Any Swedes got more details on this case

where a Swedish woman was kidnapped and held as a sex slave for 7 Arab men in the basement of Hookah shop that the government set up for two supposed Syrian refugees?

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This is really a sordid story, and it makes me pukes.

I hope she got prison for the hate crime of not helping those poor refugees with their sexual emergencies, may that racist rot in jail and have her children taken from her !

>Woman Reports Refugee Gang Rape, What Cops Find On Her Dress HORRIFIES Them

>after Swedish police discovered a gang-raped mother-of-two, investigators found 48 different stains of semen on her dress.

Thanks Mr Soros!!


Yeah sounds legit...

>jänkaren bryr sig om horor
haha aa

You say that like she didn't vote for this.
You say that like she didn't virtue signal on the internet and helped to enforce PC shit IRL.

... I can't wait to fuck off from the west. You are all retarded. The thought of my children being even remotely like the average european terrify me, i hope east asian blood will ensure they won't and wash the cuckdom away.

any legi source?

yes she was helping them. i rly like to imagine that all those raped women are those who supports negroes in europe. i dont think its far from 95% of raped women supporting this.

Wouldn't that be national news? Have you not heard this? America's like 30 times bigger than Sweden and it would be national news here

>tfw i live in that city

This. The left live in a fairyland where everyone is good, respect everyone around them and love makes things just right!

These people are fucking cancer and should be left where they are so they can kill each other to the last man woman and child.

Jesus I'm glad I'm not a Swede with a daughter. I'd lose my fucking mind.

I did some simple google searches and came up with nothing, I'll look more later if no one else has anything

some swedish whore fucked by niggerdick, how is that news?

You haven't heard this? So it's likely fake then? Or your news media is as cucked as they say

I really fucking despise you cucks. I really wish you were banned from posting here.

Jesus christ you're stupid...

I just read that since refugee rape has gone up from non-existent up to over 1400% and the women have a one in four chance of being raped.

Everytime i question the shit out of myself for the kind of judgement which says all women vote for this shit i come back to the same clear, obvious answer. They do.. They want that shit, all of them. And once again i wonder why im forced to scour my mind to question my judgement when something is so obvious.

Fuck these bitches, theyre Jamals.. Weve got other wars to fight right now. Im not fighting for these wretched wastes of flesh. Maybe if we won the race war we could instill values in our women once again and keep them in their place.

>54% white speaking

sounds fake tb h and this is coming from a Swede hating Dane.

such an story would make it to danish national news in no time and there is nothing to be found.

the whore probably was on a drug and drink binge and woke up sober one day regretful and ashamed
I don't know why you retards suddenly believe whatever these cunts say once a brown person gets involved

ding ding ding
I'll not shed a single tear over someone getting exactly what they asked for
it is true and where it took place says its ahmeds that did it.
old south helsingborg is filled with ahmeds and shit like that

linked wrong shit so had to DELETE THIS

Victim blaming.

You shitskins/white guilt cucks are disgusting.

Fordi i altid sviner os til for at være "racister", "onde konservative" og alkoholikere. Man bliver sgu træt af jeres loeftede pegefinger bare fordi vi dansken ikke er så satans moderne.

Fat mod og ryd op i Sverige. Det er ikke for sent til at tage jer sammen.

No actual links to reports or names of local authorities. Only internal links and scary foreigner names no one will search.

Its just a fake news mill which is using the most You Wouldnt Believe What They Did to Her rape stories to get clicks from Sup Forums and other conservative collectivists that reads, touches itself and then translates its guilt to hate for random (and usually not the guilty) refugees in order to feel pious.

Wake the fuck up already sheep. Oh and stop touching yourselves.

I thought so too bong

however see:

Kom igen nu

okej om du vill
ta alla länkar i det här


I think Sup Forums would be much better if it banned all Americans.

was thinking these where wrong links. but they where true

That's fucking hot, i hope they fucked her holes good.

Tack. Also holy shit our media is so fucking vague about it, it's laughable. It's always obvious when the perpetrators are foreigners or refugees

>Deflecting the fact the the world is coming to an end.

At least in the US we don't have politicians who raise funds for their child attackers.

Jews have truly won. Fuck you cuckstains

you retards deserve to be culled

Okay Chink, just remember that you've been Sweden and Russia's bitch throughout history.

Who the fuck cares, you are being treated as walking money bag and your children are fuck toys for borderline monkeys

All the while your own countrymen hail this as something good, who the fuck cares about something that happened over 100 years ago, you deserve your fate.

MGTOW. You've taken the black pill.

Who the fuck cares you impudent little Swedish shit!

Your country is going down the shitter faster than anyone! Your rape has increased 1000% in the past ten years! You have a media that actively denies statistics and shames those with common knowledge!

Fuck Sweden, you lousy weak, collectivized sad little men. Puny and wretched is what you have become. I welcome your destruction. I welcome the damage that will be your country from here on out. You shitstain panzies couldn't help yourselves out even if you tried.

This goes beyond shitposting, this is literal war. Yet instead of doing anything about it you claim otherwise on a Chinese napkin folding emporium for the blind and say "all of you are worse off than us" - clinging to your own selfish demise.

I offer you a simple premise: Man the fuck up or die. Begone Swedefag

Fucking HBG, man. I thought this city had avoided the fucking rat packs but turns out, no.

There were also a plethora of these fucking rats at our train/boat hub downtown during new years last year. (Same time as the cologne shit happend)


>You deserve to get raped because you offended me on my chinese cartoon forum

Sad! Go eat some cats you mongol.


you want majority Germanic

They have voted for this since 70s

SD 2018

Listen, I understand why you might be upset Finland, but why does a Burger instantly start white knighting a Chink?

i just read this wtf. really help some fuckers start a buissness, use buissness to gangrape women in basement. poor girl

>The victim testified that she nearly died when the migrants blocked her airway during the oral rape.

RefugeeLover fucking deserved it.

>>The victim testified that she nearly died when the migrants blocked her airway during the oral rape.

>I thought this city had avoided the fucking rat packs but turns out, no.
>confirmed for not living in Helsingborg
the old south city is FILLED WITH AHMEDS
just go to Ga if you even live there

In denial much swedehomo?

>A year later, she claims that it still feels pain in her genitals and is afraid of men, especially migrants. As the trial commenced, the traumatised woman ran from the courtroom to vomit.
A year to late to take the redpill I guess.

>The victim was raped for hours in an asylum center apartment and was later found by police in a pool of her own blood. She endured such bodily trauma that she was bound to a wheelchair for 4 weeks and suffered from a bruised throat, sore genitals, and minor stomach injuries.

>Unbelievably, one of the rapists, Hedayat Rahmati was sentenced to deportation but has since been freed from jail and is back on the streets.

and to think 1 in 4 Swede qt girls will be raped... Sweden is undoubtedly the most cucked.

dude i cant laugh at this. poor girl she was stolen by 7 foreigners kept as a sex slave. that women will never be the same.


Holy shit what a great source

This is some solid post.

fuck no, fag. I wont go to GA, it's enough reading about the firework explosions and the firecrackers everywhere in that shitty part of town. I live a little bit outside of the town, like past hälsobacken and further up. As far away from these rats as possible

You're a fucking disgrace.

Day of the rope for neckbeard frustrated maggots: when??

här får du

OH look its the nigger jew faggot piece of shit who fought against its own brothers (germans) in the war.

Being polite won't save you, treebeard

Doujins when?

You're stupid enough to let them in by the millions, you don't get to complain when they gangbang your women. I live here and I can assure the majority of the population doesn't deserve to be called human.