Your second life

You've been killed in a freak accident, and now you must choose what your next reincarnation is going to be.

1. You're born as a purebred attractive Aryan male in a first world nation. Your parents are Bill Gates-level rich, and you enjoy the luxuries of life.. for 20 years. You then spend 20 years in the hospital in terrible, terrible agony due to an incurable degenerative disease. Your life ends with you writhing about in your body fluids, blind and deaf.

2. You are born in Turkey, or Mexico as a native shitskin. You live an uninteresting life as a middle class wagecuck and die from a heart attack at 70.

3. You're reborn in Somalia as a black man in an impoverished household. You spend every day fighting to survive against starvation, disease and violence. But you are surrounded with loving family and friends who'll help you on every step. You do great things for your village and gain respect from your neighbours. Dozens of people will cry for you at your bedside while you peacefully pass away in your sleep at 95.

what kind of faggot believes in reincarnation.
i'd rather stay dead.


Fucking Gooks and their believe in reincarnation. I expect death to be like sleeping, just infinite. Not some fancy bullshit.

But to answer that question:
I would choose the first one and kill myself after 20 years.

>born in Somalia as a black man
>you are surrounded with loving family and friends
pick one

i want to be a little girl.

1. Turkey or Mexico - family, friends, traditional lifestyle and a distinct, recognizable culture. And Middle Class in these nations are not bad living conditions. Turkposters and Mexibros look like they live a /comfy/ lifestyle.

However, I read a piece on how Somalia is basically the ancapistan, with natural law and city states.

You dont know what will happen after death and your belief doesnt play a part in it.

#2 if I can be born as a girl
If not I just kill myself as soon as I get out of the womb.

Pornstar getting B L A C K E D by BBC desu

>i'd rather stay dead.
I doubt this is an option, you'll get reincharnated for sure..

probably as a shitskin too, since only they reproduce nowadays.

>liking being fucked by dudes
fuck off faggot

I choose non existance

>no being a qt grill option
I'd rather not exist.

>I expect death to be like sleeping, just infinite.
even if you could be nonexistent (you coudn't be nonexistent for infininty).

since you got born once, it means you'll get born again sooner or later. and since you wont have a concept of time when nonexistent, it means you'll get from one life to another (instantly in your perception)

think it through, reincarnation is the only logical answer to the death problem. nothing else makes sense.

Somalian. Aside from being a smelly somalian, I pretty much live that lifestyle atm. Loving caring family and I am happy with it. Money is only what you value it to be snd to me if I had a nice farm to till and animals to raise, that is all I can ask for. The rest is up to me.

Number 2. Simply live an average life until I die. I would choose Mexico.

Number 1 starts good but ends horribly and number 3 is also shit. I do not want to fight starvation/violence and disease until I am 95.

>you must choose what your next reincarnation is going to be

Reincarnated in a world of sword and sorcery as: a magic sword!

A fleeing catgirl sex slave could then find me in the forest and slay a giant bear along with the slave traders and we could go on a grand adventure together.


Because you're not a fighter. One must be a fighter to get to where they were now whether it was grandparents or greater grandparents .

>no 2d life as an option
Why even live?

Well not true. I am doing what I have to to be succesful. I just do not want to be a nigger and have to deal with a niggerlifestyle.

These anons get it.

The second because it's not much different from what I have and it can be comfy if you know what you are doing.

Well 1 is a disappointment. You never get the endless ass that was promised and spend most of it being babysat in luxury. Fuck that.

2 is probably the best of the three.

3 would be romantic and cool if not for having to deal with muslim googles and even having to be one. Fuck that.

Still having the choice, I would choose not to come back if possible. Otherwise door number 2.

I like a challenge

Okay boy born with a silver spoon in your ass. Didn't know everyone was born privileged.

So I can be reincarnated from a freak accident but can't be cured of some bullshit disease?


I'd rather be reincarnated as a fleshlight.

3 how is this even a discussion? Emotionally rewarding and fulfilling, loving family and friends, not having to work a shitty job, doing mushrooms in the savannahs of africa and improving my village and gaining everybodys love and respect and marrying and breeding the finest woman in the village?

That sounds awesome dude, being poor and hungry isnt that bad once you get used to it.


Sorry, I will check my white privilege next time.

Does Somalia have savannas?

Also Islam. Aids.

Imagine having daughters you have to send to be some Somalian man's property?

Would not even breed. Let it end with me. 'Allah' will understand.

>living untill 95
>not dying of starvation, AIDS or being killed before hitting 30
>having a good life

Theres something wrong there.


Are you guys serious? Why the FUCK would you chose to be the "inferior" sex? honestly?

pissing blood 12 weeks a year for 40 years of your life, being slave to your hormones and emotions, being only valued for your looks or sexuality, not being as strong, as endurent, as pragmatic/intelligent, as manly as a fucking XY individual