I guess both Trump and Putin browse /pol.
What is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
boker tov israel, ha makaom haze hoo platforma shel ha biuyn ha roosi.
This is the best timeline
Is this real life
Post sauce or get back in line Schlomo
For the internet illiterate
Holy shit, it's like I never left Sup Forums... twitter.com
Russians leading the way in memetic warfare as always
>Cold War started too late and ended too early
>you will never see Khrushchev banter on Twitter
Memetic war started just in time though.
>I know not what weapons WW3 will be fought with
Cartoon frogs, apparently
>The next cold war will be fought with memes
>an arms race to control the most powerful memes will create the best memes the world has ever seen
What a time to be alive.
>upsets sjws
what newspaper writes like that?
>a weapon to surpass metal gear
fake news
Sometimes they have interesting articles but the writing is tabloid tier
Reminder that senator armstrong coined MAGA a couple years before trump
That was reagans slogon you retard
Nikita Khrushchev, USSR
When I made my report I didn't say that the pilot was alive and well ... and look how many silly things the Americans have said. :^)
Sup Forums is a influencing force to reckon with in the normieworld, for real.
>shitposted so hard that Sup Forums accidentally discovered a global satanic child trafficking conspiracy
>tracks down the precise location of photograph and videos made by ISIS and then gives the coordinates for russian airforces to bomb, for fun
>starts worshipping an ancient egyptian God of chaos who channels His power through our memes and gets Trump into office
>tracks down murderers and terrorists better than sixty trillion autistic ledditor wannabe detectives
>starts a movement to report the safety code violations of parties and clubs which causes endless anal-pain for leftists
>codes a picture of the jew image into a radio transmission and sends it into the USA's nuclear air control radio frequency
>shitposts so hard that leaders of nations are gradually emulating them and probably have entire teams dedicated to learning the art of memetic warfare from Sup Forums with psychosis breakdown in their team members nearing the rate of 50%
>pepe pisses off faggots
>people want to piss off faggots
>they post pepe
it's not rocket science
> this fucking timeline, lads
Pepe the frog is the official symbol of rural and suburban retards.
>Khrushchev banter on Twitter
>banned for violation of EULA
>haha there's no way that can be re-
>it's real
>with psychosis breakdown in their team members nearing the rate of 50%
Damn, an almost 50% burnout rate? them's some weak sauce there fampai.
>an army of low-wage bluepilled cuntbags come here to shitpost on a daily basis and learn the secret of memes.
>after a while, they stop correcting the record, but they still lurk and post, every now and then
>They receive a phone call from their boss, asking wtf happened to them
>their only response is "gas the kikes, race war now"
Remember, kids. Anyone can browse this site, but this site is not for Everyone..
They don't have enough autism to wield this kind of power.
fucking lost it
jew transmission image? wut?
>codes a picture of the jew image into a radio transmission and sends it into the USA's nuclear air control radio frequency
Never fails to amuse me
yeah but it's not just bluepilled normies. Apparently it's just about any gov't. entity with a dedicated team of people learning to shitpost be it from the left or right, and still these people just take all the dickgirl and waifu shit in full force with no bull prep work whatsoever.
What did they think was going to happen?
Autismo is a new genetic trait desired by females to imbue in their offspring along with traditional genetic traits.
What a time to be alive.
Some guy transmitted a radio signal that if you decode it into an image it will be a jew.
oh fuck right faintly recall
Pepe is all over normiespace. You don't need to know about Sup Forums or Sup Forums for to know him. Especially not after the Clinton campaign, which the RE trolling is aimed at. - But yeah, it's not secret that we have some legit Russijan haxxors on Sup Forums. Putin very unlikely, but someone somewhere in the political machine.
>Putin not hacking
R u gidding me?? :DDD:D
good stuff
Former blue pill here
What was I thinking?
It was always great when one of them would snap.
It means kremlinshills have been leading Sup Forums on this whole time
> Russians leading the way in memetic warfare as always
What if they really are? What if this is the subversion Yuri warned us about?
What if everything was really being orchestrated by Russia? The Recession? The crumbling economy? Rising NEETdom? Collapsing living standards? Political corruption? The Clintons? SJWism? Zimmerman and Ferguson? ISIS and Syria? Gamergate? Sup Forums harbour? Yeb? The refugee crisis? Brexit? The Delegates? Hillary's health and emails? Trump's election? The Media in Full Metal Meltdown? Oatposting?
What if we're just puppets, useful idiots in the greatest political subversion pysop of all time?
Pepe did literally nothing wrong, wtf is wrong with these people
Thanks for correcting the record.
In the past, men who lacked sex lives, normal social interactions and hope for the future caused revolts and incited war. The only thing that's changed is the battlefield.
THIS WAS ALL REDDIT! Sup Forums is an imageboard of peace, nothing to do with this.
Or more likely, they're propagandists have infiltrated Sup Forums and are co-opting memes for their own purposes. You would think Sup Forums would learn to not fall for these shenanigans after the nth time, but I suppose every year brings in a fresh batch of gullible newfags.
Our influence grows.
Still waiting for my paycheck from Putinstein, senpai! Gotta git dat green! Then help out Woes.
lol KGB is the strongest proxy-fagging shitposter organisation and Putin is their CEO.
It's a fucking copy pasta that was spammed all the days during the election.
This is probably a Larper.
CTR WAS real though and you got banned for posting Benjam*in Fischbein who was the head of CTR at the time.
checks out
Imagine Khrushchev and Reagan having 4am twitter fights
> Alive for the meme war
>Putin KGB