What philosophical, self-improvement books should I read?
What philosophical, self-improvement books should I read?
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A lot of interesting stuff on here
Theres a book club that started last sunday on pol
You need to read The Republic by Plato for the next 2 weaks
Meet up here every sunday at 2pm EST
self-improvement is masturbation, stop being a cuck
It'll be an improvement when you're dead
read "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
the holy bible
baby's first 'philosophy'
read Marx you faggot
Are you so dumb that you resort to other people's opinions or viewpoints?
>Theres a book club that started last sunday on pol
brosef Marx's worldview failed four times over since that irrelevant dirtbag croaked. No more thxx
Candide by Voltaire to give you a sense of appreciation and such.
The Art of Peace by Morehei Ueshiba.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coehello is alright but poorly written, still some great wisdom in it.
The Undiscovered Self by Carl Jung is absolutely fantastic and will reprogram your mind in a very positive way.
Be Here Now by Ram Dass is very good.
The New Testament of course has gems of profound wisdom all through it along woth Psalms and Proverbs too.
The Bhagavad Gita also does.
The Satanic Bible has a very practical and easy to understand philosophy, very well written and fun to read too.
Siddhartha is great, only 80 pages and $3
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi the greatest swordsman who ever lived is very fucking red pilled. Rely totally on yourself, dont be a bitch, ans do your best is basically the message, but the way a man who killed 60+ people WITH DUAL SWORDS makes it so much more interesting ans gives you a strong desire to pick yourself up by those motherfucking bootstraps, user!
The Republic by Plato is a given
every other classic that you can find with a google search.
marx never said communism could be brought about in any way other than the bottom up revolution, all communist revolutions weren't bottom up, all communist countries didn't have communism as their economic model but rather state capitalism.
There's a reason people say 'it wasn't real communism'... because it really wasn't...
Besides this just goes to show how uneducated you really are on Marx. His dialectical materialism is the end of philosophy just like communism is the end of history.
/pol is fucking retarded... you people make me sick.
How the fuck do expect to fix The West if you're too cucked to even lift up a fucking book, or lift some weights? Or are you black-pilled that you just think it doesn't matter? World's going to shit, and it's not going to fix itself. We need strong men more than ever.
>taking a basement dwelling NEET's philosophy as the infallible end all solution to human suffering
>that NEET was karl marx who spent all his money that he never worked for a day in his life on stupid shit rather than feeding his family, causing two of his children to die from his neglect
>every one if his contemporaries thought he was retarded ans for good reason, he was
>only nerds and losers and self hating jackasses want communism
>communism denies human nature in favor pf autistic weaklings like Marx
>reading a book for self-improvement instead of just improving yourself
toppimus kekimus
>fix the west
Americans are actually this retarded
Trash posters ITT
>leaf contributing nothing
>calls other people trash
good god I hate you mongrels.
>The Alchemist by Paulo Coehello
>Paulo Coehello
If you understood Marx you wouldn't promote his ideology.
I said it was poorly written douchebag. It does have some good shit in it. Just like how Mixhael Bay sometimes has some good action scenes, The Alchemist has a few good morals and lessons in it, but is mostly retarded shit like all of his other work. I hate the guy, but I did learn a few good things from TA
Human Action - (((Ludwig Von Mises)))
Democracy The God That Failed - Hans Hermann Hoppe
Oh you were making fun of my spelling. Sorry I don't care much about shitskin rapebaby names. He is a shitty author though.
ok, go ahead and explain marx to me since I don't understand anything, lets see you faggot
The Republic by Plato is by far the most influential western philosophy book I've ever read, better guideline for life than the Bible or Quran that's for sure.
Thanks Tyler
How's the hole in your cheek doing?
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
nigga the fuck you talking bout some philosophy books? That's a waste of time and only kiss less virgin geeks read that shit. Go learn something useful like how to box and maybe learn to play football or something. Shit's a pussy magnet.
You don't need some words in a book to tell you what to believe in. Develop your own set of beliefs and morals, faggot.
You should all go watch Brian Johnson's You Tube channel Optimize. The guy read books on philosophy, self-improvement, health, exercise and take the 'Big Idea' from each book and makes video about them. youtube.com
>implying books take control of your mind and force you to accept their doctrine
>giving americans a bad name
pls stop
The bible ofc.
If you are not an edgy subhuman atheist teen, and if you got some kind of symbolic and metaphoric understanding, you will seek the greatest truth out of it.
ehh dude reading philosophy books is not going to 'improve' you much more than any other kind of book. just read any good book that interests you, assuming you have decent taste and intellect.
Not a book, but you should watch The Zen of ZFG.
relax mate was just a joke about Paulo being good at something.
is a spaniard meme.
if he's so smart, how come is he bald then huh??
Thanks, leaf
Wouldn't expect any less from germany, how's the mosque coming along jilaal?
Explain marx, the bible, quran, Mao's red book and pretty much every religious text ever
Ayy Lmao
Look up Haynes or Clymer
Everyone else ITT is talking out of their ass
'ayy lmao'
Like everyone is saying, read classic philosophers. Every philosopher from the past 1500 years is a NEET faggit.
For self-improvement I actually reccomend reading cicero's speeches, both to the senate and the people.
It is truly remarkable oratory, and it has a far wider scope than pretty much anything out there. It isn't really philosophy, but I think it is far better for self-improvement. Instead of rote learning plato and pretending to understand it and being all deep and thoughtful, reading cicero's speeches really does lead you to a sense of intro and extraspection. Tugging at heart strings aside, there is nothing better to philosophically redpill you than reading such vivid accounts of mankind struggling to fix the same bullshit problems for thousands of years.
for real philosophy, my fav is Epicurus, his works totally row my boat, and his revision of atomic theory to allow for non-definite determinism totally sold me, I'm a pro-free will kinda guy.
I suggest you start with Principles (basically the guidelines to his personal philosophy) or Letters to Menoeceus (a self-summary of his beliefs and stances) and if you like those, then you can dig into the deeper stuff.
Most of the Epicurus literature is analysis from later philosophers, just ignore those and go straight to the translations.
Dude just levelled up!
Would you have said the same thing to hitler when he tried to fix Germany?
>reading philosophy
Philosophy is simple as fuck, that's like learning common sense
Watch some of Jordan Peterson's lectures on youtube.
your digits aside, I disagree. Most people never actually deconstruct and think about what they believe in. Classic philosophers literally dedicated their entire lives to not only figure out what they believe, but to improve it.
If a few hours reading a book can open someone's eyes to new ways of interpreting the world, then surely it's worth the time
kek pol meetup
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Every time I read philosophy It's something I've already thought of but It's prolonged in 20 pages and given a better definition. What a waste of time. If someone wants an intellectual stimulation they'd rather think of the philosophical problems themselves.