Justin is appointing a Somalian Muslim as Canada's new Minister of Immigration. This should be good, lads. More will be coming throughout the morning on Canada's state broadcaster.
Justin is appointing a Somalian Muslim as Canada's new Minister of Immigration. This should be good, lads. More will be coming throughout the morning on Canada's state broadcaster.
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The KEKING never stops in Hoserland
God fucking dammit
We're going to need another wall, aren't we?
For fucks sake. Why won't he just die.
The inmates are officially in charge of the asylum. I just hope that this will backfire on the Liberals and turn the public against them.
Very progressive.
And gay.
Jesus fucking Christ, Canada.
The BCC (Big Canadian cock) will be replaced by the BBCCC (Big black Canadian cucking cock)
Enjoy the diversity and degenerate submissive pervert behavior you voted for Canada. I can't wait till this faggot Trudeau tries to butt heads with Trump and gets smacked around like the bitch he is.
>Chrystia Freeland
>the fragile broad who cried when a EU deal wasn't going her way
at least you got THE WEAD
Just fucking kill me. And of course Darth McCallum got sent to China, he's from Markham. Vote of non-confidence when?
I'd rather they legalized shrooms tbqh, wouldn't mind getting into producing those for $$$
Dude, weed doe!
But seriously, how often do you guys have gay parades, and how easy is it to own a truck in Leaf land?
So how long before she fucks up our relationship with the US or Russia and leaves in disgrace?
dude, I was kidding, he didn't even legalize weed yet.
the cuck cucked you guys hardcore..
now we have to build a north wall to keep you and the shitskins out.
Somalians are so FUCKING UGLY
suckers bet senpai
Leaf btfo'd?
pot heads and druggies annoy me, but there's real money to be made and IS being made. I just want a piece of that
Take that, Sweden. The cucked crown is ours
Just the men. The women look good, kind of like Russia.
I actually don't mind McCallum, he's an old-school, moderate Liberal. Now that he's gone, along with Stephane Dion, the Trudeau Jr administration is really starting to look like Canada's first NDP government.
that's so progressive of him!!
>Maryam Monsef will transfer from Democratic Institutions to Status of Women.
Seems fitting they appoint a useless woman like that
>Ahmed Hussen
>immigration minister
we deserve all the shit we get on Sup Forums
Hey Cuck, we still got a Somali as THE HEAD OF FUCKING IMMIGRATION
You know how this will end..
Woah. Me being from minnesota with all fuck of these Somalis think this is a very bad idea. Somalians find it very difficult to say no to their own people so when a bribe that is too good to be passed up arises, welps let's just say that anyone in Somali can now pay their way into Canada but then again i don't care much about Canada.
I agree
Come Sup Forums make a mockery of Canada and call us fucking leafs and as a worthless country. Just end my pathetic life.
I thought our current Minister of Immigration was that evil guy from the star wars movies. What happened to him?
I am so sorry, that i can't even do the obligatory A FUCKING LEAF reply.
my condolences.
>but then again i don't care much about Canada
That's okay, neither does our PM
sure, but I think Israel will be main exporter of cannabis
That's what hurts Canadabro, a lot of you guys are alright, but you know this cuck Trudeau will act a fool and try to go head up vs. Trump, the media in the US & Canadia will also proclaim him some champion vs. evil Trump. What to do.
This isnt eaven funny anymore its yust sad.
>I actually don't mind McCallum
Mr. 400k immigrants a year had to go but this replacement is possibly even worse.
Guarantee he will push for more African and Somalian immigrantion on the basis that it's racist if they don't accept them.
If this was a minority government Trudeau would be out but we got 3 more fucking years of this.
Ahmed looks like a pretty accomplished Canadian. Unless there's something particularly damning about him, I don't see anything that would indicate he isn't worthy of his promotion.
Fun fact, the main somalian actor in Captain Phillips is a residence of minnesota. He now works in what they call "somali mall"(vendors and shops in a highly populated somali area) selling electronics and phones. This is very low btw. My co-workers tells me that when he received the money from the film acting, he spent it on a lambo and then gradually lost it all hence working at the electronic shop. Heard he received upwards of 700k for his role.
Trojan horse is all I see.
Not just a muslim but a Somalian muslim!?
Thats like choosing a black Hebrew Israelite as your ambassador to Israel.
Canada is fucked.
They look like a colony of inbred pigeons.
>Canada will be BLACKED in your lifetime
>This isnt eaven funny anymore its yust sad.
don't be sorry for them, leafs deserve it. remember how smug they were few years ago???
no it's a literal Somali refugee now
The only way to save canada.
>tfw i dreamed of living in Canada during my studies
>now finally i think France isn't so bad
You either do something now, or you lose your country forever.
It's up to you OP.
implying US would annex them. if they did, democrats would rule forever in US from that point on.
Obviously, my Canada is the biggest disgrace of the that fucking idiot Trudeau. RIP Canada and my diginity. We are a bigger disgrace then Sweden.
Few years ago you where in civil war m8.
my first thought
Check em!!!
Trump will annex canada this year
Dude this entire country has less people than California. And aside from that, Western Canada would vote Republican. Not all Canadians support Turdo, not even fucking close.
As much as I'm a Conservative, I miss Chretien. It would have been wonderful seeing him interact with Trump.
you'd be a state of US and would get 30-50 electoral votes.. and you'd definately be a blue state, which would ensure democratic rule forever.
Please nuke us, let me know ahead of time so i can walk outside with open arms to catch as much flash as possible
>be a Brazilian engineer
>tired of lack of jobs in Brazil, try to emigrate to Canada so you can work
>be a Somali goatherder
>brought to Canada by the government to live on welfare and make 18 children with your 4 wives
If Canada was annexed by the US, if you guys are far right come to Alberta. We have been Conservative for a long time.
Digits confirm canadians are trash and deserve death
Nah fuck off I'm not letting US have their Manifest Destiny achieved for many reasons including possibly securing a DNC Presidency for eternity because >Ontario and >Quebec. We need to push up a populist party here in Canada or if needbe make our own.
At least Muslims here don't bomb and shoot up cafes.
Stop being a pussy and fight to protect our country.
They did give us notables such as K'naan and, er, that's about it.
Knaan that was fucking what 9 years ago the only thing he was relevant for was singing some sing for Fifa in 2008 with some German guy.
I would say Canada would be more a territory. Not entitled to vote in US elections. We would then ship all Syrian refugees to Canada.
White Canadians (not liberals, who actually should no longer be classed as white but turd) should move to the USA or Europe, then Canada will lose all your lovely taxes and die.
This isn't really on topic, but how are things in Alberta these days? I'm a tradesman and have always wanted to live and work in Alberta but I missed the oil boom.
Unemployment and suicides. Merry times indeed
Absolutely shit
But I read somewhere that when the For Mac rebuild really gets going the construction boom will be comparable to oil?
Pretty shit. The NDP decided the best way to spur industry and economic development in a province that is set up for resource extraction was to raise royalties, corporate taxes and institute a provincial carbon tax on top of the already incoming federal tax.
If you want a future as a tradesman you should look at Saskatchewan. They're the only province run by anyone with any sense it seems and right now they're enjoying a small boom because of it.
Digits confirm KEK hates canada and canadians
Do you know how hard it is for a white to move to the US or the UK? It's fucking near impossible.
But that's just low rise housing construction.
Hahahahahahahaha I love this guy
Since this thread is here and this info is usually ignored by pol in its own thread...
Activists with the group Canadians Against Islamization are planning a demonstration on Tuesday January 10, 2017 at Peel District School Board – PDSB (5650 Hurontario St, Mississauga, ON) to protest against the PDSB’s recommendations to allow more religious accommodation in public schools.
In consultation with the its senior administration and Equity staff, Peel District School Board has recently formulated the following recommendations to revise the Religious Accommodation Operating Procedure for prayer, including Jummah [Friday] prayer for Muslim students in public school:
All prayer spaces will continue to be supervised by school staff.
Prayer will be led by students only, on Friday, for Jummah prayer.
Two or more students can pray together on any other day but prayers would not be led nor include a sermon.
Students may write their own sermon (khutbah} or can use a sermon (khutbah) from a bank of prewritten sermons, obtained from the school MSA or a local faith leader.
Sermons will be presented in English, except for any verses quoted directly from the Quran.
Sermons must comply with the school code of conduct, the Education Act, its Regulations and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
As with all student activities in schools, appropriate disciplinary and corrective action will be taken where there are any contraventions of the Ontario Human Rights Code or the school code of conduct.
On January 10, 2017, Peel District School Board will vote on this recommendations. Representatives of the Muslim community in Peel Region who attended the meeting demanded more accommodating arrangements for Muslim students at public schools that will allow students to pray in groups at school any day of the week and to write and deliver their own sermons.
How many somalian niggers are there in the world, i hear they wrecking Sweden, Germany, Minessota and now Canada, something has to be done with those niggers.
Oh my god.
Canada is doomed.
I take it back; we deserve it all, and more.
im moving to america
>At least Muslims here don't bomb and shoot up cafes.
I sincerely feel sorry for leafs
This is a spit in the face of every Canadian... it's like Trudeau WANTS to destroy Canada.
>hey let Mexicans come over here for free so Americas border wall is useless
>hey let's elect a non Canadian to be the Canadian minister of immigration
Trojan horse 3.0 Trudeau is really Merle's edition
>>At least Muslims here don't bomb and shoot up cafes.
Consider there hasn't been a single act of terrorism in Canada. Hasn't this proven that our current levels of immigration are sustainable, at a minimum? It's 2017, you no longer can blindly hate people for the color of their skin. It's not like we discriminate WHITE people trying to immigrate here, why would we discriminate against refugee's who are fleeing a war-torn pseudo-nation?
We have so much land, it doesn't belong to us. As long as our first-people's permit it, I say we embrace diversity because it is the only thing that will save Canada.
Actually that guy is ignoring the Muslim terror attack at parliament in Canada a few years back. Killed 2 Canadians IIRC
>tfw Trudeau ruins Canada so much the USA is FORCED to annex
2014 shootings at parliament hill in Ottawa, Canada was a terrorist attack
>Consider there hasn't been a single act of terrorism in Canada
There were a few in 2016 alone
October 20, 2014 – On October 20, 2014, two Canadian Forces members were hit by Martin Couture-Rouleau, a recent Muslim convert in what is known as the 2014 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu ramming attack. Warrant officer Patrice Vincent died of his injuries. Couture-Rouleau was eventually gunned down and killed.
October 22, 2014 - Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a convert to Islam, fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo, a Canadian soldier on ceremonial sentry duty at the Canadian National War Memorial in Ottawa, and then forced his way into Canada's parliament building, where he had a shootout with parliament security personnel. He was shot 31 times and died at the scene. Zehaf-Bibeau made a video prior to the attack in which he expressed his motives as being related "to Canada's foreign policy and in respect of his religious beliefs."
August 10, 2016 - Aaron Driver was killed in Strathroy, Ontario, in a confrontation with police after detonating an explosive in the back seat of a taxi. The confrontation followed a tip from the FBI that Driver had made a "martyrdom video" and was planning an attack on an urban area
>Consider there hasn't been a single act of terrorism in Canada
Born: Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi
I'm not in the mood for bait.
God dam muslims are the scum of the earth
please let it happen kek
take these digits and let it happen
Muslims are so insipid and venomous they'd attack a people as docile as Canadians or Buddhists
Think about that