Not a joke, there is something about the american culture that's too centered around cars, and therefore there are parking lots everywhere.
Anyone else find it depressing as fuck? Are americans conscious of this problem?
Not a joke, there is something about the american culture that's too centered around cars, and therefore there are parking lots everywhere.
Anyone else find it depressing as fuck? Are americans conscious of this problem?
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>Euros will never know what it's like to drive across the country
>too centered around cars
Am I supposed to enjoy public transportation, cuck?
Its called area. America has lots of it because we are badasses who killed those savages for it. Eurpoean countries are filled with pussies who can't conquer jack shit.
itt americucks drinking their starbucks in their SUV getting triggered
Puh, I've cycled from north Denmark to North Italy, that doesn't seem even remotely impressive to me ;-)
Asshole bicylists clogging up the roads.
European parking lots are not depressing?
fucking cyclists
The real problem is that no one seems to be able to logically plot one of the fuckers out clearly, so they keep building the shit-plexes in a desperate effort to get something right, but they can't because republicans gutted their education nerwork, and it's all a downward spiral.
No commuting is what's seen as depressing here. There's even a popular feels guy about it that you've probably seen. Parking is often coveted here so theres really no negative association aside from the phrase "turn it into a parking lot"
Driving from Kiruna to Malmö is pretty far mate. It's about the same distance as NYC to Jacksonville.
Don't be so upset Pierre. At least our parking lots don't have rapefugees camping out in them.
Says you. You must not live in a city of any size...
American culture has always been hugely influenced by our automobiles, because America is fucking huge and you need a car to get anywhere. Then the need arises to find a place to park your car when you're not driving it, we have space for that too.
I fail to see the problem.
>mfw it's 2017 and people are still living in the concrete jew
>tfw you have never spent a friday afternoon/night drinkin beers with your bros and hoes in a grass parking lot after the game
sorry you missed out on some super comfy times, french user
It's a remnant from the auto-industry days , car advertisements are still pumped into their brains though. At work (factory) some people made 100k last year because of overtime pay and most of them went out and blew it on cringemobiles
Society as a whole is too concerned with status based on material things - which is the essence of niggerdom . You might as well be in the jungle making little banana necklaces , it's the same mode of thought . Sometimes I want to remind them of how close to death they are as a mortal human , but I know not even that would snap these animals out of their trance
>because America is fucking huge and you need a car to get anywhere
Couldn't you just have more trains and buses?
Americans driving everywhere sure is profitable if someone where to own a company which deals in the distribution of petroleum.
Why, if you owned such a business you will never run out of money.
I don't understand the issue.
You're upset about parking lots?
Whats with French people and degenerate pedo "art" films?
I remember reading a study where they said that like 51% of frogs think it is morally acceptable for someone to have an affair on their spouse.
trains don't make sense for commuting
>NYC to Jacksonville
How was your trip to Florida, Ludvig?
Wrong. You're wrong.
It's so we can get away from blacks.
>Americans have been so brainwashed by oil barons they don't even know how trains work!
Parking lots are great. I love knowing I will have somewhere to put my car. Maybe you americans take that for granted but in european cities it's a luxury.
God bless America and big ass parking lots.
>oil companies make most of their money from automobile fuel
>Mfw I have nowhere else to ply my trade as a liberal arts grad...
It's cool though, user, my city is admittedly, pretty small, with lots of rural culture. I think I got the best of both worlds. Just all the fucking wannabes and train hoppers really fuck up the scene.
Because if you dont live in a city you're driving or you're not going anywhere. I guess it's not easy for a Euro to understand seeing as your countries are as big as our states. Maybe we can talk when Europoors have land
The fatmen of the usa are the new man, they look at acotrs in (((Hollywood))) movies and dream being the protagonist.
They get cars to feel "real men"
They compare muh rifle with the sexual organ (which they can barely use)
north american untermenschen are the epitome of degeneracy
the sooner they all die, the better
Cool. Now explain why densely populated states like Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, which are smaller and more crowded than most Euro countries, still have car cultures.
Are you kidding, frenchbro? My favourite thing about America is their love for cars. I love living in a smallish city because I can still drive everywhere and not be fucked like the cucks in Madrid. Too bad Im a poorfag and could only afford an used, 13 years old Seat Ibiza, I wish I could buy a better car.
>there is something about the american culture that's too centered around cars
Yeah, it's because of distance. One of our states is about the size of your entire country. What do you expect everyone to do, walk everywhere?
It was okay, a bit too warm for my taste though. Thanks for asking.
burgers seem triggered by my dislike of parking lots.
Maybe the problem is deeper and goes with american city urbanism. I find it dull and extremely depressing.
I lived for a year in the US, and I remember driving through many towns that were nothing but..strip malls and fast food chains. It made me feel quite sad, trying to imagine what life must be in those towns.
But I don't own a car
I just ride a bike everywhere
Its not a problem because there are vast tracts of land. Most of the 'suburbs' surrounding major cities were nothing more than farmland back in 1940's. When the soldiers returned from war, that's when we started paving over everything.
Besides, it's not like Europe doesn't have its fair share of parking lots. If you make an allowance for the lack of old architecture, USA and Europe look identical.
>what are legs
I have no idea what the fuck you meant to say with that post
>Australian lecturing Americans when his entire country is a fucking half-assed ripoff of America
You shouldn't be posting here, definitely not on the side of the Euros.
you're getting trolled you fucking magpie
Not a joke, there is something about the french culture that's too centered around Muslims and niggers, and therefore there are mosques everywhere.
Anyone else find it depressing as fuck? Are the French conscious of this problem?
whats the difference between those towns you thought were depressing and towns in the French countryside?
The architecture. That's it.
>tfw not american
>complains about parking lots
>uses picture of people who couldn't get a space and had to park in a field
Are parking lots just fields in France?
I live in Paris and don't notice mosques, no idea where they are. I believe you never set a foot in France so its OK.
American parking lots in strip malls reflect the consumerist driven and soulless city architecture.
>I've cycled
>Not cruising in a cozy af truck/car with air conditioning and stereo.
I love the Louvres, it's beautiful.
>trains and buses
I don't like being trapped in small spaces with spics and niggers. 62%
I bet you had a dorky helmet and a spandex suit too didn't you? People like you are why whites are seen as beta.
I don't extreme athleticism is beta
>he doesn't have separate roads for bicyclists
>poorfag in a third world country has a newer vehicle than mine
We have trains and busses, thats how the poor get around.
>instinctively pressed shift for a proper noun despite using capslock
Call it what you want, if a nigger sees you like that his first thought is to make you a victim. Cycling is yuppie as fuck.
I'm a spic though.
I dont see a problem
If you dont have a "decent", well maintained and ideally slightly expensive car, you can forget being considered a respectable adult.
And you can forget ever picking up a gf or long term fwb.
Having no car/a shit box past college in America is an embarassment.
People don't like relaying on public transportation
why do eurofags drive such small and gay cars?
Yes, it is fucking depressing. Parking lots and strip malls and just literally miles and miles of shit and nothingness. Just massive piles of concrete for no goddamned purpose. It's just all so fucking pointless, tons of shit stores selling the same pointless garbage and people slaving away their lives to obtain the same pointless shit. It's depressing as hell.
We should, instead of laying thousands of miles of concrete, treat the world as a giant garden or park, and make our dwellings and places of business inconspicuous within. Everything we do or build just makes shit worse, why can't we instead make things better?
People mock you for it. Don't wear the outfit. Better yet fuck the bike and lift some weights.
I just wear plain clothes.
I don't give a fuck what other people think. I think you have a lot of issues if you take personal offense to people owning bicycles.
Bicycles are for children and queers. He's right and you're stupid.
Blacks are animals though.
Did you get raped by a bicycle or something? You sound just like tumblrcunts
Spain is not third-world.
Sure makes me sad lol
They really don't give a shit what you do. Just don't ride a bike through the hood and you will never have an issue with them
I suppose that's just bad terminology on my part. I know they were on our side in the cold war, but I just meant to call it a poor shithole, I guess.
I walked to the store the other day because I was afraid to drive on the roads: Oklahoma Ice Storm. While I was there, dude pulls up on a bicycle. The idea of riding a bike on the roads in that condition shriveled my balls. I almost wiped out twice, and I've been walking on ice every winter all my life.
He probably had knobbed tires
I took the time to look; no studs.
no wtf lol. I would rather drive everywhere than have to deal with sitting next to Burka Shitstani and her 9 Islamic Rebel children
Yeah most americans are pretty aware of this. Everything in america is spaced out and based around driving. Gives off an urban decay vibe because theres so much infrastructure to maintain its always falling apart.
>spic car
thanks for the answer. Urban decay is the word I was looking for.
Well shit. Dudes got some balls then.
This, I used to find it annoying but now I live in a walkable town and will never be forced to encounter niggers on public transpor
>Americans are too car centric
Dude, it take me like 20 minutes, at 50 mph just to get into the city.
Then why are you arguing with me you insecure bitch? It's not the bicycle its dressing like a rich beta for everybody to see. I hate to say it but most whites ARE beta and that's why 80% of crime committed against whites is by blacks. You'll think "lol who cares" but every single thing you do, from the way you walk to what you wear, presents an image to others.
a restored 57 chevy is not a spic car.
if it was dragging it's frame and had a mural, and dinggle berrys handing around the windshield, then it would be a spic car
>one tier away from detroit due to niggers
I'll take my consumerism thank you.
you live in LA?
Probably because we have plenty of space and land is cheap. My state is bigger than France and most European countries
Nah, I like walking past all the cars and seeing what people like to drive these days. Mostly it's boring shitboxes but every once in a while you'll see someone with a Hellcat or a Vette.
Government sanctions big hetero cars. Can't even drive some of them in some cities. This continent is full of cucks and I'm sick of it.
>one tier away from detroit
shows you know nothing of Paris. Enjoy your vacations in Cancun or in your cruiseship during your 2 weeks of vacations per week.
It's pretty funny how pickup truck are outlawed and everyone has to jam shit into vans and station wagons.
But I already told you I'm a spic.
Oh no, I'm still going to France. But I want to see countrysides rather than shit cities. Brittany and elsewhere for me. Same thing here as well. Fuck big cities.
It still makes you look beta. Just trust me man. Lay off the bike. Upper body is more important. Women don't like that shit either.
But I don't care about what other people think.