Any cunts in brisbane that can give me a job?
I'm from pasta land and will stay here for a year.
Why not ask in this welcoming and warming community before going around like a mindless husk?
Any cunts in brisbane that can give me a job?
I'm from pasta land and will stay here for a year.
Why not ask in this welcoming and warming community before going around like a mindless husk?
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Fuck off, they're full.
Why is this country full of brasiliana?
Also I came LEGALLY
ill bump so a little italian man can find a job
tuti frutti mama mia calzone
fuma mi grande negro cazzo
good luck luca toni
Fucking Croatia, I'm sorry for all the fights we have to control the sea man. You're a good country.
I'm a second generation Australian whose family are from Croatia. One day I'll come visit my family's homeland.
I hope everything is still cool over there. No migrant problems or anything?
couldnt care less
good luck with finding a job
going to a job interview this week so i feel empathetic towards you and your noble goal :^)
everythings fine except the country will prolly become the next greece if something doesnt change
its a beautiful country to visit in summer tho
you're more than welcomed here
no migrant problems, a few of them got beat up around new years and cried in the media about it
i guess they tried to ficki ficki and it didnt work out for them heehe
>no migrant problems, a few of them got beat up around new years
I'm really glad to hear my bloodkin are doing God's work. I can't wait to visit some day. If the food there is half as good as the Croatian meals my grandmother used to cook then I may never leave.
If you wan't to work, you'll get a job, just be proactive. Brisbane is always booming.
>Any cunts in brisbane that can give me a job?
Not a gayfag, but I'll give you a quick handy if you want. Welcome Luigi.