Are Jews good?


Other urls found in this thread:

If they're dead, yes.


>False race made up of former Egyptian slaves
>Compile stories of other peoples' divine intervention into "old testament" to justify their murderous behavior
>Get called out by Jesus as Canaanite devil worshippers
>Bribe their way into getting him killed
>Put bounties on early Christians
>Spread backwards Moloch worship to Khazars, Moors, and whoever else they can recruit
>Form inbred enclaves that leach off of Europe while helping the Islamic savages at any opportunity
>Ship African slaves into the Americas
>Proceed to blame goyim for slavery
>destroy classical beauty because they are ingrained to see it as "idol worship"
>Soviet Union atrocities
>Destroy Europe in the name of a made up genocide
>Still have a victim complex
>Think some jew thots will get me to change my mind on them

Fuck no

Jews are the


and that's a fucking big deal, when you know they're up against those shitskinned mudslimes in the hate contest.

They're the worst because they're the smartest

they did nothing good for the mankind, they can steal and destroy.

jew here
among jews you can literaly feel the devil closer

>Neta-Lee Hershlag will never be your gf

>among jews you can literaly feel the devil closer

checked and agreed, you are the Devils chosen ones after all


It's a poisonous cultural meme which will always cause them to be parasites and nation destroyers.

Why is she turning into Bruce Jenner?


>they did nothing good for the mankind
185 Nobel Prize

Or maybe Bruce Jenner is turning into her?


Jews are the descendants of Cain, propagated (and sired) by Satan himself for the purpose of ruining God's prophecies, a task at which they have never succeeded.

I often wonder if they are actually evil, or if God simply allows them to be this evil to make his glory and his mercy more clearly known to the entire world.

But one thing is certain, they are not the chosen people of God. That is a lie which they have carefully propagated. They are the worshippers of Satan.

Jews believe in the Talmud wich makes them satanists so no.

Everyone is the hero of their own story.



If they are cunnys, yes

Obama got a "nobel prize" also. that shit doesn't amount to anything. Never has, just a medal they hand out to someone to make them seem important and dignified when in all honestly the are kike cucks and almost certainly have committed crimes against humanity.