel free to admit that pic related is what you want for your birthday this year.

I want Ron Paul to deliver my baby.

>Having serious political views

OP is virgin.

Love Ron Paul he'd my sugar daddy if I could meet him.

Yes that is true

I've honestly never met a woman who wasn't a leftist. Maybe it's because I'm in a major city or something idk

Of course. Girls generally don't have any political views of their own. If they are single, they just copycat what is popular in the society or with the people around them. If they are not, they'll adopt any political views of their mate.

That is why you don't meet girls with the "same" political views, but you educate to conform to your political views.

Girls with serious political views of their own are as rare as naturally dominant girls.

Republican women tend to hide their politics. Also, most people start out as leftist and become conservative when they start making some money. If you're young, that's probably why.

well they tend to have the political views of their father or lover, and if they're serious about those people then they can be viewed as serious political views

My last gx gf was a redpilled german who is racist as fuck which was nice

It turned out that she has borderline personality disorder though which is not as nice


These two said everything.
It's not false that women can't think of their own.
I work as a make up artist and I'm surrounded by women all the time.
None is able to think.

Are you a faggot? If so, your opinion of women is discarded.

I wish America would go back to being 95% white, and maybe a few Japs here and there.

I really don't like blacks but I can't help but feel bad when I meet one that happens to be nice and polite and average intelligence. So I probably would never be able to a support a day of the noose based on race, however I would go as far as sending them all back to Africa.

>Sup Forums

I think you're confused, try reddit instead, women actually post there

How hot was the sex?

>make up artist

i bet you're unable to think too when you have massive black dicks ramming your asshole aren't you, faggot

It was okay I guess, I was her first bf because she also had social anxiety or something like that

She was the total package when it came to mental illness

Many women in here user. They're just not visible because there are no girl in the Internet. Also if they're only like 5 women here, I wanna talk to them

>on Sup Forums
You fucking retard. Go to /soc/ if you want to talk to some shameless roastie

I believe that mental illness is a myth in that it isn't am illness, but a problem with the way a person thinks. We've all had social anxiety, we just expose ourselves to social situation over and over again to get over it. This is called exposure therapy for scam psychiatrists. "Social anxiety" has skyrocketed since the Internet because people don't go outside or talk to others face to face as much.
>pic related

Ew no I only like Sup Forums if I wanted to talk to socialists I'd go to the homeless shelter

she also was hospitalised in a psychaitric unit earlier due to an eating disorder which she said came from severe bullying when she was in school, and had possibly other things I didn't notice

Her behavior I experienced definitly wasn't nomal. Which is a shame since she is actually super smart, from our time I had the impression that she's extremely intelligent, but completly broken


Some of my thoughts make the things here look tame. I do wish something though, I wish men would just stop listening to feminists, stop employing them, don't soothe them or make them feel valid. They claim to represent women but they certainly do not, they throw us in harm's way for their political agendas, like they are doing right now in places like Rotherham and Cologne. Meryl Streep shouldn't have been given a platform, she should have been in retirement years ago. Lena Dunham, she's meant for the mental institute, not as a spokesperson for women. It makes me despair.