Why do British people get offended when people talk shit about the queen? How can they be so cucked?
Why do British people get offended when people talk shit about the queen? How can they be so cucked?
I've heard plenty of brits shittalk the queen, mostly on her refusal to speak her mind or otherwise stand up for her country, her children being ditzy Paris Hilton-tier media whores, and the high cost of maintaining her lifestyle despite all this.
I can't imagine them keeping the monarchy after her death, unless George goes full nationalist or his father grows a pair.
literally the same way americans get pissy about being called fat 60%ers
No pudding if you don't do your homework you two.
>Implying America has ever elected anyone that isn't one of Liz's cousins.
>Implying Australia isn't our favourite even though he's a little cunt.
>Implying you let your kids trigger you with their shit tier memes
We don't get offended, we talk shit on them too and do a better job of it that you fags like to think.
Lol what? Fuck the queel
>mostly on her refusal to speak her mind or otherwise stand up for her country
She took an oath, if you want to see some shit repel those conditions and give more power to the monarchy.
>Why do British people get offended when people talk shit about the queen?
she is a living god to them
>the high cost of maintaining her
They Queen actually provides to the economy through tourism, business and royal estates. Net positive.
Can she literally not discuss anything the parliament doesn't write for her? She does speeches all the time on togetherness and shit around Christmas, all conveniently falling into line with party ethics, but still clearly political. Would she have to talk shit about Jews on Christmas if BNP got in?
Because people respect German nobles and can not stand it when someone offends them
She's a nice old lady, the mother of the country. How could you not love her? What do we have in America? The last politician I felt any emotion for was JFK and that's when he was shot. Queen Elizabeth represents something we have lost.
>JFK and that's when he was shot
how old are you elder
And she opens her Christmas presents on 24th December like a real Anglo, most Anglos forgot their tradition
>provides to the economy through tourism, business and royal estates. Net positive.
not until you pawn her gold chair to take the nation out for a few pints
>"lmao brits are so cucked"
>how old are you elder
lots of elders here, I worked for Kennedy's campaign
Monarchy does that to people.
Bumping this. What is the Queen not allowed to talk about? I can't find shit about this oath
>multi-billion dollar hat
Don't talk shit about Liz or I'll fucken glass you cunt
Looks like your garden variety Jewess.
Has a god tier set of tits in that photo to prove it.
Fuck the queen and fuck Rottenteeth people
I was six when he was shot. My teacher came in the room pale as a ghost and told us. The whole class cried. It seems odd to me now that the class reacted that way, what did we know?
I find myself quite upset over her recent illness. The same way I felt when Kennedy was killed, as if there is some fundamental shift in creation.
Because constitutional monarchy is the superior system. Also all republics should simply put an end to the pain and gas themselves. T B H.
This is what a Queen is, in the words of Elizabeth I on the Spanish Armada:
> Let tyrants fear; I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects. And therefore I am come amongst you at this time, not as for my recreation or sport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down, for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honor and my blood, even the dust. I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart of a king, and of a king of England, too; and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realms: to which, rather than any dishonor should grow by me, I myself will take up arms; I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field.
Republicanism was a slippery slope towards communist degeneracy. America was a good idea, but it depended on the majority of the people having the better traits of a benevolent monarch. Sadly the masses have the worst traits of illiterate peasants.
>Implying America has ever elected anyone that isn't one of Liz's cousins
nice to know Liz has black blood in her royal family.
See user, when you do stuff like that you show, by your disdain for those of superior birth, superior education, and superior action in life, that you are unworthy of the right to vote. You show you have a low mentality and low spiritual development and you are a shame to your self and your nation.
This Queen oversaw the loss of an empire and the annexation into the globalist EU. Shittalk her at your leisure.
That is a brilliant defense, user. Imagine a nation full of people just like you. It would be like Detroit from shore to shore.
She was surrounded by marxists on all sides, what could she realistically do? She let the peasants have what they wanted.
Who the FUCK created this image?
I had anal sex with the Queen once back in 2009.
Why do England and UK have an unusually high amount of stronk wimmin leaders in their history? Are they cuckolds?
I never hear the rest of them mentioned, only the queen. Where's the king at? Shouldn't the prince just be king already?
Thailand is worse in this regard. There was a drunk tourist who got a year in prison from vandalizing a portrait of their last King.
She is not a noice lady.
> JPK Jr WW2
The crown has been killing kennedys for a long time.
> Diana Spencer
> 911
She's a nasty bugger from a long line of nasties. Just ask Richard III.
Part of their culture and national identity, Jamal Pablo Nguyen Jones. If you had any culture yourself you would understand.
They get more upset when you talk shit about their prophet
Because the Queen is God in human form for Britistanis.
Also our monarchy is an ancient tradition and is an integral part of the social contract for our country. Yanks wouldn't understand because they gave up their ancient traditions and social contract for a liberal oligarchy and they will reap what they sowed in 1776 when the beaners and niggers take over.
Diana, as lovely as she was, was a broken person. Her life, and her death, was a terrible tragedy, but I don't think you can lay that on the the Queen. Nor any of the rest of that.
Most people i know hate the queen/ monarchy tbqh
But if you have muh ancient traditions and social contracts, why are you reaping pakis and indians? Also what does that say of your monarchy if they did nothing to prevent this? What does that say of your monarchy if they are behind this?
We'd be cucked if we didn't care if foreigners disrespected our Sovereign.
Because you dont show enough respect for their own glorious she-leader!
Precisely. Disgusts me to see my countrymen utter filth like 'superior birth', right to the pit of my stomach. We English have been hoodwinked too long with bullshit like that, being conditioned to take pride in subjection. I'd do a Charles I on her, myself, for allowing what she has in her 'reign'.
Muslims don't count as people, Ahmed.
I loved it that time Prince Phillip snubbed Obama. Watching that video I could feel Obama's shame at being what he is.
Looks like a Jew
Yet she is the Queen and you are a lowly shitposter. She is loved by millions across the world and you are scorned by all who know you. I think birth might just have a little bit to do with it.
Not muslim, in fact, i come from a 91% white city
What kind of government do the British have?
I know they have a PM, but they also have this royal family... does the RF have a say? Are they relevant, or are they just tax-payer funded permanent leisure class citizens?
>Disgusts me to see my countrymen utter filth like 'superior birth', right to the pit of my stomach.
Yes goyim, do away with all hierarchies. Everyone is born equal. All traditions must be egalitarian or they should be scrapped.
I think Queen Elizabeth is one of the largest private landowners in the world. I know she was at least a couple of decades ago the largest landowner in Mississippi. Supposedly she doesn't interfere in politics but it's hard to imagine she doesn't carry great weight behind the scenes through intermediaries.
When you sign the paperwork after selecting an ISP you sign allegiance to the Queen online since we already pledge allegiance to her in all other parts of our life.
We haven't had a hierarchy independent of the moneymen of the City of London for over 400 years. Merrie Olde England is long dead, you gullible fool. All we have now is fully in cahoots with the very forces most to blame for the destruction of Western civilisation worldwide.
>She is loved by millions across the world
As are Mutti Merkel and Hillary Clinton. Fuck these traitors. I'm more concerned with the millions inhabiting my motherland as a foreign invasion force for Allah. Stu`pid old bitch in charge either doesn't give a shit about our ethnic replacement in our own cities, or is as stupidly deluded about the 'exotic' as her idiot son and heir. Just about her only use whatsoever is keeping him from the throne, actually.
I wonder who it was that (((tricked))) Britain into declaring war on Germany in 1939? It certainly wasn't the future Queen.
Looks like a Tranny. Check out the long neck.
King Arthur and knights of the round table
The females were more masculine back then and so were the males. It's a tradeoff I'd accept
>Why do nigs get offended when people talk shit about their moms? How can they be so cucked?
I'm not really bothered. I get back at the Amerifats by mocking that retard President elect of theirs
>Yes goyim, do away with all hierarchies.
It's not about ending all hierarchies you dumb cuck, it's about replacing monarchical hierarchies with republican hierarchies. All hierarchies should be based on merit and merit ALONE - that way whites will ALWAYS be at the top of the ladder.
The people didn't want to be in a political union. They were lied to. A true monarch would be like Aragorn and defend their people.
And how is a shitty republic the same as a meritocracy? Do you unironically think America is a "meritocracy". American politics is heavily corrupted by money
I would have happily fucked young Liz.
i think it is quite close to how Americans see the Flag. i've seen yanks get all protective about decorative stars and stripes in bars. its symbolic.
We don't, it's usually Americans going "HA HA QUEEN SUCKS YOU'RE SO MAD AREN'T YOU YOU'RE SO MAD XDXDXD" to the response of "not really".
It's convention.
By the way the support for the monarchy will drop when William marries that nigger American.
Someone please elaborate!
The queen can't give any opinions on anything controversial. In her Christmas speech she can say things like how great we did at the Olympics but other than that she can't say anything. That's why there was a big argument when it was leaked that she wanted us to leave the EU.
Victoria and Elizabeth I and that's it. They get attention because they weren't the norm.
There are loads of strong male leaders.
Henry VII
Alfred the Great
Richard the Lionheart
Edward I Hammer of Scots
Henry V
James II
Charles I
Harold Godwinson
Edmund Ironisde
And so on.
yeah dude why dont those cucks just sieze the means of production already right my fellow right wing nazis?
Not allowed to share personal political opinions with the public. She is meant to be neutral.
Charles does it all the time which is why many think he is a prick.
Alfred the Great was fucking awesome.
Because the monarchy as an institution represents the British people, our culture, and our heritage, and the crown is a symbol of British Union and the separation of powers from parliament.
I need to cum on them toes.
Cos it's like someone talking shit on yer nan
So, why queen is not a muslim already
poo on your elders
Could just as easily ask why your leader isn't a transgender monkey
That's just a theory based on no reality whatsoever. Honestly, I'd rather dig up some great old king from the past, perch him on the throne and put the crown on his head, having him reign indefinitely. No need for such a figurehead to be an actual living breathing human being. Alternatively, I'd find some more decent politically palateable cousin to the Queen, probably from among the bastards fathered by Henry VIII or Charles II. No way should we be reigned over by somebody whose rightful surname is von Schleswig Holstein Gottorp. The line of inheritance should never bring foreigners in, while there's a single English beggar left in the country who can wear a crown.
Also Matilda, Mary, Anne, and technically Jane Grey.
England/UK seem to have at least twice as many ruling queens as other European kingdoms (most have typically one or two), just something I noticed awhile ago.
That's what she gets for fucking a raghead.
They literally die singing god save the queen.
She also fucked JFK Jr as far as I know. She was a bit of a whore.
You're right though, lots of badass kings too
it wasn't till last dicember wozit that master gave me and his other men of the yard right to feather our caps at a personal cost of only four tuppence
Close. She is Britain in human form.