Sup Forums BTFO
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Sup Forums has too many fags and normies to handle, at the moment. Reddit takes the summer flak, now
rules one and two, newfriend
CIA only 70% sure.
What? Where?
a cgi image proves anything
>Reddit gets credit.
>All normies go to Reddit
I'm ok with this.
Does anyone know? Either family or friends?
Vader wasn't CGI you dumb pizzanigger
How does it feel like to be fired in 10 days?
I hope he's dead he's an idiot.
Would you say that this space will become more safe for your kooky ideology?
The ideology will always be safe. Normies either get redpilled or leave. I'd rather not deal with the cancer though.
what in the FUCK is he wearing?
>b&w striped shirt
>girly multicoloured scarf
>The ideology will always be safe.
We'll see after Trump fucks up bad and the working class rejects you. Based on his cabinet picks, he's going to make their economic situation worse than ever before.
the only store they have in the embassy is hot topic
what are you expecting
t. CRT drone
Fucking commie spy, hang him.
well, here people were only accepting his death so i'm not surprised
reddit = Sup Forums's ebaums
Also, fuck Clinton. The Democratic party is just another face of the enemy.
we'll see in the next years
>Jobs already moving from Mexico to Ohio and Michigan
>Somehow worse
>Dow going up 2,000 points since elected
>Somehow worse
Yeah, we will. Good news for you, though - we'll wish our economy was as good as Spain's by the time this clown is done with us. Like the rest of the capitalist class, Trump only cares about cashing in on the suckers and making his escape.
>Jobs already moving from Mexico to Ohio and Michigan
Tell me you don't actually believe that this story makes a single bit of difference. He "saved" only a fraction of those jobs for a couple of years at tremendous taxpayer expense. NO jobs moved from Mexico to the U.S. - FEWER jobs moved out of the U.S. temporarily at the cost of a bribe that other companies will now be demanding from the government.
>newfags will be confused by this
why has the working class never embraced your meme ideology then, pinko?
It hasn't taken hold yet in the U.S. because capitalism is still your religion, and Americans are religious to an irrational degree not typically seen outside the Middle East. Don't worry, though - the people's revolution is coming.
All at the end of Obama's turn as jobs have been on the rise. What a shocker.
>people think Trump is responsible for any of this
someone explain?
Fuck off creep
>At taxpayer expense
Explain your reasoning. It's not like these companies already pay taxes. Explain how you would get companies to stay without providing some incentive.
Ford clearly stated that it was because of Trump.
>Obama was responsible
Name the policy that was responsible.
>jobs on the rise
>literally 95% part time/contract bullshit exposed by harvard and princeton professors
shill keep shillin
>1 post by this faggot
Is there a transcript of his answers, yet?
>naming pol
>Explain your reasoning. It's not like these companies already pay taxes.
When companies pay less, the burden of maintaining necessary public infrastructure gets shifted to the taxpayers. I thought you people were always screaming about how "nothing is free". I assume tax cuts for businesses fall into that category, right?
Oh wait, you probably think that's just letting people keep their own money, lol. Fine - instead of "taxes" we'll call them "Ayn Rand-approved fees for the use of publicly-owned infrastructure".
I want to know if that vegan sandwich came with a slice of pie on the side.
Why is this the first Chink i have noticed on Sup Forums?
But again, they are leaving to avoid taxes.
Furthermore, you can cut taxes and still create more tax revenue. If cutting taxes creates more jobs, more people are employed. Thus more people pay taxes. Less people are on welfare or not contributing to society. For example, those 10,000 jobs that Ford cut means that some fraction of those 10,000 do not pay any tax because they don't get employed. I think that the "dude no taxes" thing is a meme but I do think that tax incentives for companies as well as a lower income tax clearly is beneficial. It creates more jobs and more taxpayers.
On the contrary, if you increase taxes on companies they leave for other countries with lower taxes. Then they exploit the US by exporting their product back into the country. because they have a large amount of consumers. The US has no significant tariff to punish this behavior. The result is that more people are unemployed and there are less taxpayers. So please explain to me how the latter approach benefits the US.
He dodged the PGP question and still refuses to encrypt anything with his private key. I'm convinced he's dead or in custody. He still can't just walk over to the window. He's done both of these things many times in the past, effortlessly, because they are effortless. And now he can't, because reasons.
He has the same gaze of Anita Sarkeesian.
And the same face pose.
Did they superimpose his face on Anita?
I wish I never learned she had hepatitis. I could have happily fapped to her for years. Now she can't stir me.
Sigh. Why did she give so many rimjobs to man-sluts?
>But again, they are leaving to avoid taxes.
They're leaving because global free markets allow them to chase wages to the bottom. Your lack of economic security isn't a bug in the system - it's a feature. The American middle class only existed because of the New Deal and, as expected, the economic elite have undone those reforms.
On the contrary, if you increase taxes on companies they leave for other countries with lower taxes.
If you lower the taxes, those other countries will outbid you on tax incentives. Just watch Trump fail at this and hopefully you'll be willing to admit the truth to yourself.
Came here to post this.
He looks like a metro French prisoner