How many retards do you think benefit from the Affordable Care Act but voted for Trump because he'll destroy that disasterous Obamacare?
How many retards do you think benefit from the Affordable Care Act but voted for Trump because he'll destroy that...
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about tree fiddy
Nobody but leeches benefit from the ACA. It's a negative for everyone else.
purchasing one of the overpriced garbage plans on the exchange does not mean you are "on obamacare"
My affordable care act plan has a much lower deductible than my obamacare plan and I'm not penalized for not accepting affordable care like I am with obamacare
Actually Obamacare helped me because I can be on my father's health insurance plan until I'm 26. People should still pay for their own shit though.
None, because most NEETs dont vote for Trump.
Those that did had other reasons more important than shitty Obamacare coverage.
I benefitted from the ACA. Rode my parent's insurance until 26, did my last 2 years on cheap college network insurance. Graduated in December, just in time for Trump to abolish the ACA.
I'm glad too, as I don't want to pay a tax penalty. I had to really come up with BS reasons to go to the doctor to even meet my deductible. All I want is ER-Only insurance.
if you make over 11,000 dollars a year obamacare does nothing but force you to pay more and receive nothing extra in return
fuck anybody who makes less than 11,000 a year full-time, they aren't even human
I can't get the affordable care act, it's to much money
I haven't filed taxes in 4 years.
Haven't paid a fine.
When I went ad tried to get Obama care, they literally told me "why don't you drop out of school and start working, or you will be fined and have to pay." I don't think they would have told me that, if I wasn't a white male.
Have my associates of science now, working on bachelors.
No the limit is higher than that, 8% of your income from the lowest plan. somewhere around 25k for me. At least thats what i have been going by and claimed to poor to all my taxes. Gonna be 10x salty if i have to pay the king nigger tax when he leaves.
the limit is higher than that but the poverty line is a litmus test for whether or not it's actually better for you than what we had before
unless you're riddled with cancer or 700 pounds overweight and need insurance but couldn't get it
>Be me
>25 years old
>Don't smoke cigarettes
>Don't drink
>Workout 3x a week
>Insurance before Obamacare - $30 a month
>Insurance today under AFA - $252 a month
I'm not insured anymore. I'm not paying that.
My local physician lets people pay outright instead of use insurance if they want, because so many people dropped having insurance.
How the fuck is this better than before?
>inb4 this is for those who can't afford health insurance but really need it.
Interesting fact, this is a part of the larger discussion of nature v. nurture.
want to know an interesting fact?
Nature will win every time. You have to nurture when nature will allow it.
You don't ruin an entire society for the benefit of a few.
I think one person confusing the terms doesn't make up for the huge increases in premiums, deductibles, and tax penalties to the majority of the US.
The ACA is an unsustainable mess and needs to go sooner rather than later.
I worked part time in college and paid for my own health insurance, made 12k a year.
Now? can't even afford it making 18k year.
The ACA was the final nail on the coffin for the dems for a lot of working class minorities.
$300 for a healthy young adult working as a waiter is absolute bullshit.
But forget all of that for a moment:
How can anyone ever defend this:
The ACA created at least 5 new Republicans that I personally know of.
>It is our moral obligation to pander snowflakes while bankrupting the country
no, and if you're serious, display your argument so I can make you look like an idiot for the sweet kek points.
Who has the unedited image? I have a feeling this is a work.
TIL poor people are just snowflakes asking for a handout. So this applies to white people in the Midwest who are asking Trump for a handout instead of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps?
>AD 2017
>Amerifats still can't into working healthcare system
It was third world tier.
Trump is keeping this provision as well as not being able to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions.
You can be poor, get sick, then go to a hospital and have it taken care of with or without insurance. They can't deny you. It's basically already free if you're poor because the hospital won't make you pay if you can't TOP KEK