Black people should be allowed to commit crime, the movie.
Black people should be allowed to commit crime, the movie
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Blessings of Kek are upon you, Luigi.
That's an irish flag
But it worked out fine because my name is Luigi FitzGerald
>American education
I've never understood this logic
>niggers commit more crimes than any other race
>as a result they end up in prison more so than any other race
>it's whiteys fault
What kind of metal gymnastics do you need to come to that conclusion? Are they saying that most of the blacks in jail are innocent of any crimes and were just arrested for being black?
"Whitey steal our gold! -> Niggers are mainly poor -> Niggers must commit crime because they are poor
They dindu nuffin, it's because they are poor. You can add the fact that education requires money in your country and the circle is complete.
I have a theory that once black outnumber whites in the US, they will revolt and take over the country by force.
>example: Haiti
They are ~10% of the US population and look at the damage they do NOW
It's like they purposely conflated certain problems with the prison system with a targeted attack on blacks. If the prison complex is corrupt, it affects people of all races. But because black culture goes hand in hand with criminality and therefore provides the most prisoners, they claim that the justice system targets blacks. I cringed at the part with Van Jones discussing the trial of Angela Davis, where he goes 'THey put a sister on trial, but she wsa like I BE PUTTIN YOU ON TRIAL' Lordy, lordy. Aw yessum. Tay dat whitey. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah I do declare MMMHMMMM
For drugs and speeding I think more often than not a white person will be let off cause "Boys will be boys" but black people aren't offered that same chance