Celibacy after a baby

This might be one of the some of the most absolutely insane liberal shit ive ever seen. This girl I had went to highschool (now college aged) has a baby with a black man (shes white, but trash white) and now thinks she can be pure. Opinions Sup Forums?

thirsty betas will line up to be used by her.

Once you go black you become a single mother

Shes damaged goods and will only get the most desperate of beta providers

Because celibacy doesn't matter if you're not a virgin in the first place. So she can still enjoy cock carousel and then she will settle with some beta.

Also post her name

>Opinions Sup Forums?

You're a faggot for posting your Jewbook drama on Sup Forums.

She'll be forced to be celibate since no one will want some used up slut with a half nigger child.

You underestimate the number of thirsty betas

>have brand new car
>let train plow through it
>try to sell it as brand new, never used
I'd say it's a worthy cause to change your ways but she's well beyond that point.

Holy shit, the delusions of these people.
Purity cannot be reclaimed, especially after burning the coal
>fucked countless niggers and alphas in hischool
>get impregnated
>shit out a little niglet
>oh fuck, nobody will want me now with this thing, how do I do now?
>"yes I will be celibate from now on. I want a nice guy to come look after me, support me and my niglet, do the kind boyfriend thing as I raise another guy's child and literally the only thing I can give in return because of what a vapid, stupid cunt I am, he can't have."
>nailed it

Here are the comments on this girls post as well

>real man
>raising a niglet
he'd literally be a cuck though.

Kek I love how they are shaming guys who wouldn't accept the arrangement of no sex with gf until marriage who already had a half black kid as "not real men".

>"The right man wouldn't judge you on your past"

topkek! These cunts actually want to behave like total degenerate whores then not get called out for it/face the consequences and think they can shame men into dating them on their terms?!

>topkek! These cunts actually want to behave like total degenerate whores then not get called out for it/face the consequences and think they can shame men into dating them on their terms?!

And they'll continue to get away with it because lonely betas like you will give them attention anyway.

>Lonely betas like you

Gr8 b8 m8.

I don't talk to women since I broke up with my last gf unless it's unavoidable, especially online.

Celibate is not the same as pure, though.
Celibate is just no sex, no? It doesn't mean the same as virgin.

Also, she's been destroyed.
Black cock.

Fucking wrecked pussy. Nasty.
Might as well board the cock carousel until she gets knocked up all over again.

Good for her, she's realized she has to stop going out on one night stands and look after her child which is her first priority now.

But of course all the incels on here get triggered because they think she's trying to pretend to be a virgin or something because all they can think about is themselves getting laid.

Tits or gtfo

Nope it's because she's trying to claim all the power in a relationship at the start when she is already damaged goods and reducing the man's dignity by publicly having a permanent mark of having been blacked while the beta that accepts her proposal will have to deal with the humiliation as she tells all her friends she isn't putting out for him.
She's reducing a white man to financial and emotional servitude and not rewarding him with sex that she just gave away to tryrone for nothing.

>single mother
>no sex before marriage sorry honey

Are they fucking serious?
Should have thought of that before she got knocked up.

>The right one won't judge you based on your past

Why the fuck not? Its the best indicator you can get.

If she is a single mother that equals poor life choices (unless its a fucking rape baby then she chose to have sex with the guy that left her) and that, most of the time means she is not good wife material

>I don't talk to women since I broke up with my last gf unless it's unavoidable, especially online.

The only thing more pathetic than a beta is an MGTOW fag.

Though, admittedly, if you don't have the qualities necessary to properly lead and influence the women in your life, your self-imposed removal from the gene pool is probably a net benefit.

Do us a favor and take out a paki or two before you die, may as well give the white race some benefit.

>Celibate is not the same as pure, though.
>Celibate is just no sex, no? It doesn't mean the same as virgin.
It's never too late to fix your mistakes. At least she learned. If some man will accept that it's another matter, but I wish her all the best.

t. "true alpha male"

I'm sure LARPing online as a pure ayran alpha male, champion of the white race that causes cunts to gush when he enters a room is pretty fun m8.

Funny how burgers always go on about the white race because they are all mutts. Most people in Europe have four grandparents from the same nation as them, Americans will never know that feel to be pure anything. Kek.

She should abort it, or at least send it back to Africa.

she's obviously signalling that she wants to get fucked. this is no different than a fat person talking about wanting to go to the gym.

That is a white trash name if I have ever heard one.

>you will be taken serious, a real man will respect your decision
Are americans sub-human?

burn the coal, pay the toll

I have three kids, all of whom are just as, if not more, British than you are. Scoreboard, bitch. Stop being a pussy and start acting like a man. If you put half as much effort into doing your goddamned duty as you do intricately crafting these fake-ass "psssh nothing personnel kid" posts you'd make the world a better place and make yourself happier to boot.

After popping out the baby with no father (surprise surprise) she's tried to lock down a man. Any sort of high value man wouldn't use her for anything more than a cum dumpster and won't commit. She's frustrated with this so she pulled this hail mary attempt.

What will happen now is some beta will agree, using his resources on her and the niglet while she will find some alpha cock on the side. They will marry and eventually divorce and the kid won't have any decent father figure in it's life. And then one day the cycle will repeat itself with the kid.

I think it's time Americans moved here.

you say delusions, but enough betas will come flocking, if she does look halfway human.

>qualities necessary to properly lead and influence the women in your life

But that's what MGTOW is

>if self-respect scares them away
>being celibate = self-respect
Do they not realise what else this implies?
They got the self-awareness of a duck

>have three kids, all of whom are just as, if not more, British than you are.

What causes this level of delusion in the burger?
The level of LARP you Identityless mutts have consistently reaches absolute cringe.

If those kids are real log off Sup Forums now, LARPing as a purebreed alpha online won't put food on the table.

The celibacy might be a good way the select for proper beta provider.

>But that's what MGTOW is

MGTOW is like setting your house on fire then believing that living in a tent in the backyard is going to put it out.

A man should have the principle, charisma, and force of will necessary to impart his values and worldviews onto any woman. If you can't do that and aren't improving yourself to reach that ideal then you are a waste of resources.

Funny you should mention that, I'm off to drop two off at school now, then heading to work.

While I'm gone you should reflect on what you accomplished today with your overzealous ZFG bravado. Again, if you put half as much effort into improving yourself as you do into pretending to be aloof then you'd be set for life.

No hymen no diamond :^)

>this as close as a liberal gets to feeling shame.
her hedonistic lifestyle left her with a baby and no father. she has now turned her back on sex because she feels sorry for herself that her party lifestyle turned her into a single mother who has no interaction with the child's father. she killed whatever dreams she has and only after the barn burned down did she learn to stop playing with matches.

>keeping rape baby

wew buddy. you really wanna get in with that disaster?

Just tell her that once you go black, you become single mother and no self respecting white man will ever see her as potential partner. Best she can now hope is low earner, and someone with low self esteem.

Life's full of choises.

>Mummy why is daddy REEEing at his phone at the breakfast table?
>It's ok sweetie he's just autistic

Most of the things people say are meant to produce a reaction, not to state the truth. Doubly so for women. Women say that is "being supportive" or having social skills/empathy.

The real motive is to weaken the OP girl so as to remove competition, reduce the standands for themselves and the gain status among friends in exchange for that "support".

Not supporting her would mean conflict and women hate conflict.


Well, at least she isn't spreading aids.

Nearly 40% are for sure and definitely a majority once you count the germans and scandicucks here. Allowing non-anglos to ever come here was a mistake.

>Have a niglet
>Nigger father predictably vanishes into thin air
>Decide you don't want to fuck whichever beta provider you manage to hook in til he commits to giving you his paycheck
I seriously, seriously hope there isn't a man out there who is so cucked they would accept this arrangement of being denied sex with a woman so slutty she had a niggers baby and giving her his money.

>Germans and Scandinavians

Stay black, nigger.

adjective: celibate

abstaining from marriage

She probably will find a white trash like her, maybe even a guy with his own nigglets. A drunk/methead who will beat her occasionally. Her life is over anyway.

Oh, don't worry, there is. We are talking about burgerland here. She will find a nice desperate betabux

You can make goals and take stands without having to tell the fucking world about it. Want to not have sex until you're married but you are afraid others will make fun of you? DON'T FUCKING TELL THEM ABOUT IT.

God forbid a woman go 5 minutes without having the urge to be the center of attention. Holy shit. They are their own victims.

honorary nigger

>Islamic Republic of France
Why aren't you knee deep in Muslim corpses right now? They are colonizing your country while you are defending the people doing the most to enable it.

And why aren't you knee deep in Mexicans and niggers corpses right now, tough guy ?

You have guns we have baguettes.

>self respect is way more attractive to a real man