What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


tell him his wife killed herself to get away from him. which is most likely true since hes so pathetic.

A play on Marlon Brando? I don't get the Salò reference though

Good movie.

Is this some weird reference only 197 people got?

I know for sure that the others have no clue what he's talking about but only liked because it demeans Pence and Trump

He's implying that naming your rabbit marlon bundo is foreshadowing for Trump/Pence creating a government that will make child sex slave trafficking look like a fucking prank

Obviously he's asking Pence to hurry up and gas all the gays before they commit any more sodomy.

Ok the real thing he's saying is Marlon Brando was accused of actually raping an actress on the set of Last Tango in Paris during a rape scene because in the directors own words he wanted to "surprise the actress and get a real reaction", obviously Pence didn't name his rabbit after him because of this supposed event and probably didn't even hear of it.

>Is friends with A. Wyatt Mann
>still tries to act like a morally superior leftist


Making fun of a guys dead wife because you disagree with him on the internet is a bit too far tbqh.

He's clearly red pilled and recognizes sexual degeneracy


When did comedians decide to be super political? Who fucking cares what they think? Make me laugh, you little fuck.

Me either. 'Marlon Bundo' is a cute name for a rabbit, though.

back to Lee pluribut bar cu

The jews brought all their trained monkeys out to dance for this election

not far enough tbch

I like Ted Bunndy better personally

>marlon bundo

kek, I hope Mike "all gays behind the electric fence" Pence brings the hammer of God down on sodomites

I'm more shocked he'd have a pet rabbit at all.

I have no idea how it relates to 120 days of sodom...I don't understand the tweet.

Ah, I see Patton is back for another round. I see that losing a wife was not enough.

Dennis Miller has always been. Started out somewhat left of center, and went totally right wing the older he got. It's delicious when he does it. Pathetic when the rest of them attempt to catch up to his wit and character.


Thinking the internet is required to be nice to you for any arbitrary reason is a huge mistake.

You know what terrifies me? That Patton Oswalt was able to get away with murdering his wife with no repercussions.

There's no rabbit in Salo...? Not that I remember anyway.

Giving your bunny a name like that is pretty qt desu

No homo.

Why do liberals always articulate the most vile imagery which comes from their own disgusting minds, then slap a random noun on it like "Pence" and pretend Pence is the one associated with that nasty imagery?
He isn't, you are, because it came from your own mind
and then the other liberals amplify the corrupt signal with "OMG, that imaginary scenario you made up yourself is so disgusting, therefore Pence is disgusting, u r soo right"

i got some butter for patton, brando style

Find out where is wife is buried

I agree, I thought it was a cute/adorable name.

No homo.

This is not fatton but what the fuck is going on in the minds of twitter liberals? Their thought process seems alien to me.

really makes you think

Is this normie bait? Are you baiting right now.

Fuck you fag

>I'm terrified
Is he LITERALLY SHAKING right now?

idk, but if youve never seen "120 Days of Sodom," youre missing out.

Apparently he also has two cats: Oreo and Pickle.

RIP Maverick

I hope this is the new trend with famous/notable people, where we take a big interest in their pets.

I don't get it at all.

Is he saying our teeth are all the same? Or is it just a meth joke?

I have, but it didn't help me understand the tweet

does anyone know which cemetery Michelle Eileen McNamara is buried in?


What the fuck is he even trying to say?

whites are dumb rednecks with no teeth DUH

He needs a gym membership and get off the internet.

Bundo... Brando + Bunny... It's cute. Pence is adorable.

>tfw he'll never be my tsundere silverdaddy

Responses are full of that shit:

Not even his fans understand what the fuck he is trying to say with that. His explanation makes no sense either.


no you're not, that movie was just gross. the director is a dirty minded dago and his fans like the smell of their own farts

I thought he meant Hitler or something among the line, since the only part of his body they found was part of his skull and some teeth. I may be wrong tho

Not this. I don't see any connection between Salo and a bunny named Marlon Bundo.

>20 minutes into movie
>haha time to fap
>by the end of the second chapter
>mf and soul when

I don't get it.

Yeah that I have no idea. I've seen Salo uncensored and it has nothing to do with rabbits or Brando.

Leftist yammering, I suppose.

Idk, that movie was pretty funny in a way. Kind of like a fucked up absurd comedy.

What the fuck?
Do liberals can't even in to jokes?

How adorable!

He made a good joke, but his fans are too stupid to get it.

What can possibly be more cringeworthy than someone explaining his own joke?

as opposed to? lol

who told him brits were the master race

>a bit too far

Nigger, do you even know where you are?

How is Marlon Bundo a reference to that movie?

It makes no fucking sense

Now I understand why they're were so triggered about Trump saying funny shit like "grab them by the pussy",it's because they're freaks,they have a shitty sense of humor

Another problem with being democrat, they can never identify your killer if there's 20 human DNA samples in your sphincter at any given time (think about it)

He's probably only heard of the film very recently and knows that it's ~shocking~ so shoehorned it into some dumb joke.

Like if I was to say "A Trump presidency!? That'd be as shocking as A Serbian Film!" which is retarded and forced, but you follow my thinking.

Which one?

All of them

Reported for anglophobia

But what does that have to do with a /cute/ bunny name?

You know when toddlers learn a new word and just ram it into every sentence?

Why do people cherry pick tweets from literal no ones and post them like its the new law or what will happen?

Its literal fucking no ones, giving their dipshit retard opinion on some current event.
Stop posting the thoughts of retards like they actually matter.

i overexaggerate thing so it's a funni

Pretty rare actually.

People like this remind me that if you have a checkmark by your name on Twitter, you will get millions of likes and RTs by people even if they don't understand what you're saying.

Check em.

I'm a Level 99 Weed Wizard blessed by KEK. I always catch digits.

Stop posting the thoughts of retards. KEK says so.

>he doesn't have a Sup Forums verified account

Quit giving this guy attention. He's trying to get people not notice him, senpai. His career is as dead as his wife. Best to just let him dry up, and blow away.

absolutely all USA'ians i ve seen so far look a bit weird. is it because anglo blood?

Don't doubt my power bitches.

This guy has a point

In an interview in Playboy magazine in January 1979, Brando said: "You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an image of the kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that—and rightly so. They never allowed it to be shown on screen. The Jews have done so much for the world that, I suppose, you get extra disappointed because they didn't pay attention to that."[92] Brando made a similar comment on Larry King Live in April 1996, saying "Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of—of people who are suffering. Because they've exploited—we have seen the—we have seen the nigger and greaseball, we've seen the chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything, but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the wagons around."

Oy Vey Anuda Shoah, he's also pro Palestine


quickly return to reddit

He's implying that jews are actually the master race, but you can't identify them by dental records because all their teeth get yanked out for their precious fillings before they're gassed

That pudgy little pasty fuck needs his little communist head smashed in.

How the fuck can you arrive at that conclusion?

>120 Days of Sodom
Patton knows Hillary lost right?

I remember watching that interview live back in 1996, I was living in Maine and Brando went fucking nuts, it was especially brilliant because he said it on Larry King, the lord of the TV jews at the time.

It better be a flemish giant.

Those things get as big as dogs.